Gulf Coast Doxies+

Endorsed by the:

Our Motto: “Let’s Have a Ball…and a treat…and a squeaky toy…”

Our Purpose: To provide a safe, family friendly environment for the socialization of our Dachshund friends and Dachshund Wanna-Be’s. To meet and have a fun family time, as well as, bring positive attention to the Dachshund breed and the welfare of all dog breeds in general.

Endorsement: Gulf Coast Doxies+is proudly endorsed by the Gulf CoastHumane Society.

Eligibility: Gulf Coast Doxies+ is open to all dachshunds, as well as, all small and friendly non-dachshund breeds who wish to be “Doxie Wanna-Be’s “.

Membership: Anannual membership of$30 would be requested to join Gulf Coast Doxies+per individual or family. The club membership would include:

  • one (1)Gulf Coast Doxies+member T-shirt to proudly wear at events and around town
  • one (1) Bandannafor your dog
  • a Certificate of Membership suitable for framing
  • GCD+ VIP tent access at various events
  • discounts at various dog and non-dog establishments
  • quarterly e-mail news-letter
  • other promotionalitems that may become available to the Gulf Coast Doxies+

The annual period for club dues will begin on September 1 of the calendar year and end for all members on August 31 of the next calendar year. Dues paid in the calendar year 2016 prior to September 1, willbe honored throughAugust 31, 2017. Dues paid after October 1 of the calendar year will be prorated for the remainder of the dues period ending August 31 of the upcoming calendar year. An annual membership is good for as many dogs and family members you may have.

Additional dog bandanas and club T-shirts may also be purchased atan extra cost. Membership is open nationwide and available to all who would like to participate.

Club Sponsorship: Club sponsorships are availableto any business, individual, or organization that would bring a positive image to the club and to the care and concern of all dog breeds in general.

  • Gulf Coast Doxies+Standard level sponsorship would be recognized on advertising materials, social media, and other means that advertiseGulf Coast Doxies+. A Standard level sponsorship is for a minimum $100 donation and will be valid for a 2 year period starting on September 1 of the calendar year and ending on August 31 of the second calendar year. Standard level sponsorships made prior to September 1 of 2016 will be valid until August 31, 2018. Standard level sponsors will also receive a plaque stating their support ofGulf Coast Doxies+.
  • Gulf Coast Doxies+Miniature level sponsorships are available for any amount between $50 and $99 and are valid for 1 calendar year. Gulf Coast Doxies+ Miniature level sponsorships purchased prior to September 1 2016 are valid until August 31, 2017. Miniature level sponsors will also receive aframed Certificate of Appreciation, suitable for display.

Meetups and Events: Gulf Coast Doxies+has been offered to holdits meetings and any functions at the Gulf Coast Humane Society’s Facility, located just off SR 82 in Fort Myers Florida. Gulf Coast Doxies+ will also be able to rotate meetings and events to serve members within the entire SW Florida area as well. Gulf Coast Doxies+ will be participating in events conducted by the Gulf Coast Humane Society at the invitation of the Gulf Coast Humane Society’s Event Coordinator and/or Executive Director.

Club Liability:Gulf Coast Doxies+ will request members sign a liability release prior to membership acceptance. It is the primary goal ofGulf Coast Doxies+ to secure, as well as, ensure a fun family environment for the enjoyment of our Doxies, Doxie Wanna-be’s, and club members at events, meetups, and all other club functions. It shall be the responsibility of the owner to ensure that their dog(s) maintain a friendly demeanor towards their other four legged friends, as well as all individuals, at all times.

Gulf Coast Doxies + Mission Statement: It is the desire ofGulf Coast Doxies+ to provide a safe, fun, family atmosphere in order to socialize with our Doxie and Doxie Wanna-Be’s for many years to come. Your Gulf Coast Doxies+ organizing committee consists of an extremely talented and well respected team of individuals who have owned and directed award winning dog training facilities here in the Southwest Florida area. Thecommittee also consists of individuals who originated andbroughtto Southwest Florida theoverly popularwiener dog racing craze in 2010 (which now includes all of South Florida and Central Florida)with the founding and formation of the original Florida Wiener Dog Derby. It is these same committee members who are also responsible for the reorganization and reenergizing of one of Southwest Florida’s most popular dog events which is held in February as well. It is with this dedication to organization and attention to detail, along with the backing and endorsement of the Gulf Coast Humane Society that Gulf Coast Doxies+ will bring you, your family, and your dog(s) an enjoyable and truly fun experience. Come join and grow with us.

Tex Sez: “Let’s Have a Ball…and a treat…and a squeaky toy…”

Lilly Sez: “+Me Too!!!!”
