Our Lady of Lourdes Newsletter – FridayMay 12th 2017

SAT’s Year 6

Well done to all the children in Year 6 with the great effort they put in completing SAT’s this week. The children applied themselves well to the SAT’s and we all pray that they will reap the rewards of their work.

PTA SUMMER BALL JUNE 10th 2017 (from last week)

I cannot believe how quickly this event has come around again. Could I please encourage all new parents or those who have not attended a ball before to book tickets. It is a great night and each year gets better. Thank you to the PTA Committee that tirelessly plans this and other fund raising events across the year.

Redbridge Cycling Courses over Half Term

St John Bosco (SVP) Summer Camp

SVP St John Bosco Camp 2017


The St John Bosco Camp provides an opportunity for children to have an exciting activity packed holiday in the Essex countryside.

Boys camp runs for 2 weeks from 22 July to 5th August

Girls camp runs for 1 week from 5th August to 12th August

Boys camp age range from 8 to 13 years

Girls camp age range from 9 to 12 years old.

Closing date for applications 30th June 2017 for boys camp

31st July 2017 for girls camp

Children are accepted for one week only £145 per week

Please let the school office know if you are interested in booking.

The proposed Parking restrictions Chestnut Drive

The school has written in response to the open consultation on this issue. We are still awaiting the outcome of this proposal.

Packed Lunch Reminder

Can I just remind everyone that we are a nut free school as we have a number of children who suffer serious reactions to any products containing nuts. Just recently, a packed lunch came in that contained nuts. Thank you for your co-operation in helping us keep all our children safe

Celebrating and recognising London Life

Aspart of some ofour history topics and in order to celebrateLondon History Day, we are encouraging the children to dress up as a famous(or not so famous) personthat has contributed to the unique character of London life. This will take place on Friday 26th May. The children will be expected totake part in normal school activities andwill need to be suitably dressed for playtime. Please could I ask that ‘football kits’ are not worn for this event. I acknowledge that there are many famous London footballers – Bobby Moore for one, but this is not a dressing up day in the sense of the usual fundraisers that the school undertakes.

Activities in school next week

Reception children are having a Pirate day on Wednesday – so beware of fierce pirates about the school. Year 6 are planning to have a fun time at Rope Runners. The whole school will be enjoying a musical treat from ‘Rock Steady’. Many thanks to the teachers for organising these inspiring events.

Scooters and bikes

Can I just remind everyone that once inside the school gates all children and adults need to walk with their bike or scooter through the school premises. This is for everybody’s safety. There are still one or two adults that seem unaware of the hazard they are causing to other parents and pupils.

Have a great weekend

Edward Cottle