Provisional Program
10thSymposium of theAFDECE
(French AssociationofComparative Educ ation)
Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
2, 3 and4 November 2011
Conference location:PontificalCatholicUniversityMadreandMaestra-RSTA
Address:AbrahamLincolnEsq.RómuloBetancourtApartado2748,SantoDomingo,Dominican Republic.
Organized byAFDECand thePontificiaCatholic UniversityMadreandMaestra-RSTA,
In collaboration withthe University of theWest Indies andGuyana andCNAM, with the support of theMinistryof Higher Educationand Research(DRIC)
ObjectivesThe conferenceaims todevelopinter-Caribbean partnerships (in terms ofmobility,tourism developmentandinterculturalawareness) and to promotescientific, academics andprofessionalsexchanges between the different actorsinvolved in the project.
This isto reflecton the evolution of the approaches relative toprofessional
development inuncertainty,to work ontraining opportunitiesthroughoutlife,to reflect on thecontribution ofe-learningin a professional perspective,for the service of a society of knowledge.
Organizerof the conferencein Santo Domingo:
MariaCantisano, a professor atthe PontificalCatholic Universityof MadreandMaestra-RSTA
Provisional program of the 10th conference of the AFDECEWednesday, November 2, 2011
3 P.M: Experimental tourism Practices (a visit to a training center)
6 P.M: Welcoming the participants.Welcome toast.
Thursday, November 3, 2011
9 am: Welcome speech
Speech by Madam Vice-Rector of the University Pontificia Catholic University Madre and Maestra-RSTA
Speech by the President of the AFDEC
Presentation of the symposium by Maria Cantisano, Professor at the University Pontificia Catholic University Madre and Maestra-RSTA
10:00 -11:00: Conference: Perspectives on Professional and Institutional Development, Val D.Rust, UCLA, United States
11:00-11:30: Conference: Informal Learning in the workplace: Bézille Hélène, Université Paris-Est Créteil, France
11:30 to 12:30: Panel: Professionalization and Training, led by Jeannette Chaljub (Pontificia Catholic University of Madre and Maestra-RSTA, Dominican Republic) and Maria Cantisano
Participants: Patricia Remoussenard, University of Lille 3, France, Philippe Maubant, University of Sherbrooke, Canada, Jean Clénet, University of Lille 1, France
2:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.:Workshop 1: Education throughout life and professionalism
Directed by Marcel Pariat
-The professionalization of alternation in the schools of nursing in France, Pascal Roquet, Montpellier3 University, France
- Between-traditional culture and access to globalization, Véronique Desloriez Gerard Police, University of West Indies and French Guiana, France
-The training in gender equity: a need for professionalism in the fields of education, Christine Fontanini, Celine Avenel, University Montpellier3, France
-The professionalization of prevention and fight against illiteracy: a case study in the Caribbean region, Jean-Manuel Rapon, University of West Indies and French Guiana, France
Workshop 2: Professionalization and crisis organizations
Directed by Mary J.Myers
-The collective-cooperative researchers, an approach in professionalizing the role of teacher training, Olivier Francomme, University of Rouen, France
-Intercultural and professionalization: A Comparison of records of the Ministry of Education of Ontario on these topics for FL1 and FL2, Mary J.Myers, Queen's University, Kingston, Canada
-The challenge of transformative learning in the training process: an intercultural perspective (France-India-Japan), Malini Sumputh, University Paris 8, France
-Is the professionalization of foreign language teachers through the representation of European trade possible? Maryna Shpargalyuk, University of St. Etienne, France and National University of Lugansk, Ukraine
Workshop 3: vocational training in e-learning
Directed by Maria Cantisano- Mobilization of intercultural skills in a virtual communicative environment :
A new look at language-culture training, Amina Meziane, University of Batna, Algeria and Samira Boubakour, University of Batna, Algeria
-Study of the collaborative work of teachers in virtual communities, Otilia Carolina Gonçalves Costa e Sousa, Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa, Portugal
-The Virtual Anti-Violence Campus at Second Life (SL @ AVC), Catherine Blaya, University of Bourgogne, France, Thomas Jäger, University of Landau, Andy Hickson, Actionwork, United Kingdom.
-Digital informal practices of teachers: a lever for professional development, Séraphin Alava, University of Toulouse 2, France
5:30 P.M: General Assembly AFDECE
8 P.M.: Festival evening
Friday, November 4, 2011
9h-10h30: Round table moderated by Annette Tejada, International Relations Vicerrectora y Cooperación (PUCMM, Dominican Republic): E-learning and professional development: Catherine Blaya (IREDU, France), Séraphin Alava (University of Toulouse, France) andMaubant Philippe (Université de Sherbrooke, Canada).
Discussion: E-learning and professionalism in Caribbean context?
