Our Lady of Lourdes Newsletter – Friday 9th September 2016

Welcome back to all our staff and children. I hope everyone is well rested after the Summer break and ready for the new term and academic year ahead.

We welcome our new staff for the academic year; Ms. Lindblom in Year 1, Mrs Thompson in Year 4, Mrs Albert teaching assistant (Nursery) and Mrs Atal who is our teaching assistant in Year 2. We also welcome our newly appointed School Business Manager Mrs Gray.

I could see from the excitement at the school gate on Monday that the children are anxious to restart their studies and of course reunite with their friends again.

Well done Mrs Fisher

Last year the school applied for the Science Teaching Quality Award led by Mrs Fisher. The great news is that in record time Mrs Fisher achieved for the school not only the award but an award for Science at Silver Quality Mark!. The children and staff are very proud of her.

French Residential Year 6

A meeting for parents has been arranged for Wednesday 28th September at 7pm to give parents the final details on the Year 6 trip to France. On that evening all passports and EHIC cards will be collected and safely stored until we travel. Please check that all the required documentation is in date and readily available for this date. We will also clarify any special medical needs that evening for children going on the residential.

Irish Dancing

This club resumes on the 23rd of September. New members welcome. If you are interested please speak to the club leader on Friday 23rd September.

Key dates for this year 2016-2017

As usual the calendar of key dates are already appearing on the school calendar, which parents can access via the School App and school website. I will add a copy in the next newsletter so that everyone has a full view copy. The dates for Christmas Plays and the School Sport’s Days are already marked so I hope this helps parents planning time off from work to attend these events.

School APP

As we have a number of new parents could I remind everyone how to access the School App. If you have an IOS phone go to the APP Store and search for an app called SCHUDIO. Download and install the app. Open the APP and select from the menu Our Lady of Lourdes Primary. That’s it and you can access more or less all the items from our school website and get the latest school news. For Android phones the process is exactly the same except that you go to GOOGLE PLAY to download the APP.

After School Clubs

All these clubs start next week and I am exceptionally pleased to note that provision is now established for Year 1 and 2.

Monday After School Multi-Sports Club (Years 1 & 2) 3.15 to 4.30pm
Tuesday After School Football Club (Years 1 – 3) 3.15 to 4.30pm
Wednesday After School Football Club (boys Years 4 - 6) 3.15 to 4.30pm
Wednesday After School Football Club (girls Years 3 – 6) 3.15 to 4.30pm
Thursday After-School Gymnastics Club​ (Years 3-6) 3.15 to 4.30pm

Topic Letters Autumn Terms 2016

All class topic letters are now on the school website.

School Orchestra

Given the large number of children who play instruments and take music tuition I am pleased to announce that over this year we are hoping to have a school orchestra established led by Mrs Teague and Mr Eaton as our conductors. This venture will be fully funded by the school and for those children involved free of any charges. Details via a separate letter will follow.

CHAT (Parents Meetings)

Please can parents note that these meetings are being held the 8th and 10th of November. More specific details of times and individual appoints will follow nearer to the time. We hold these meetings in November because the object of the exercise is to give parents a clear and accurate view of attainment and progress. Some schools do this earlier in the term. However, it is our belief, as teachers that our choice of timing allows more accurate and in-depth data to be gathered and as our SAT’s results year on year shows is obviously beneficial to the children.

School Uniform

Thank you to all parents for making sure that the children started the new school term in full school uniform. This is a good solid start to the year. I will notify of the change to winter uniform in due course.


Please can I remind all parents about dropping off children and generally parking on Chestnut Avenue. A number of local residents have complained to the school about this issue since we started back at school in September.

Have a great week-end

Edward Cottle