Welcome to our
Maverick Class HomeworkPile
for the Week of May 22, 2017– Week 36– Qt.4/Wk.9
Welcome all Mavericks!
Parents and Students – Questions? Please email me at

If this is Sunday evening and you are not viewing the latest school week, please “refresh” your screen.

Our latest Mailgram can be viewed on this website under the Mailgram area.
Please view any current project’s criteria under Special Projects.

Please remember that this website is only a plan for the week. We may find new, interesting and exciting opportunities as the week goes along
and that may change our plans.

Monday –Awards Ceremony, Walk of honor and Classroom Reception

Tuesday –Early Release Day at 12:00

Wednesday –Ch26 SS Test, Early Release day at 12:00

Thursday – School’s Out for Summer!
Friday –

Upcoming Super Important Dates:
See below for more dates under Some Dates to Remember.
Abbreviations: CW=class work, HW=homework, HO=handout, RD=rough draft, ROS=Rest of the Story, p=page(s), Ch5=Chapter 5, L3=Lesson 3, NSS=New Social Studies, OMB=Old Math Book, SW=Super Writers, WS=Write Source, GHGR= Good Habits Great Readers, Specials: P=PE, M=Music, A=Art, S=STEM, C=Computer Lab

MondaySpecials –P
Math CW –Awards Ceremony 8:00/HW –
Social StudiesCW –Walk of Honor / HW – Ch26 SS test Wednesday
Science/Health CW –/HW –

Counseling 9:30-10Yes / No

ReadingCW –Reception in Room/HW –

SpellingCW –/HW –
English/Lang ArtsCW –5th Grade Picnic/HW –

TuesdaySpecials –Special Performance
Math CW –Special Event/HW –
Social StudiesCW –Ch26, L2 and 3, p601-610 /HW –Ch26 Test Wednesday
Science/Health CW –/HW –
ReadingCW –Special Event/HW –
SpellingCW –EARLY RELEASE AT 12:00/HW –
English/Lang ArtsCW –/HW –

WednesdaySpecials –Special Performance

Math CW –5th Grade Graduation test/HW –

Social StudiesCW –Ch26 Test /HW –
Science/Health CW –/HW –
ReadingCW –Special Event/HW –

Spelling CW –EARLY RELEASE AT 12:00/HW –
English/Lang ArtsCW – /HW –

ThursdaySpecials –

Social Studies

English/Lang Arts
FridaySpecials –

Social Studies


English/Lang Arts

Some Dates to Remember
May22-Awards Ceremony, Walk of Honor, Reception in Classroom for Class and Parents – open to public/ May22-5th Grade Picnic – closed to public/ May23-Early Release Day at 12:00/ May24-Early Release Day at 12:00/ May24-End of 9 Weeks/ May24-Last Day of School

1617 Words of Week 36May22

“3xD” means (1) you write the word 3 times on a line. (2) On the next line you write you write the definition and then on the next line use the word properly used in a sentence with correct punctuation and the word underlined. Definitions are NOT to be copied and pasted from the Internet. Definitions are to be researched and are to be in YOUR words. The sentence must be such that I can see you know the definition and how to use the word correctly. A poorly done 3xD will result in 10 points being deducted from your spelling test. A 3xD that is not done will result in 20 points being deducted from your spelling test and they are expected the following day.

If “B&D” are beside a proper noun, it refers to “birth and death dates.” Write the name 3 times and the birth and death dates. No sentence is required.

If “St, L & L” are beside location (say a battlefield), it means write the word 3 times and then the STate and the Latitude (format: N 35º- 15’- 14”) and Longitude (format: W 18°- 43’- 18”) of the location. If there is no state (L&L), just give the latitude and longitude. No sentence is required.

None … due to a short week because of our Summer Break!