A few good places to go to review lessons for clarification or for quiz or test preparation are:
Your notes—review the concepts, reread, redo examples, memorize (if necessary)
Your classwork and homework—you can go back and redo the problems you were assigned, and you will have all the answers correct in your Classwork/Homework section.
There are selected answers to the book problems (usually all of the odds) found by clicking the “Selected Answers and Step-by-Step Solutions” button on the left of the screen at the beginning of each exercise set..
Any problem whose number is pink has the complete worked out solution in the Selected Answers.
You can also do problems that we didn’t do and check your answers.
Each chapter has a Mid-Chapter Quiz. If you choose the “Self-Check Quiz” on the left of the screen, you pick the answer and it tells you if you are correct.
At the end of each chapter is a Study Guide and Review that goes over the important points of the chapter. If you are having a quiz, you can look only in those sections that will be on the quiz. The answers to the odd problems are available. There is also a Practice Test (which has a “Self-Check Test” similar to the mid-chapter quiz). Below the Self-Check there is also a button titled “Practice” with more problems (you can ask me for these answers). There are also Standardized Test Practice with more practice problems.(you can ask me for answers).
In each section of the book, you can read the examples You can also click on the Personal Tutor, Study Tip, and Example boxes on the outer sides of some pages
In addition, if you forget how to do any of the things that you learned in previous classes, Chapter 0 may be very helpful.
Khan Academy and CK12.org: Sign in through Google:
Username: first initial, last name, graduating year @bhpsnj.org
Password: lunch code then Bh
There are many places online for Algebra help. Google the topic you need help with. You can also go to my website (through bhpsnj.org) to find websites that I have found useful.
There are many apps that are very helpful, some are even free. Search in the app store.
Please DO study for Algebra this year, even if you never have studied for math before. As you can see, there are so many ways for you to review and be successful in Algebra.