Sacrament of Confirmation 2018
Our Lady of Fatima Church
Hopewell, Pa. 15001
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Dear Parent,
The Diocese of Pittsburgh has not yet notified our parish of our Confirmation date.
However, in order to be prepared, please go online to click ministries, click
religious education, and then select Confirmation from the list on the right. Complete the application in full and submit NO LATER THAN November 1, 2018.
Please read the following carefully.
Instructions for Confirmation Candidates:a)Candidates must have actively participated in religious instruction for at least two years.
b)Candidates whose families are NOT members of Our Lady of Fatima must obtain a letter of permission from their pastors and turn them in with their applications to their religion teacher, the religious education office, or the school NO LATER THAN November 1, 2018.
c)Candidates must participate in a service project.
2)Instructions for Confirmation Sponsors:
a)Sponsors must be at least sixteen years old and have already received the Sacraments of Baptism, Holy Eucharist, and Confirmation.
b)Sponsors must be PRACTICING Catholics who:
i)participate regularly in Sunday and Holy Day Masses.
ii)if married, are married according to the laws of the Catholic Church.
iii)are receiving the sacraments of Penance and Eucharist regularly.
iv)lead lives in harmony with the Catholic Faith, not labour under a canonical penalty…(as being in an invalid marriage or living together outside of marriage).
c)Sponsors may be male or female, may be your Baptismal sponsor (Godparent,) but NOT a parent or step-parent.
d)If the sponsor is not a member of Our Lady of Fatima, he or she must obtain a ‘letter of eligibility’ from the pastor of the parish to which he or she belongs, and turn it in with their candidates’ applications to the religion teacher, the religious education office, or the school NO LATER THAN November 1, 2018.
Any exceptions to the above will be approved by pastoral decision only.
3)DATESi) Winter Retreat will take place on Saturday, January 13, 2018 9 am until 4 pm.
ii) The date of Confirmation is selected by the Bishop’s office of the Diocese of Pittsburgh. We are usually advised by Christmas.
Sacrament of Confirmation 2018
Our Lady of Fatima Church
Hopewell, Pa. 15001
Page 2 of 3
(TO BE RETURNED BY November 1, 2018)
ALL fields are required. Please do NOT return an incomplete form.
Candidate’s FULL Name
*Confirmation Name*
[The Confirmation name must be a Christian name, preferably a Saint’s name. It is perfectly appropriate for a candidate to reaffirm his or her Baptismal name. If you are using your Baptismal name, please print it in the space for Confirmation Name.]
*Parish Affiliation*
[Candidates whose families are NOT members of Our Lady of Fatima must obtain a letter of permission from their pastors and turn them in with their applications to their religion teacher, the religious education office, or the school NO LATER THAN November 1, 2018.
Age, as of 1/1/18
Church of Baptism
Date of Baptism
Current School and Phone
Home Address
Home Telephone
Cell or Emergency Phone
Father’s Full Name
Mother’s Full Name
[include maidenname]
Sacrament of Confirmation 2018
Our Lady of Fatima Church
Hopewell, Pa. 15001
Page 3 of 3
Please verify that the sponsor meets the requirements for eligibility (see page 1) before inviting him or her to serve in this most important role in your child’s faith journey. Noexceptions can be made to the rules for eligibility.
SPONSOR’S FULL NAMEIS SPONSOR A MEMBER OF Our Lady of Fatima Parish? / yesno
If no, please write the name of the sponsor’s current home parish.
Please note: If the sponsor is not a member of our parish, he or she MUST obtain a ‘Letter of Eligibility’ from the pastor of the parish to which the sponsor belongs. Letters of Eligibility must be received by November 1, 2018.
Candidate’s Service Project
Candidates are asked to complete approximately 15 hours of service before the Sacrament.
- _____ Certain services are automatically approved (examples: Active membership in the Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts, Altar servers.)
- _____I have completed another service project.
(Please briefly describe your project in the space below.)