Our Lady of Lourdes Church – Dunfermline
(A parish of the Archdiocese of St. Andrews & Edinburgh, a Charity registered in Scotland, Charity No. SC008540.) Father Alex Davie. Tel: 722202.
Sunday Masses
11.30am (Mooney Family) & 5 pm (Kath Walsh)
Weekday Masses/Services
Monday9.30 am – Eucharistic Service
Tuesday9.30 am – Eucharistic Service Wednesday 7 pm –Mass (Sandy Gilmour)
Thursday9.30 am – Eucharistic Service
Friday9.30 am –Mass (Derek Dorris) Followed by Divine Mercy
Sunday14 April11.30 am (Maureen Van Der Graaf)& 5pm (Ian McCance RIP)
Tea and Coffee:Teas, coffees and soup will be served in the hall after 11.30 am Mass.All are warmly invited for a cuppa and a chat and the opportunity to make new friends.
Hall Bookings:Please contact Mrs. MaryIrvineon 823986 or e-mail: .
It costs £10 per hour to hire the hall.
Sunday Collection: The collection for last Sunday was £1,318.20.Thank you for your generosity.
Gift Aid Envelopes: The Gift Aid envelopes can be collected from the Porch. If you would like to register for Gift Aid please complete the sheet located on the table in the Porch or speak to Mary.
Holy Week and Easter Services: Thanks to all who helped to make this a very special week. Beginning with the Day of Reflection that was attended by folk from various parishes throughout the Diocese and ending with Easter Sunday when it was standing room only.
Children's Liturgy Easter Party: This will take place on 13 April 2013 from 2 – 4 pm in Our Lady of Lourdes Church Hall.Ticket price: £2 per child or £5 for family of 3 or more.
Mothers Prayers: The next session of Mothers’ Prayers takes place on Thursday 11 April at 7:45 pm in the hall.
Sponsored Walk: Hamish walks for Gillie Court, thanks to those who have sponsored this event. Your donations will be collected in the sacristy after Mass today. Thank you.
Youth for Lourdes Pilgrimage 2013: A meeting has been arranged for Sunday 14 April in St. Cuthbert’s Hall, Slateford Rd, Edinburgh from 6 – 7 pm. All are welcome to this meeting. It is not too late to sign up for this year’s pilgrimage. Details are on the youth page of the Edinburgh Lourdes Website ( together with the forms needed to sign up. Please contact Kris on 07747867003 or e-mail .
Youth Prodigal Project: The next meeting will take place on Sunday 14 April 7 – 8.30pm in the church hall.
Lourdes Committee Bingo Tea: The Lourdes Committee are holding Bingo Tea Night in the Church Hall on Thursday 25 April at 7.30 pm and would appreciate your help. Do you have any unwanted gifts that you could donate to this worthy cause? Please come along and have some fun. Tea, coffee, biscuits and cakes will be provided on the night.
Lourdes Committee Summer Dance: This will take place on Friday 21 June from 8 – 11.30 pm in the Church Hall. Tickets cost £6, including a buffet supper, and are available from any Committee Member. We are unable to provide a bar so please bring your own bottle (BYOB).
Annual Archdiocesan Lourdes Pilgrimage: This will take place from 5 – 12 July 2013. Further details are available from or the Poster in the Church Porch.
Surplus Furniture: If you have any surplus furniture that you would like to donate to those less fortunate please contact David Hunter on, 0138341208807779005657 or e-mail: , who will arrange uplift.
Diary Dates:Parish camp at Beecraigs from 24 – 26 May 2013. More details to follow.
Spring Clean: We are planning to hold a series of indoor Car Boot Sales in aid of the Church Fabric Fund. Details of dates etc. to follow.
TOILETS: Parishioners are asked to use the hall toilets.
DAY OF REST: On the 7th day the Lord rested. Fr. Alex’s day of rest is on a Tuesday. It would be appreciated if Parishioners would avoid this day for phone calls etc. In an emergency contact Fr. Chris on 625611 or Fr. Peter on 412084.
ITEMS FOR THE NEWSLETTER: If anyone has any items for the newsletter can you please e-mail Mary Irvine at: r telephone: 01383 823986. The deadline for entries is 10 am on Fridays.