11h-12h30: Learning and touristic development, Jean Bernabé (UAG) and Maria Cantisano (UMMR)
Workshop 4: Informal learning and validation of prior experience
Moderated by Helen Bézille- A professionalism -throughout life: the case of adult educators, Souad Zaouani-Dnoux, University of Montpellier, CRF-CNAM, Paris, France
- Validation of Acquired Experience (VAE): between formalization of informal learning environments and self-censorship, Pascal Lafont, Université Paris Est Créteil, France
- Learning from the experience of international mobility: building skills through the experience of immersion, Brigitte Lepez, Université Lille-Nord de France, France
- The limits of validation of experience to the job of adult trainer, Philippe Boniface, University of West Indies and French Guiana, France
Workshop 5: Education and professionalization in a Caribbeancontext
Moderated by Gabriel Langouët-The initial training of teachers of first degree: a cooperative project of Martinique / Cuba, Marie-Felida Fafard, University of West Indies and French Guiana, France
- Why "Driven!” and its methodological approach can meet the needs of young Dominicans and their teachers?, Alain Browsed, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain
- From the training in double diploma to the emergence of collective research practices in Haiti, and Pascal Lafont Pariat Marcel, Université Paris Est Créteil, France
- What conceptual basis to establish an educational cooperation in the Haitian context?, François Lefebvre, Université Lille 3, France
Workshop 6: Intercultural and professionalism in the fields of education
Moderated by Dominique Groux
What are the resources of life-stories that influence the professionalization of teachers around the intercultural skills? Eugene Gourpil, University of West Indies and French Guiana, France
-Heterogeneity and cultural diversity: training teachers to the complexity, Emmanuelle Master of Pembroke, University of Paris Est Créteil, France
-From the informal education of the child to a program of teacher training: the example of Guyana multicultural, Rodica Ailincai, University of West Indies and French Guiana, France
-The opening of the cultural backgrounds of "bridgebloggeurs" an informal learning experience in an intercultural context, Laura Vidal, University of Paris Est Créteil, France
6 P.M.: Closing Conference: Symposium Summary
Rodica Ailincai (University of West Indies and French Guiana, France), Marijana Benesh-Weiner (UCLA, USA, AFDEC), Maria Cantisano (Pontificia Catholic University Madre and Maestra-RSTA, Dominican Republic, AFDEC), Martine Coadou (Caribbean and Guyana University, France), Carolina Goncalves (Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa, Portugal, AFDEC), Dominique Groux (University of West Indies and Guyana, France, AFDEC), Philippe Hunel (University of West Indies andGuyane, France), Bernard Jabin (AFDEC), Françoise Journe (AFDEC), Elvira Lora (Pontificia Catholic University Madre and Maestra-RSTA, Dominican Republic), Yanire Medina (Pontificia Catholic University Madre and Maestra-RST, Dominican Republic), ElisabethRegnault (University of Strasbourg, France, AFDEC), Victor Rosario (Pontificia Catholic University Madre and Maestra-RSTA, Dominican Republic), Fernand Sainte-Rose (University of West Indies and French Guiana, France), Fabrice Silpa (University of West Indies andGuyana, France), Huiping Wen (University of West Indies and Guyana, France, AFDEC).
SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEEJean-Marie Barbier (CRF-CNAM, France), Guy Berger (University of Paris VIII, France), Hélène Bézille (Université Paris 12, France), Lahcen Benchama (CPR Inezgane-Agadir, Morocco), Jean Bernabé (University of West Indiesand Guyana, France), Leyda Brea (Pontificia Catholic University Madre and Maestra-RSTA, Dominican Republic), Jacqueline Breugnot (Koblenz-Laudau University, Germany), Alain Browsed (Autonomous University of Madrid, Spain), Philippe Carré (Universityof Paris-Ouest Nanterre La Défense, France), Julio Miguel Castanos (Pontificia Catholic University Madre and Maestra-RSTA, Dominican Republic), Chabchoub Ahmed (University of Tunis, Tunisia), Jeannette Chaljub (Pontificia Catholic University of Madre and Maestra-RSTA, RepublicRepublic), Bernadette Charlier (University of Fribourg, Switzerland), Jean Clénet (University of Lille 1, France), Michel Dispagne (University of West Indies and French Guiana, France), Richard Stephen (University of Montpellier, France), Ferran Ferrer(Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain), Hervé de Fontenay (McGill University, Montreal, Quebec), Enrica Galazzi (Catholic University of Milan, Italy), Camilo Garcia (Universidad Veracruzana, Xalapa, Mexico), Dominique Groux (University of West Indiesand Guyana, France), Marie-Anne Hugon (Université Paris-Ouest Nanterre La Défense, France), Gabriel Langouët (University of Paris V, France), Danielle Laporte (University of West Indies and French Guiana, France), JackyLumarque (Quisqueya University, Haiti), David Matheson (University of Nottingham, UK), Philippe Maubant (University of Sherbrooke, Canada), Corinne MenC-Caster (University of West Indies and French Guiana, France), Claudine Muhlstein-Joliette, Université Paris 3-Sorbonne Nouvelle, France), Marie J.Myers (Queen's University, Kingston, Canada), Antonio Novoa (University of Lisbon, Portugal), Marcel Pariat (Université Paris 12, France), Louis Porcher (University of Paris III - Sorbonne Nouvelle, France), Patricia Remoussenard, University of Lille3, France), Val D.Rust (UCLA, USA), Guillermo Vanderlinde (Pontificia Catholic University of Madre and Maestra-RSTA, Dominican Republic), Richard Wittorski, University of Rouen, France), Jonas Zilinskas (University of Siauliai, Lithuania).