Our Lady of the Rosary Year 5 Curriculum Newsletter
Spring Term 2017
Welcome to our termly newsletter designed to give you an outline of the topics we are covering this term and suggest ways in which you can help your child at home.
· Mrs Gheorgheasa is the full-time teaching assistant in Year 5.
· If you have any concerns regarding your child’s well-being please do not hesitate to make an appointment to see Miss Stevens. The start of the day is a busy time preparing for lessons so we ask that appointments be made for a convenient time after school.
· All children are encouraged to bring water bottles to school with them each day.
· Please ensure all clothing, including all items of PE kit, are clearly labelled, otherwise it can be very difficult to get lost items back to their owners.
· Items of jewellery should not be worn for school and all those with pierced ears must remove stud earrings for their PE lessons. Long hair should always be tied back and fastened with plain, neutral hair accessories.
Religious Education: We are following the Come and See scheme of work. The topics for this term are: the Local Church, the Eucharist and Lent/Easter. The pupils will also continue to deepen their understanding of the Trinity and the Rosary. Our lessons are a combination of discussion, written work, reflection and prayer. The children will also take part in whole school, junior and achievement assemblies every week. In addition, they will have the opportunity to attend Mass regularly, visit the church and prepare and organise class worship. Details of the Mass calendar will be published in the newsletter. Parents are invited to attend Mass.
Literacy: This term we will be covering a range of genres including creative story writing, poetry, mystery and report writing. We will also have daily guided reading sessions where we will work to develop fluency in reading as well as comprehension skills. It is important that you hear your child read on a regular basis – at least 3 times per week – and do ask them questions about what they have read to check understanding. The record should be signed by an adult once a week and children should write a comment every time they read. Children are given an opportunity to visit the school library during lunch times where there is a wide range of books which they can borrow and take home. The children will be given spellings every Thursday which will be tested the following Monday. In year 5, pupils are expected to write with a blue ink handwriting pen. you please ensure that your child has one of these pens in school each day. A whiteboard pen is also necessary in most lessons.
Maths: Maths homework will either be written, a game or an activity on Mymaths. If your child is having difficulty with a particular homework, Mymaths includes online lessons which can help further clarify topics covered in school. Times tables are very important and games can be played to reinforce these. It is important that children realise that lots of facts are commutative (9x4 = 4x9) and to connect with the associated division facts (4 x 9 = 36 so 36 ÷ 4 = 9 and 36 ÷ 9 = 4). During Year 5, children will apply their knowledge and skills to a wider range of challenges. They will continue to develop mental methods of calculation and refine their written methods of calculation for all four operations. The areas of learning will include number properties, data handling and shape, space and measures. Children will use and apply their understanding through problem solving sessions in which they develop different ways of approaching tasks.
Science: This term children will be learning about forces. The children will also have the opportunity to learn about key scientists and develop their scientific process skills.
History: We will study the Victorian period in history this term and find out about different aspects of life at that time. The children will learn how to use internet sources to find information, as well as researching library books and other artefacts. Children will participate in a museum trip and a Victorian-themed workshop during this term.
Art and Design:
The children will be taught to develop their art and design techniques, including their control and their use of materials, with creativity, experimentation and an increasing awareness of different kinds of art, craft and design. Children will use sketch books to record their observations and to review and revisit ideas. Art and Design will also be explored in a cross-curricular manner with links being made to Religious Education and our History studies. Children will also have the opportunity to take part in a food project during this term.
Children will continue to have regular sessions each week in the ICT suite. This term they will be learning about computer coding and how to use computers as a means of research. Access to classroom computers for internet research as well as other tasks is also available for the children.
P.E: This term the children will begin swimming lessons on Monday afternoons for a total of 11 sessions, commencing on 9th January. Thursday’s P.E lessons will be led by Sportsfocus where the children will continue to learn a variety of invasion game techniques as well as throwing and catching skills.
Music: The children will continue to have a weekly music session. This term they will explore jazz music with a focus on composing and improvising.
French: This term the children will learn how to describe their families and will be focusing on ‘numeracy through French’. Also, they will learn about adding opinions and justifications to their speech and developing spontaneous language.
PSHE: The children will concentrate on topics from the SEAL (social and emotional aspects of learning) programme. Children are encouraged to discuss their feelings in a safe and secure environment where all opinions are listened to and valued.
Homework: Homework will be set on Thursdays, to be handed in the following Tuesday. Spellings will also be set on Thursdays, to be tested the following Monday.
Attendance: Every child is expected to achieve a 95% attendance rate over the school year. The majority of children will achieve this and better. However, when attendance rates fall below 90%, this is a serious cause for concern and could adversely affect a child’s progress. Permission will no longer be given for family holidays in term time. Should a child be absent from school due to illness, the school must be informed on the morning of the child’s absence and a written note provided on their return to school. Year 5’s attendance levels for the first term of this year were 98.31%.
Punctuality: It is important for children to arrive on time for school. Please note that a child will be marked late if they are not present on the playground when the bell goes. There will be consequences for repeated lateness.
SMSC (Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural): As part of the children’s cultural education, all classes will be involved in an enrichment week from 23rd-27th January. The children will learn about different countries and their religions through a study of art, music, language, food and religion.
Science Week: Science week will take place the week beginning 13th March. If any parent work in the science industry and feels able to discuss their job with the class or provide information or resources, do please contact me.