AHG Leader Meeting, Thursday, September 4, 2014, 7:15 p.m. to 9 p.m.

Attending: Lindsay Bitgood, Jill Bitgood, Kim Luckabaugh, Laura Hugo, Antonella Minock, Sia Kuzeva, Sara Skees, Soraya Acosta, Cherie Kronimus, Gina Kramer, Chris Neuburger, Anna Neuburger, Carolyn McCloskey, Jane White, Paige Legenhausen, Michelle Boice, Sarah Hamaker

Copies: Agenda, Budget, Calendar, Reimbursement Form, Troop Roster for 2014-2015


1.  Devotional (Michelle)

2.  Troop Board Reports

a.  Coordinator Report (Sarah)

  1. Goals
  2. Troop Track: who needs access? Laura, Gina, Paige, Sia, Antonella, and Soraya

b.  Flag Ceremony (Chris Neuberger) Lindsay is the new coordinator

c.  Budgets for unit levels & reimbursement forms (Maral/Sarah): new reimbursement forms handed out and posted online

d.  Calendar overview

3.  Leader Reports

a.  Position holes (Sarah): PF and Badge manager

b.  Pathfinders (2 leaders needed—asked Angie Bohli): Lorraine and Bonnie will sub for September

c.  Tenderhearts: Working on Our Flag, did 3 badge outings over the summer

d.  Explorers: all going well

e.  Pi/Pas: Girl Council will launch this month, first meeting Sept. 22 with elections Sept. 15; Anna/Becca will come up with flyer and dates for council meetings to give to TH and EX

f.  Registration (Allison/Sarah)

  1. Re-registration is online this year through AHG Connect. Families were sent emails asking them to re-register. So far, 47 families have done so.
  2. New families will register online with AHG
  3. Families not returning to AHG:
  4. Steeles (too many other things going on)
  5. Earwood (transferring to another troop, better time)
  6. Knights (transferring to another troop; Mondays no longer good)
  7. Keys (transferring to a closer troop)
  8. Klein (daughter no longer interested)
  9. Hamrick (Mondays no longer good)
  10. Mitchell (transferring to a closer troop)
  11. Barone (daughter no longer interested)

g.  Badge

  1. Need a badge manager!

h.  Service

i.  Advancement

j.  Fundraisers (Sarah)

  1. We plan on having only two fundraisers this year: Wreaths Across America in the fall and Krispy Kreme in the spring. This means, we need to encourage the entire troop to participate in WAA to do better than last year. Michelle will be contacting Mrs. Nasworthy to lead this; Paige suggested perhaps having a table outside the Vienna Metro to sell sponsorships

k.  Social events

  1. Mother-Daughter Tea: Lindsay/Soline planning this, theme Mad Hatter Tea Party, with food donations for food pantry (Western Christian Fairfax, http://www.wfcmva.org/?) to coincide with AHG’s National Day of Service

l.  Camping (Paige): Great summer camp experience, but next year, more adults need to attend from our troop; we’ll be returning to Camp Crossroads for summer camp in 2015

m.  Health and Safety (Lorraine will still be doing this): will ask Lorraine for allergy list for all leaders

n.  Training (Laura Hugo): handed out Pender child protection forms; will be updating leader records. Only AHG KEYS youth protection training will be accepted from now on—no more Boy Scout YPT

4.  Area-wide information (Kim)

a.  Sept. 6 area-wide training at Pender

b.  Camporee at Highroads Oct. 17-19: tent camping, need good turnout from our troop!

c.  Mid-May 2015 Pi/Pa area wide canoe trip

5.  September events (Sarah)

a.  Initial troop meeting, Sept. 8. Who’s doing announcements? Anna. Michelle provided ring pops as birthday treats

  1. Visitor greeters: Anna agreed to have Pi/Pa greeters at the sliding glass doors
  2. New girl/visitor packets ready.

6.  Next meeting, Wednesday, Oct. 15