Phone: 573-364-0491

Fax: 573-364-0491

Email: temerity@rollanet.

13925 Co. Rd. 5480

Rolla, MO 65401

Our Only Product is the Education and Empowerment of Human Potential

Temerity Woods Development Corporation is a Missouri Non-profit corporation. We want you to know that each year we work our hardest to provide you with a varied and wholesome Gathering.

By managing the Heart of America Gathering we enable several practical cost-cutting mechanisms to come into use. We are also able to seek co-sponsors for the Gatherings. The Llocation of Temerity Woods is owned and operated by Bruce and Sandy Palmberg. It is a forty-acre plot which includes ponds, gardens, buildings and the grounds for the Gather ing in addition to the Palmberg's home.

strive for a clean, tranquil int. All that

they ask of attendees is that "my loan their

cares at home and leave the grounds in a little

better condition than when you arrived.

Registration and fees

You may register now! Early registration assists us with the expense of planning and promoting the Gathering.


We have changed the manner in which we charge for meals, lodging or camping.

September 14, 15, 16, 17 no cost to attendees during these days of spiritual and physical preparation. However,

ALL attendees will be expected to bring food and contribute to the meals. Persons requesting sweats should provide

the meal following the sweat. Temerity will not be providing meals during these four days, everyone attending will need

to assist in preparation and cleanup.

September 18th to 22nd


INDIVIDUAL - $125.00

FAMILY Rate $225.00 (two, or more, immediate family members)

DAILY Rate $35.00 per person, maximum $70/family

SCHOLARSHIPS: Attendees who need assistance can only be assisted to the limit of funds donated for scholarship

purposes. Apply for scholarships no later than August 15th.

TRAVEL MONIES: The Gathering Committee has eliminated any financial assistance for travel! We regret the neces

sity for this decision. (HoweverSpecial donations may be made earmarked for specified individuals.)

As the sun rises over the Missouri hills and greenery you will participate in an event which your heart

and soul will not soon forgetThe Sixth Annual Heart of America Spiritual Gathering.

Commencing with the Sacred Pipe Ceremony at dawn on September 14th you are encouraged to attend four days of sweat lodge ceremonies, socialization and service work in preparation for the four days to follow, the days of The Gathering.

Healthier, prepared and purified, you will meet others who have traveled long distances, from many walks of life, from many tribes, races, and nations.

We invite you at this time to open your heart and soul and rejoice because our only purpose in these short days is to:





Come JOIN us!

Traveling alone, in groups, by family or with friends by car, truck, bus, train or airplane you are joining an increasing number of attendees at this important Gathering of Peoples.

Traditionally, Gatherings were times for peoples to inform others of events, a time for young adults to make new acquaintances; a time for games, contests, marriages, healings adoptions, dissolving disputes and, most importantly, a time for ceremony to honor THE CREATOR.

By attending this Gathering, you honor tradition and ceremony celebrating with the old AND the new ways. We learn how others act, worship, and live. What better way can you spend time?


Heart of America Spiritual Gathering

13925 CR 5480

Rolla, Mo. 65401

Special points of interest

  • Elders Speak
  • Talking Circles
  • Sacred Fire
  • Ceremony
  • Medicine Wheel
  • Sacred Lodges
  • Fellowship
  • Education

Why Gather?

Who Attends?

Our History.



What To Bring


The Gathering

There are twin processes at work at the gathering, complementary to each other, in harmony and balance.

One aspect of the Gather is the honoring of Native American ceremony and ways. It is an honoring of traditions and cultures along with learning and experiencing how important that honoring is to all of us.

The second is the Baha’i focus , elements that demonstrate unity, racial and social equality, and a new perspective on social justice.

These ways celebrate the building of a better world on the foundation of the lives, histories and contributions of the generations that have preceded us in time.

Elements of these two processes are woven together, interlaced and overlapping, while affording the attendees to experience all aspects of the Gather.

Schedules at the Gathering will be flexible, flowing and changeable as needed. Ample free time will be given for all to socialize, rest, eat and enjoy the spirit of the Gathering, a spirit of unity and togetherness.

Welcome! Welcome! Welcome!


