Verran Terrace,
PO Box 202
BERRI 5343
Telephone (08) 8582 1128
Facsimile (08) 8582 3501
It is wonderful to have the opportunity to share reflections and highlights of the past year with you.
There were a number of memorable occasions and rather than comment on all of these I have put together a folder with the school magazine, news articles, certificates, copies of last years newsletters and the graduation CD created in 2014.
I’d like to begin by acknowledging the supportive school community that we are in partnership with. 2014 has been an outstanding year and we have achieved a number of actions around our school strategic plan, which has been outstanding.
Our Lady of the River School has a growing positive reputation internally and externally and it always makes the staff and I proud to hear consistent positive feedback from visitors as well as past and present community members.
Walt Disney once said ‘you can dream, create, design and build the most wonderful idea in the world, but it requires people to make the dream reality.
This quote certainly holds true in my experience as a Principal. The reality is that the learning experiences and projects that have taken place this year could not have happened without a great deal of commitment and support from the staff, students, their families and members of the community who support the school.
As always, the learning of our students was a key focus in 2014 and we continued to hold high expectations for all students. We know children learn best within an environment that is safe and nurturing; where it is all right to make mistakes and be given the guidance to learn from them. Our Lady of the River School provides an environment in which all children are encouraged to challenge themselves to achieve their potential by setting high but achievable goals and steadily develop their skills and talents. We believe that all children are unique individuals who bring different talents, skills, knowledge and interests to the learning process.
One of the most critical factors of any successful and faith filled school is the staff. The fresh team at Our Lady of the River School continues to work collaboratively together to best meet the needs of our students. I am grateful for the time and energy they put into their positions. They give so much more than what is expected to the school and your children. In 2014, we farewelled five of our staff, Mary Geddie, Cindy Ridley, Hannah Foody, Anthony Segui and Trigona Pickering. On behalf of the School Board, I thank them for their dedication to Our Lady of the River School.
The School Board, Fundraising Committee and Canteen Conveners have been instrumental in terms of fundraising with initiatives such as school lunches, OLOR Cabaret and the Fiesta. This has provided a huge amount of funding which has been used for subsidising school camps and excursions, contributing towards the cost of ICT equipment, new furniture and yard improvements. Thank you to all those who have worked incredibly hard on these committees or supported the school in any way.
To Fr Steve Ardill, and all the members of the School Board, thank you for your continued support, leadership, guidance, wisdom, patience and most importantly your donated time. I especially want to acknowledge all the efforts of our leaving School Board members, Fr. Steve Ardill, Shane Roberts, Julie Lehmann, Bec Stokes and Simran Bath. A sincere thank you for your valued efforts and time to assist with the running of Our Lady of the River School.
At Our Lady of the River School we continually strive for improvement through the use of our newly developed 3 Year Strategic Plan. This will ensure that there will be a happy environment at Our Lady of the River School where students and teachers are engaged in learning and where parents are partners in the journey.
I look forward to working with Fr Paul Bourke, the parents, staff and students of Our Lady of the River School to continue providing the very best we can for our children in 2015.
Please find attached a detailed summary of School Performance Information. In accordance with the Schools Assistance Act 2004, schools are required to report to their community on an annual basis. This Our Lady of the River School Report contains information on a variety of performance categories that I trust you will find interesting and useful.
Thank you
Ros Oates
Our Lady of the River School
School Performance Report 2014
School Context Statement
Our Lady of the River School is a Catholic, Reception to Year 7 rural school for over 100 students. Administered through the Catholic Education Office, Port Pirie, the school follows the charter of its founding religious order, Sisters of St Joseph, endeavouring to be a parish, a school and a place where friends meet and enjoy their learning. At Our Lady of the River School we are very proud of our achievements and the impact that Catholic education has had in the Riverland region. We understand that education is a process and that young children need opportunity to grow, change and adapt. They need caring mentors and a community that supports. Students are asked to become responsible citizens who are given opportunities to make a difference to our community and our world. At Our Lady of the River School we will strive for students to develop positive, meaningful and engaged lives. We encourage the growth of responsible behaviour choices, and students to develop a sense of belonging in our community based upon the school values of Respect, Quality, Care, Community and Self-Esteem.
