Pastoral Council Meeting Minutes

Our Lady, Queen of the Universe Catholic Church

Huntsville, Alabama

Meeting Date/Time, Location

-January4, 20186:00 pm in the Joy Hall Conference Room

Members Present

-Father Davis Koottala, Rita Cusack, Sybil Shearburn, Charlene Stone, Christine Zymowski-LaVenture, Rob Ruiz, Tony Gentry, Eric Hansen, John Wolf

Members Absent

-Juliana Njoku

Alternates Present

-Bill Andre, Carla Holder

Alternates Absent:


Opening Prayer - Carla Holder

-Called to order at approximately 6:00 pm.

Reflection on Mission and Purpose - Sybil Shearburn

-Our Pastoral Council mission is to promote spiritual growth and evangelism by fostering a parish community of prayer, service and pastoral action. Our purpose is to assist Father Davis in accomplishing the mission of the parish.

OLQU Mission Statement - Eric Hansen

-We the parish family of Our LadyQueen of the Universe Catholic Church, through spiritual growth and service to others, seek to follow Mary's example of doing God's will by being a loving open community centering on the Word, the sacraments and the presence of Christ in our lives.

Minutes - Charlene Stone

-John Wolf motioned to accept the minutes as submitted. Christine Zymowski-LaVenture seconded the motion and all Pastoral Council members present approved.

Ministry Summary Report

-No ministry summary report submitted for December.

-Eva Andrzejewski reported to the Pastoral Council Vice Chair that she did not receive a report from any of the ministries.


-One family joined during the month of December (see attached).

Guest Presentations


Review Of Calendar Events

•Epiphany Party Saturday, January 6 at 6:30 pm

•Agape Joy Sunday, January 7 hosted by the Pastoral Council

-The Pastoral Council will serve donuts, coffee and juice.

•Daily 7:00 am Mass

-The 7:00 am Mass will be dedicated for each parish family.

-The schedule will be in the bulletin every week. A two month schedule will be posted on the bulletin board.

•New Member Dinner Friday, January 26 at 6:00 pm

•Ash Wednesday, February 14

-There will be three Masses on Ash Wednesday. Mass will be at 7:00 am, 12:00 noon and 7:00 pm.

New Business

•New Member dinner Friday, January 26

-Reviewed the new member dinner invitation presented by Pastoral Council Vice Chair. An invitation will be mailed to each new member for 2017. The invitation will request an RSVP to Mary Herrera, the Church Secretary, by January 19.

-When the new member calls to RSVP, Mary Herrera, the Church Secretary, will ask how many will be attending.

-A reminder call will be made one week prior to those new members that have not called to RSVP.

-There were thirty new families for 2017.

-Rita, Eric, Robin, Christine, and Jerry will prepare the dinner.

-John, Bill and Charlene will setup the tables.

•Charismatic Healing & Deliverance Service Ash Wednesday, February 14 from 2:00 pm - 7:00 pm

-Father Davis discussed the Charismatic Healing & Deliverance Service to be lead by Father Dominic Valanmanal.

-The service is open to Catholics and non-Catholics.

-Flyers have been sent to all parishes.

-Anyone needing flyers may acquire them from Mary Herrera.

•Recruitment of New Pastoral Council Members

-A table will be setup in the gathering area beginning January 14. A Pastoral Council representative will be at the table after each Mass to recruit new members to the Pastoral Council. An announcement will be made at each Mass concerning the recruitment of new Pastoral Council members on Sunday, January 14.

-Rita Cusack will work the table in the gathering area after the 5:00 pm Mass on January 14, January 21 and January 28.

-Rob Ruiz and Christine Zymowski-LaVenture will work the table in the gathering area after the 9:00 am Mass on January 14.

-John Wolf and Carla Holder will work the table in the gathering area after the 9:00 am Mass on January 21.

-Christine Zymowski-LaVenture will work the table in the gathering area after the 9:00 am Mass on January 28.

-Carla Holder will work the table in the gathering area after the 11:30 am Mass on January 14.

-Bill Andre will work the table in the gathering area after the 11:30 am Mass on January 21 and January 28.

-Rita Cusack will make the announcement at the 5:00 pm Mass on Saturday. Sybil Shearburn will make the announcement at the 9:00 am Mass and Bill Andre will make the announcement at the 11:30 am Mass.

-Five members will be leaving the Pastoral Council - Eric Hansen, Rita Cusack, Rob Ruiz, John Wolf, and Juliana Njoku.

Old Business

•Agape Joy Welcome Breakfast

-Father Davis announced at the end of Mass the need for new volunteers to host Agape Joy.

-One ministry has signed up to host Agape Joy.

•Christmas Baskets (Saint Vincent de Paul) Saturday, December 16

-Fifty-six baskets were assembled and delivered.

•Parish Picnic

-The 2018 Parish Picnic will be held on Sunday, September 30 starting at 1:00 pm.

•Kitchen Team

-Eric and Robin Hansen, Rob and Karen Ruiz, Rita Cusack, and Joanna Acker will be responsible for the kitchen.

-Father Davis’s permission is required to use the kitchen.

•Ministries Brochure

-Carla Holder will design a brochure and have a first draft for Father Davis’s review in one week.

Next Meeting

-February 1, 2018 at 6:00 pm in the Joy Hall Conference Room

Closing Prayer - Carla Holder


-Adjourned at approximately 7:15 pm

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Charlene Stone