Our municipal code gives the City Manager the power to send surplus items to auction without going to council.
Shauna Clark
City Manager
City of La HabraHeights
1245 North Hacienda Road
La Habra Heights, CA90631
(562) 694 6302
Liz Stoddard
Accounting Manager
City of Glendora
phone: (626)914-8238
Not that I’m aware of. But you should adopt policies that address when the staff has the authority to sell or lease real or personal property.
Below is a link to a change we recently made; and attached is our personal property disposal policy. (Note: We have supplemental policies that say when vehicle replacements are approved by the Council in the budget or by other action, then staff is authorized to surplus it (in fact, this is required to avoid fleet expansions); and a similar policy for computer replacements.
Bill Statler
Director of Finance & Information Technology
City of San Luis Obispo
990 Palm Street
San Luis Obispo, CA93401
Phone: 805.781.7125
Fax: 805.781.7401
Our Municipal code does not require the Purchasing Officer to advise the City Council when surplus property is sent to auction.
The Purchasing Officer has the discretion to use auction as a means to dispose of supplies and equipment that can be considered low value, junk or unsuitable for City use.
Wilfred Cochico
Purchasing Officer
City of Lakewood
Tel. 562-8669771 ext. 2640
Fax 562-4258588
I believe that you can have a policy that states; it is the Agency’s Policy to dispose of surplus property in any method that is in the Agency’s best interest. In that way you have satisfied the requirement to have to keep notifying.
Elizabeth Fox
Finance Director/City Treasurer
Fountain Valley
Not sure if there is Govt code provision. Our process
for surplus prop disposal is contained within purchasing procedures - part
of which are adopted by ord. I have authority to declare surplus anything $500
and under, CM has authority up to $5,000. Anything over $5K goes to Council.
Judy Smith
Palos Verdes Estates
There is a section of water code that speaks to disposal of property which is within the Districts power. As a result of that code we have an Ordinance that outlines our process which does include notifying the governing body.
Victoria (Vikki) L. Beatley, CCMT, CPFA, SDA
Financial Services Manager
District Treasurer/Auditor
Mesa Consolidated Water District
1965 Placentia Avenue
Costa Mesa, CA92627-3420
I researched this 4-5 years ago and found no requirement. Just build your process into your governing body-approved surplus policy. I believe you can set the threshold values also.
Richard H. Averett, Executive Director/CFO
Local and Regional Government Services Authorities
All I know is that you must have the board declare it surplus.
Jo Barrick
Administrative Services Director
City of Shafter