Our Mission

Our goal at IABC Preschool/PDO is to show God's love to your children while educating them to their fullest potential; sharing with them our relationship with God and His Word, in hopes they will grow closer to Him.

Our Philosophy

Our program is a ministry of Indiana Avenue Baptist Church. The purpose of our program is to provide a safe, happy, nurturing, Christian environment where children can grow spiritually, socially, emotionally and cognitively. We believe that children learn best through play and activities that are appropriate for each child’s age and development.

Program Goals

*inspire an awareness of God’s Love / *develop a love and respect for others
*promote a positive self-image / *encourage curiosity and creativity
*develop a sense of responsibility / *provide a safe, clean,Christian environment
*introduce healthy habits / * assist children in reaching their full potential


IABC accepts enrollment applications for the current school year, year round depending on availability. Children 6 months – 5 years, ages as of September 1st may participate in our program.

Registration for the following school year for currently enrolled and church members, begins the first week of February. Registration for the public opens the second week of February. All forms (listed below) must be completed and on file before the first day of school.

*Completed Enrollment Forms / *Physician’s Statement
*Safe Sleep Form (infant -18months) / *Copy of Immunization Records
*Food Allergy Plan

Tuition Payment/Registration Fees

Registration Fees are a one-time payment made at enrollment. Your child’s place in our program is not guaranteed until the registration fee has been collected. To hold a spot in our infant room for a child, the registration fee must be paid at time of enrollment and half their monthly tuition paid each month starting in September. Tuition is paid monthly.

Parent’s Day Out (6 weeks to 2 years) 8:45-2:30

Days enrolled / 1 day / 2 days / 3 days / 4 days
Registration Fee / $70.00 / $70.00 / $105 / $140
Monthly tuition / $125 / $150 / $225 / $275

Preschool (3- 4 years) 8:45-12:00

Days enrolled / 2 days / 3 days / 4 days
Registration Fee / $100 / $130 / $150
Monthly tuition / $155 / $215 / $250

Preschool Extended Care (3- 4 years) 12:00- 2:30

Days enrolled / 1 day / 2 days / 3 days / 4 days
Registration Fee / $25 / $25 / $25 / $25
Monthly tuition / $25 / $30 / $55 / $70

Payment Options

Payment can be made by cash, check or online, please see office for more information. A lock box is located outside the PK/PDO office. If paying cash, place cash in a sealed envelope with the child’s name written on the outside. Receipts will be given for all cash payments only. A $25 fee will be charged for any returned checks.

Overdue Tuition

Tuition is due by 1st of each month. A late fee of $15 will be assessed if payment is received after the 10th and no arrangements have been discussed. If the office staff has not heard from you before the 10thof the month late fees will automatically be assessed and your child will be dropped from our class roll.

Withdrawal from IABC Preschool/PDO

IABC Preschool/PDO requires a two week notice for leaving our program. Monthly tuition can be prorated if given 2 week notice. If two week notice is not given, IABC Preschool/PDO cannot prorate tuition.

Drop-In Children enrolled in the program may drop-in for a day they are not regularly scheduled to attend if class enrollment permits. PDO – $25.00 PK 8:45-12:00 $25.00 Extended Care 12:00-2:30 $5.00

Late Pick-up

Children clocked out late (after 12:00 for half-day and 2:30 for PDO/full-day) will assess a $1 per minute late fee. If the child is checked out 15 minutes late or later a late fee of $15.00 will be assessed.

Field Trips

Field Trips are only taken by our Preschool programs and are planned a month in advance. Parents must give permission for their child to go on Field Trips. Our Field Trip permission form is part of your child’s enrollment forms. Parents will be given detailed information for each field trip and given the opportunity to refuse their child’s participation. Field Trip expenses are not included in tuition.


Our doors will be unlocked from 8:25am-8:50am for drop off and from 2:10pm-2:35pm for

pick-up. The doors will also be unlocked from 11:45-12:05 for half-day preschoolers. If you arrive at any other time, the doors will be locked, please press the intercom and the office staff will let you in.

IABC Preschool/PDO School Delays or Cancellations

IABC Preschool/PDO follows LISD and Lubbock Cooper school delays or cancellations. If either of the school districts delay, our facility will open 30 minutes later. For example, If LISD/Cooper delay until 9:00 our facility will open at 9:30. If both districts delay we will begin our school day thirty minutes after the latest delay.



Parents may send a special snack with your child for the class to celebrate their birthday. Please make prior arrangements with your child’s teacher.

If your child is planning a birthday party or playgroup please keep the following in mind:

  • We can only give phone number and addresses for families that have given permission.
  • If invitations are being given at school then all children in the class need to be invited.
  • It needs to be clear on the invitation that it is a personal party and is not sponsored by the school in any way.

Class Parties

Classrooms will have special activities planned for Christmas, Valentines, Easter and End of School. Teachers will plan the activities and ask parents to provide any needed items/snacks. Please keep in mind that food served and activities planned will be age appropriate for all children and free of any classroom allergies. If any activity requires class-wide participation (book/ puzzle or Valentine exchange) notes will be sent home with all students requesting the needed item.

School Supplies

Teachers greatly appreciate any donations of: crayons, markers, pencils, colored pencils, playdough, tempura paint, water colors or dry-erase markers.

