Berkswell Pre-School

Reading Rooms, Meriden Road, Berkswell CV7 7BE

Pre-School Mobile: 07565 813699

Ofsted Number: 250022 Registered Charity Number: 1090721

Autumn 2 Term Newsletter

Dear Parents and carers,

Welcome back to Pre-School we hope that you have all enjoyed the half term.These newsletters will be produced at the beginning of each half term and of course there will be updates as and where necessary. Please check your emails and spam folders regularly as all correspondence will be shared by email.

We have some great activities planned for this coming term, taking us through to Christmas. We will continue to read and think about the story of We’re Going on a Bear Hunt and of course preparing for our Christmas play… more details to follow.

We will be setting up our owntinkering table (more about this later in the letter as we need your help), exploring den building and everything associated with being outdoors. As Christmas approaches, we will be thinking about the journey Santa takes as he arrives in time for Christmas Eve and using a world map to plot his travels to each country, learning to say Happy Christmas in many languages! We are developing our musical instruments area too, providing the children with the opportunity to tap out rhythms and play along to music, whilst using books to find out about different instruments.

In our outdoor space, we will be exploring natural resources and allowing the children time to use these in any way they choose. A quick reminder that as we will use the outdoor space every day, your child has plenty of named spare clothes, waterproof or old coat and wellies please. It is vital that we use the space as much as possible and this often means getting very wet and a little bit muddy!

Areas of Learning that we are continuing to concentrate on this term are as follows:-

PSEDPersonal, Social & Emotional Development

  • Making relationships.
  • Children can begin to use a familiar adult as a secure base from which to explore independently.
  • Children can begin to play in a group, extending their play ideas, particularly in the role play area.

PDPhysical Development

  • Health & Self-care.
  • Children are starting to show good control with drinking from a cup and developing more independence with dressing/undressing routines.
  • Children can begin to recognise the effects of activity on their bodies.

CALCommunication & Language

  • Speaking.
  • Children can use different types of everyday words and are beginning to ask simple questions
  • Use talk to connect ideas, explain what is happening and anticipate what might happen next.

We are also developing a specific area of learning, which will have a different focus each week; this half term we will be concentrating on:

LLiteracyEADExpressive, Arts & Design

  • Reading* Media & materials.
  • Writing

MMathsUTWUnderstanding the World

  • Numbers.
  • Shape, space & measures* Technology.

As a guide, below are a selection of activities and themes which will be available for your child:-

  • Thinking about our uniqueness and where others live.
  • Experiencing other cultures.
  • Having a go at making marks or writing their name with a variety of writing equipment.
  • Practice with clothing, coats, wellies, dressing up - using zips & buttons.
  • Looking at books, listening to stories, using puppets to ‘act out’ the story. Using story sacks and props.
  • Circle time - counting the children and talking about the session activities; celebrating birthdays. An opportunity for children to take turns and to listen to others.
  • Recognising size and weight.
  • Exploring ‘messy potions’ and natural resources in the outdoor kitchen.

Extending your Child's Learning at Home!!!

  • Talk about fire work and fire safety.
  • My body - help your child with fastenings for example putting on and taking off shoes and coats.
  • My feelings - explain about different emotions and why we feel that way.

This will contribute to your child's understanding about safety and encourage their independence. We have invested in a specific ‘toolkit’ which we will be sharing with you over the coming months which enables you to help your child with ‘talk’.

Outdoors with your child, encourage them to look at the changing weather and talk about why it is getting colder. You might talk about the fireworks and the story of Guy Fawkes too.

Parent Share…

As we continue to use the 2Build a profile software to share our observations of your child with you, please ensure that you have confirmed via the email link from 2 simple that you wish to receive these. If you do not click the link sent, you will not be able to receive the ‘parent share’ reports we send out each half term. Also, please comment on the observations we send to you as these form an important part of your child’s learning journey and it is vital that we have your comments. Any information you provide helps us to plan effectively for your child. You can do this by simply replying to the email which then records your comments on the secure web management for 2 simple. (Please note, we are still having some technical issues with the reporting to parents, so although we endeavour to share one observation each half term, please be patient with us if you have not yet received last terms’, this will be sent as soon as possible). The system allows us to make many observations during the term and eventually ALL of these will be shared with you, but to give you an idea of what to expect and the progress your child is making, we share these single observations each half term. We also use written observations and individual planning for each child so that we can ensure they are making progress and engaging in activities that interest them. If you have any questions about this, please ask me.

Tinkering Table…

This half term we will be developing a Tinkering Table which gives your child the opportunity to ‘tinker’ with different mechanisms such as old radio’s and clocks. We have already gathered some resources but if you have anything you think we could use, please bring it in. Examples include the above but also any other objects can investigate.

Play to Learn Library…

Our families from last year will be aware that we run a Play to Learn Library at Pre-School; however we have not launched it this year yet, as from next Tuesday (8th) it will be available in the main entrance. Some of our new parents may not know how it works so please see the additional information sent. Please choose a book bag with your child form the blue box in the entrance hall, marking in the borrowing book list which book bag you have taken and the date and borrow for up to a week at a time. All parents will also receive a Play To Learn Library Agreement which requires your signature and returning to us.

Parent Consultations….

On Tuesday 22nd and Thursday 24th of November, we will be offering new parents the opportunity for a 10 minute consultation with your child’s key person. This is a short meeting which will enable us to tell you about your child’s progress and to let you know how they have settled in so is offered only to new children initially. If your child has received a 2 year progress check since our return in September or has continued with us from last year, you will be offered the usual consultation in the Summer term. There will be a sign-up sheet in the hall from next week and you will also have received an email from me, if you are invited to meet with your child’s key person. The appointments have to ensure we have the right number of staff in setting so are scheduled at 10 minute intervals at drop off and before collection (9-10 am and 12-1pm). If these are not convenient, please let me know.

Christmas Performance…

On Friday the 9th of December we will be opening our doors to parents, grandparents, friends and family for the Pre-School Christmas performance. More details will follow shortly but there will be a short performance during the late morning and then an opportunity to stay for teas, coffee, cake and a raffle. In the weeks leading up to Christmas we are planning a few events to raise much needed funds and have some great fun too. We will send some reminders but here are the events:

Friday 4th November- Bonfire Night Celebration- Bring £1 and enjoy hot dogs and milkshake during the pre-school session;

Tuesday 15th November- Non Uniform Day- Bring a box of chocolates or a bottle of wine for our Xmas Tombola;

Thursday 1st December- Christmas Jumper Day- Wear a xmas jumper and donate a teddy for our adopt a bear fundraiser.

Infections and illnesses…

There is often confusion about when your child should stay at home in the case of illness or infection. Public Health England have recently published new guidance about periods of absence required which may help if you are unsure about whether or not your child should be in Pre-School. We are attaching this information to the email in which this letter in sent to you. We also attach our pre-school illness policy for clarification. If you have any questions, please ask us.


If your child is eligible for Early Education Funding (in the term following their 3rd Birthday) you will have been sent some additional information by separate email. This details how the funding works.

And finally.....dates for your diary.

Tuesday1st November / Pre-School opens
Friday 4th November / Bonfire Night Celebration ‘hot dogs & Milkshake’
Tuesday 15th November / Non Uniform Day
Tuesday 22nd & Thursday 24th November / Parent Consultations
Thursday 1st December / Xmas Jumper Day
Friday9th December / Pre-School Performance
Thursday 15th December / Christmas Party & Last day of Pre-School

If you have any concerns or questions, please feel free to contact us at any time.

Rachel, Kristy, Emma & Nicola

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