Five years, five Gatherings, returning attendees, new attendees.a wedding, adoptions, healing ceremonies, dancing, drumming, sweat lodges, circles, the Sacred Fire, the Medicine Wheel and its yearly renewal, the building of the new Sweat Lodges, the ceremonial grounds, good food, good friendsold and new, opportunities to serve, learning experiences, talks by Elders, circles by invited guests, blanket dances, education in histories and traditions, good stories, native regalia, musical instruments, artists and performers, giveaways, "thankyou" ceremonies, opportunities to express feelings, children and youth serving, and more than ample expressions in prayers, devotions and appreciation of the Creator, experiences which bring tears, laughter, joy and unity!


Many individuals contribute to the sponsorship of the Gathering. Last year FIFTEEN Baha'i communities throughout the Central States assisted Temerity Woods Development Corporation (your Host) with prayer and financial assistance. In addition, several individuals gave small amounts in the form of scholarshipsor meal provision. This and other income from registration provided a means for some 60% of last years attendees to participate who would otherwise be unable to attend.

Financial audit of the Gathering is performed by the Local Spiritual Assembly of Phelps County, Missouri. Losses incurred were borne by Temerity Woods staff.

Planning of activities is accomplished by Committee and is based heavily on consultation with the attendees and prayerfully acting upon requests for changes and additions.

No one Gathering no matter how well planned can please everyone. Suggestions on how to improve the next Gathering are always welcome and appreciated. The Planning Committee will prayerfully consider each suggestion and implement them whenever possible.

Fees charge are reasonable for the services provided. Ample and wholesome food is prepared. We try to meet the needs of all. Call or write to let us know if you have special needs.

Activities & Programs

1)A Special Time To Prepare – 14th through 17th

Spiritual preparation, fellowship and service work are the keys to the first four day’s activities. We will erect a new Inipi Lodge, have daily sweats, share meals & food preparation and clean-up, and perform the remaining few tasks necessary to get ready for the Gathering. This is an opportunity for time to share and prepare with others of like mind and spirit.

2)Welcome to the Gathering 18th through 21st

Several presentations will be made in the Circles. We will hear from individuals who have traveled far and spent time in remote villages of South America, a presentation on Traditional Medicine, a special Four Directions Pipe Ceremony, Greetings from the Auxiliary Boards, presentations by youth, children and anyone with special things to share.

3)Sunday September 22nd “Thank You” Day!

This is the day in which all may feel free to share their feelings, give and receive small gifts, give thanks to the Creator and depart for home. This is the time where the sacred fire is allowed to die down and time for the Closing Ceremony. Many will set their tears free, laughter may ring, and memories will be stored for later use.

We expect the ceremonies to be complete by 2:00 PM.


Most accommodations will be CAMPING. Cottage space is usually reserved for Elders and those with special needs.

There are many spaces to pitch tentsor to park vehicles if you sleep in your car or truck. There are three spaces for RV's. (by reservation) 7 Baths/ showers on Temerity.

Some people will be able to be housed with the Palmberg's in their home. They confine this to people who arrive by plane, bus, or train where camping gear is not feasible.

You will need to bring personal items such as soap, towels, clothes (possibly cool/ wet). Insect repellent! Sun block! Food and snacks (if your need is greater than the meals provided, desserts are served but no snacks)


A Large ROCK for the Medicine Wheel!

Pipes, Musical instruments & drums]

DRESS – OUT Bring your regalia, sweat clothes. Be comfortable, neckties will be summarily removed! BRING FAMILY!

VOLUNTEERSThe Key to a successful Gathering

This Gathering will be successful only if all of us who attend are willing to work for a few hours during the nine days.

Volunteers will be needed to assist in meal cleanup, grounds pickup, firewood gathering, water carrier for sweats, and message carriers.

SACRED FIRE DUTY: Volunteers are needed 24 hours per day to tend THE SACRED FIRE. Once litit must be fed and protected. This is an ideal time for prayers and sharing. This duty is considered to be an HONOR and Privilege by Native peoples. It is evident that, if everyone volunteers, everyone can enjoy the Gathering without a few doing the work for the many. (there are NO paid personnel on staff!)

Volunteers are needed for prayers, chants, songs, dances, and drumming. Please do not hesitate to share your wisdom, devotion and talents with everyone!

Nurses? Attendees may need your assistance with first aide or medicines.

Special desserts? Please bake or prepare. Yum!

The Sixth Annual Heart of America Spiritual Gathering