Our Lady of the River School Berri
Our Lady of the River School in Berri is committed to helping all students achieve their personal best by offering high quality, faith-centred education programs, with an array of resources, including modern technology and facilities for sport, music and the arts. The school is committed to 21st century pedagogy, the use of integrated ICTs and sharing our resources with the local and surrounding communities. 'Community' is a strong value within the culture of Our Lady of the River School. The buildings take advantage of several environmental initiatives, incorporating plenty of natural light and ventilation and using solar panels and rainwater tanks. The learning areas are equipped with interactive whiteboards, HD televisions, large coloured pin-board display areas and wireless access for laptop computers.
The school works in partnership with a School Board and parents to ensure that every student in our care is given the best possible opportunities to achieve in the future. There is a strong emphasis on Religious Education and while embracing the Catholic tradition the school is respectful of the beliefs and needs of all students. We have a strong commitment to the use of the Australian Curriculum, classroom differentiation and effective learning spaces.
Our Lady of the River has small to medium class sizes and offers extra help to children who need support with their daily program. In all year levels, particular focus is placed on morning literacy and numeracy blocks, separated by fruit and fitness times. We provide children in the early and primary years with reading assistance through programs such as Reading Eggs, adapted Reading Recovery and Levelled Literacy Intervention. The school is a host for Occupational and Speech Therapist professionals to work with students and teachers through the Allied Health Project. All students' progress is monitored carefully and teachers program according to each student's individual needs and learning style. The school offers private music tuition in guitar and piano and there are opportunities for participation in drama and other expressive arts. Classroom music includes a school choir and tuition for recorder and the guitar.
2014 School Performance Figures and Tables
Student Background 2014 (Australian Government August Census online)
Student background data 2014
Total enrolments / 96Girls / 35
Boys / 61
Full-time equivalent enrolments / 96
Indigenous students / 3%
Language background other than English / 8%
Student attendance rate (one child non attendance) / 85%
2014 Enrolment Information
SES ……………………………. 91.00
School Card …………………... 21.0
Student Information:
Catholic Male Students: 25%
Catholic Female Students: 13%
Non-Catholic Male Students: 36%
Non-Catholic Female Students: 26%
Percentage Catholic: 38%
2013 Enrolments / Rec / Yr 1 / Yr 2 / Yr 3 / Yr 4 / Yr 5 / Yr 6 / Yr 7Boys / 8 / 8 / 2 / 8 / 14 / 7 / 9 / 5
Girls / 5 / 4 / 6 / 3 / 3 / 6 / 3 / 5
Total / 13 / 12 / 8 / 11 / 17 / 13 / 12 / 10
Indigenous Enrolments: % = 3%
Students with Disabilities (Funded): = 1%
FTE (Full Time Enrolments): = 100%
Teacher Qualifications
Staff Information:
Teaching Male Catholic 2
Teaching Female Catholic 7 + (3 teachers on leave without pay)
Teaching Male Non- Catholic
Teaching Female Non-Catholic 1
The total overall expenditure on staff training in 2014 was $2,500.00.
NAPLAN Results
Appendix B (Yr 3, Yr 5, Yr 7): NAPLAN Data Sheets
Our students and teachers are to be congratulated on the results of the 2014 NAPLAN tests. The following results were achieved, whereby students were at or above the national minimum standards:
Year 3 LAN Results: In 2014, 10 students in Year 3 participated in the program.
