[Learning in Action Technologies]

Coaching Agreement



Agreement Purpose:

The purpose of this agreement is to set forth the commitments and benefits of the coach and clientsin theclients’personal and professional development through coaching.

Coaching is the process the coach uses to facilitate the movement of the client from their current state to their desired state in their personal and/or professional life. As your coach, I will use questions, observations, conceptual frameworks, assessments and direct communication to support you in deepening your learning and forward your progress toward your goals. Clients pursue coaching for a myriad of reasons: to grow and develop as a leader, to learn more about how to successfully grow their businesses, to better understand themselves.

This agreement sets forth how the coach and the client engage together to fulfill these multiple purposes.

Services and Timing:

This agreement between coach ______and the above named clients will begin on ______and will be based on the following. Your coaching package includes:

  • ____ number of ____ minute coaching sessions per monthvia phone or Skype as mutually agreed:
  • 360 Feedback
  • EQ Profile assessment
  • Strength Finder Assessment
  • Calls of up to 15 minutes as needed
  • Unlimited email correspondence

The fee for this coaching is______and will be collected/paid ______.

The client and coach agree to provide one another with 30-day notice in the event it is desired to cancel further services.

Understandings: Coach

  • As coach, I will hold what you tell me in confidence and abide by the International Coach Federation (ICF).
  • I will be on time, present and free from distractions for our coaching sessions.
  • I will coach you only in those areas in which I am qualified.
  • I will be kind, honest and direct.
  • I will be prepared for each coaching session.
  • I will validate, focus on and believe in your strengths and the best in you.
  • I will accept you fully and meet you where you are.
  • I will support you in considering new perspectives.
  • I will co-create new possibilities with you.
  • I will support your learning and forward your progress.
  • I will consistently focus on your highest agenda for yourself.
  • I will support you in reaching your stated goals by exploring new ways to view situations, individuals, and possibilities and in developing new approaches, plans, strategies and actions.
  • I will make meaningful connectionsto support the development of your business and/or you as a leader.
  • I will provide you access to tools, assessments and resources to help you achieve your goals.
  • I will provide you with structure, accountability and feedback, which can significantly improve focus, productivity, and performance.
  • I will focus on your strengths and what you do well to support you in consciously and intentionally leading from there.

Understandings: Client

  • As the client, I understand that coaching is designed to facilitate the achievement of my personal, professional or business goals and to develop and carry out a strategy for me to achieve those goals and that coaching is not therapy nor is the coach qualified to give legal, medical, spiritual or financial advice.
  • I promise that if I am currently in therapy or otherwise under the care of a mental health professional, that I have consulted with this person regarding the advisability of working with a coach.
  • I understand and agree that I am fully responsible for my well-being, including my choices and decisions.
  • I understand that coaching includes increasing professional effectiveness and results.
  • I acknowledge that deciding how to handle issues and implement my choices is exclusively my responsibility.
  • I will “play full out” with the coach, holding nothing back. I will work with the coach as if they know everything they need to know to help me.
  • I will maintain high expectations for both myself and the coach.
  • I will make sure my coach knows everything he/she needs to know so he/she can coach me and I give my coach permission to be direct and bold with me.
  • I will provide the coach with feedback on what’s working and what’s not working in the coaching.
  • I will allow the opportunity for the coach to make changes.
  • I will be prepared for each coaching session with an agenda of what I want coaching on.
  • I will take my own notes on action items and be responsible for my own take-aways.
  • I will be on time, present and free of distraction for my coaching sessions.
  • I understand that there may be months my schedule may not allow for coaching sessions and that membership fees will still be due.
  • I will provide 48 hours’ notice of any schedule changes. If I do not provide sufficient notice and/or I cancel a session within 24 hours,I will not be guaranteed a new time, and coachingtime may go unused that month and I will pay for the time forfeited.
  • I will respond promptly to emails from coach’s assistant.
  • I understand that my non-response will mean calendar holds will be removed and, coaching time will not carry over to subsequent months.
  • I agree that my coach may include my name, contact information and the dates of our coaching engagement only for ICF professional certification purposes.

Client Date