Daily Supplies

All items mentioned below need to be brought from home daily and clearly marked with the child’s name.

Toddler – Preschool

  • Nap-mat
  • Backpack large enough to hold their daily folder and supplies
  • Non-breakable/spill-proof water bottle labeled with first name and last initial
  • Healthy lunch in a lunchbox with cooling packs if needed
  • Change of clothes – including socks and underwear
  • 5 diapers or pull-ups labeled with first name if in 2s or younger


  • Diaper bag
  • 5 diapers labeled with their name
  • Bottles labeled with first name and last initial with breastmilk or formula
  • Pacifier (cannot be the kind with attached stuffed animal)
  • Snacks and baby food
  • Change of clothes
  • Written feeding instructions updated every 30 days
  • Sleep Sack (non-swaddling) - if needed

If your child has a special blanket or item they sleep with or comforts them please send it to school with them.


Clothes worn to school should be comfortable and weather appropriate. We ask that children wear comfortable sturdy shoes. The children have recess daily and PE on a regular basis.

We love to see children dressed up for school; however, our teachers plan many art activities that involve paint, glue, markers and other mediums. We use washable paints/markers and smocks when needed; however, we cannot guaranteepaint/marks won’t end up on children’s clothing and even washable paint/markersdo not come out of all fabrics.

Nap time

Infants will be allowed to maintain their own sleeping and wake patterns.

All other classrooms have scheduled nap times. If children do not fall asleep after one hour of lying quietly, an alternate quiet activity will be given to the child. Young children nap in cribs until they are in our 1 year old/walking, at which time they are transitioned to a nap mat. Children in our three year old program nap in Room 12/13. Children in our 4 year old program nap in the KidZone. Toddlers nap in their individual classrooms.



This form provides the required information per minimum standards §746.501(9) and §747.501(6) for the safe sleep policy.


Parents will review this policy upon enrolling their infant

and a copy of the policy is provided in the parent handbook. Parents can review information on safe sleep and reducing the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome/Sudden Unexpected Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS/SUIDS) at:


All staff, substitute staff, and volunteers at

will follow these safe sleep recommendations of the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) for infants to reduce the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome/Sudden Unexpected Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS/SUIDS):

 Always put infants to sleep on their backs unless you provide an Infant Sleep Exception form 2710 signed by the infant's health care professional [§746.2427 and §747.2327].

Place infants on a firm mattress, with a tight fitting sheet, in a crib that meets the CPSC federal requirements for full size cribs and for non-full size cribs [§746.2409 and §747.2309].

For infants who are younger than 12 months of age, cribs should be bare except for a tight fitting sheet and a mattress cover or protector. Items that should not be placed in a crib include: soft or loose bedding, such as blankets, quilts, or comforters; pillows; stuffed toys/animals; soft objects; bumper pads; liners; or sleep positioning devices [§746.2415 and §747.2315]. Also, infants must not have their heads, faces, or cribs covered at any time by items such as blankets, linens, or clothing [§746.2429 and §747.2329].

Do not use sleep positioning devices, such as wedges or infant positioners. The AAP has found no evidence that these devices are safe. Their use may increase the risk of suffocation [§746.2415 and §747.2315].

Ensure that sleeping areas are ventilated and at a temperature that is comfortable for a lightly clothed adult [§746.3407(10) and §747.3203(10)].

If an infant needs extra warmth, use sleep clothing(insert type of sleep clothing that will be used, such as sleepers or footed pajamas) as an alternative to blankets [§746.2415 and §747.2315].

Place only one infant in a crib to sleep [§746.2405 and §747.2305].

Infants may use a pacifier during sleep. But the pacifier must not be attached to a stuffed animal or the infant’s clothing by a string, cord, or other attaching mechanism that might be a suffocation or strangulation risk [§746.2415 and §747.2315].

If the infant falls asleep in a restrictive device other than a crib (such as a bouncy chair or swing, or arrives to care asleep in a car seat), move the infant to a crib immediately, unless you provide an Infant Sleep Exception form 2710 signed by the infant's health care professional [§746.2426 and §747.2326].

Our child care program is smoke-free. Smoking is not allowed in Texas child care operations (this includes e-cigarettes and any type of vaporizers) [§746.3703(d) and §747.3503(d)].

Actively observe sleeping infants by sight and sound [§746.2403 and §747.2303].

If an infant is able to roll back and forth from front to back, place the infant on the infant's back for sleep and allow the infant to assume a preferred sleep position [§746.2427 and §747.2327].

Awake infants will have supervised “tummy time” several times daily. This will help them strengthen their muscles and develop normally [§746.2427 and §747.2327].

Do not swaddle an infant for sleep or rest unless you provide an Infant Sleep Exception form 2710 signed by the infant’s health care professional [§746.2428 and §747.2328].

Indiana Avenue Preschool and PDO is a ministry of Indiana Avenue Baptist Church.

If we can be of any assistance to you or your family, please contact us.

Indiana Avenue Baptist Church Main Office – (806) 797-9704

Senior Pastor ……………………………………………………… / Steve McMeans
Executive Pastor ………………………………………………….. / Tommy Martin
Children Minister ………………………………………………… / Brenda Loftus
Preschool/PDO Director ……………………………………… / Bianca Foley
Preschool/PDO Assistant Director ………………………. / Donna Edwards