Number of Year 3 students who achieved national benchmark standard:
Reading: 100% Writing: 100% Spelling: 100% Grammar & Punctuation: 100% Numeracy: 100%
Refer: Appendix A - 2014 NAPLAN School Summary Report
Year 5 LAN Results: In 2014, 13 students in Year 5 participated in the program. Due to illness one child missed the Writing, Spelling, Grammar Punctuation Test.
Of the Year 5 students who participated they achieved national benchmark standard:
Reading: 100% Writing: 92% Spelling: 92% Grammar & Punctuation: 100% Numeracy: 100%
Refer: Appendix A - 2014 NAPLAN School Summary Report
Year 7 LAN Results: In 2014, 10 students in Year 7 participated in the program. 1 student did not participate in Grammar and Punctuation due to illness.
Number of Year 7 students who achieved national benchmark standard:
Reading: 100% Writing: 100% Spelling: 100% Grammar & Punctuation: 90% Numeracy: 100%
Refer: Appendix A - 2014 NAPLAN School Summary Report
Parent, Teacher and Student Satisfaction Survey
Information gathered from the 2014 Term Surveys sent out to parents at the end of Terms 1, 2 and 3.
Semester 1 Survey: 32 surveys were returned with 95% of parents being ‘Satisfied’ to ‘Very Satisfied’ with the range of activities provided, especially the school opening Mass and Parent Information Night and School Camps. 5% indicated dissatisfaction and in the feedback, commented the change of assemblies and Mass times again this year and the quality of the new uniform material.
Semester 2 Survey: 15 surveys were returned with 87% of parents being ‘Satisfied’ to ‘Very Satisfied’ with the range of activities provided and in the feedback the students said they really enjoyed our School Sports Day, however more consideration around timing again. It was a long day for the students.
Appendix Documents
- Student Background 2014 (Australian Government August Census online)
- General Recurrent Grants Distribution Summary 2014
- OLOR NAPLAN Overview and Results 2014
- School Fees 2014
Reflections on the Year
I am very pleased to report a most successful year. There has been much learning and growth as well as the spirit around the school has been strong. There are positive relationships and good partnerships which have continued to sustain all our endeavours. We have been guided by our Strategic Plan and have been working on the five dimensions of Faith, Learning, Special Need, Excellence and Good Management. They are regularly reported on and serve as a guide for the next section of this report:
Experiences Inspired by Faith
We sought to establish community and charitable works programs and to celebrate and rejoice in our Catholicity through established traditions and community events. Highlights included:
· Formal Opening School Mass, staff commissioning and the Confirmation with the Bishop
· Trip to Israel for the APRIM (Assistant Principal, Religious Identity and Mission)
· Staff faith formation program: Prayer Retreat – Spirituality through different art mediums
· Attendance at the South Australian Catholic Education Conference by the APRIM and Principal
· Teaching a quality religious education program based on the diocesan ‘Crossways’ framework
· Fundraising and social awareness programs including Caritas, Australian Mission, St Vincent DePaul - Mini Vinnie’s, Special School Physical Education Program and School Buddy System
· Fortnightly class Mass program
· Strong implementation of the Sacramental program across the school
Strengthening Partnerships
We sought to strengthen our partnerships by developing relationships with families and fostering links with the four Riverland Catholic Primary Schools. Highlights included:
· Improvement of the Beginning School Open Day and welcome for new families by offering an informative ‘Education Expo’ night
· Student Leadership Team ‘Meet and Greet’ social evening and meal for all families at the end of Term 1
· School Captains and Sports Captains attend a leadership excursion
· Kids Matter program re-introduced
· Participation in local schools sports programs and SAPSASA carnivals and events
· Riverland Choir participation
· Catholic Education Week and Chrism Mass participation with four Riverland Catholic Primary Schools
Supporting Families in Need
We determined to respond to the families in need by facilitating access for families who are disadvantaged.
· Implementation of discount to families who assist in school improvements through manual labour and regular volunteering
· Undertake a review of School Card discount
· Implementation of two school scholarships; Financial Need and Indigenous
· Provisions for after school care when required