Blooms Taxonomy – Questionsfor Key Stage 4

Knowledge – remembering

  1. List the main ingredients in pastry making.
  2. Name the most suitable sugar to use to decorate a cake.
  3. State one function of fat in the diet.
  4. Give one example of: 1) a red meat 2) a poultry 3) a fish 4) an alternative protein food.

Comprehension – Understanding

  1. Briefly explain why calcium is needed as part of a healthy diet.
  2. Compare and contrast the advantages and disadvantages of free range pig farming.
  3. Outline why freezing is a popular method of preserving peas.
  4. Summarise why some customers might want to buy products with a Red Tractor label.


  1. Interpret the graph depicting sales of frozen food products and name the frozen food product which sells most today.
  2. Apply your knowledge of healthier eating and create a main meal for a teenage girl.
  3. Take a photograph of your meal andillustrateitto show how it meets the brief.
  4. Explain how your meal relates to the Government’s healthier eating messages.
  5. Figures fromNHSDigital show 9.6% of children in reception classes in 2016-17 were obese, compared with 9.3% the year before. Suggest ways to solve the rise in obesity in primary school aged children.


  1. Analyse the nutritional profile of a recipe and state how you could increase the fibre content.
  2. What effects would increasing the fibre have on the sensory properties of your product?
  3. Compare the nutritional profiles of two cold desserts and explain which one is the healthier option.

Synthesis – Evaluating

  1. Produce a design idea for a soup product to meet the specified criteria.
  2. Create a layered cold dessert product using minimal standard components.
  3. Research the nutritional status of teenagers in the UK and produce a 500 word report. Support your report with evidence you have found.
  4. Following an experiment to identify the function of thickeners when making sauces, what would you recommendfor an all-in-one cheese sauce? Justify your choice.


  1. Evaluateyour dish against the brief set.
  2. Complete a nutritional analysis of your dish and assess whether you have achieved the nutritional criteria set.
  3. Decide on any modifications that should be made in order to meet the criteria fully.
  4. Make your chosen dish and fully test and evaluate it using your target market.