Our Covenant of Divine Healing:
What most people do not understand is that a covenant is a BINDING CONTRACT between two or more parties in which BOTH parties are required to keep THEIR part in order to partake of the benefits of the covenant. In our covenant of healing; God has PROMISED that
He HEALS ALL of our sicknesses. Not a few, not some, not most -
ALL of our diseases: That promise is part of the BENEFITS that
are included in the covenant that we have with Him.
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- "Bless the LORD, O my soul, and do NOT forget ALL his benefits: Who forgives ALL your iniquities; who heals ALL your diseases” [Psalm 103:2-3]
Notice that the scriptures exhort us NOT to forget ALL of the benefits that come with being a born-again child of God. And yet, too many of God’s people have forgotten the promises of God for deliverance, protection, safety, provision and HEALING that are an important part of the COVENANT that we entered into when we received Christ as our savior.
There is reason why many of God’s people have forgotten that we HAVE a COVENANT of healing. The reason is because so many of God’s people place more value upon the experiences of others than they do on God’s WORD!
Just about everyone knows someone that needed healing - perhaps even prayers were offered for that person, hands were laid upon them and they might have even been anointed with oil - but they never recovered. The result was that everyone assumed that it must not have been “God’s will’ for them to be healed and that’s why the Lord didn’t heal them.
In other words, despite what the scriptures say - despite all the promises of God FOR healing, despite all the evidence of the scriptures that we HAVE a COVENANT of healing GUARANTEED by the LORD in His Word - people chose to go by their experiences, and the failures of others rather than to believe what God has promised.
Our Covenant of Divine Healing:
What most people do not understand is that a covenant is a BINDING CONTRACT between two or more parties in which BOTH parties are required to keep THEIR part in order to partake of the benefits of the covenant.
In our covenant of healing; God has PROMISED that He HEALS ALL of our sicknesses. Not a few, not some, not most - ALL of our diseases: That promise is part of the BENEFITS that are included in the covenant that we have with Him.
- “When evening came, many who were demon-possessed were brought to him, and he drove out the spirits with a word and healed ALL the sick. This was to fulfill what was spoken through the prophet Isaiah: "He took up our infirmities and bore our diseases." [Matthew 8:16-17
- “He himself bore our sins" in his body on the cross, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; "by his wounds you have been healed.” [1 Peter 2:24]
Notice carefully that JESUS Himself assured us of his WILLINGNESS to heal us when He himself TOOK our sicknesses upon himself so that we COULD be healed.” -- And when Jesus took our sickness and carried our pains he did HIS part, He fulfilled HIS part of the agreement, the contract, the covenant - Now WE must do our part if we are going to RECEIVE the healing that Jesus PAID for.
The first REQUIREMENT that we have under the covenant is that we must BELIEVE that Jesus TOOK our sickness and pain, and with His stripes we HAVE BEEN healed just as Matthew 8:16-17 & 1 Peter 2:24 state.
It’s NOT enough for us to know that the scriptures say these things - Nor is it enough for us to believe that God promised us healing: We must BELIEVE the promises if we are to RECEIVE the manifestation of the promise - - And it doesn’t matter how many others failed on their end to receive what God promised!
Even though God did everything He could to fulfill His promise to bring them to the land of Canaan, Israel refused to enter in because they did not BELIEVE that God would protect them and enable them to overcome the enemies that dwelled in the land.
Whose fault was it that they failed? It wasn’t the Lord’s fault - He did what He promised, He delivered them out of bondage to Pharaoh and led them right to the edge of the Jordan river - All they had to do was to TRUST the Lord that He would carry our His promises to drive out the inhabitants.
Israel KNEW what God had promised - They KNEW God has said it: They just didn’t BELIEVE what God had said. Instead they went by what the spies saw (the experience of others) - and when they chose to rely upon the experiences of others they began to DOUBT God’s promise.
Our Covenant of Divine Healing:
This is the SAME mistake so many of God’s people make today. They KNOW what the God has said in His Word - They just choose to put more trust in the experiences and failures of others than they do in what God has promised in His Word.
When we choose to believe anything other than what the WORD of God SAYS - we are now guilty of the same thing Israel did: We DOUBT God -and doubt is nothing more than UNBELIEF.
When we begin to doubt that God will fulfill HIS part of the Covenant - we are FAILING to keep OUR part of the Covenant - Because the first REQUIREMENT that WE have under the covenant is that we must BELIEVE that Jesus TOOK our sickness and pain, and with His stripes we HAVE BEEN healed just as Matthew 8:16-17 & 1 Peter 2:24 state.
In other words, we must BELIEVE that Jesus TOOK our sicknesses and with His stripes we WERE healed - and then we must STAND on that promise no matter how bad we feel, no matter how many others failed to receive their healing, no matter how long it takes: We must HOLD fast to our profession WITHOUT wavering because He IS faithful that promised. [Hebrews 10:23]
It takes FAITH to access the promises of God for salvation, deliverance, protection, safety, provision and healing.
• “Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have gained ACCESS BY FAITH into this grace in which we now stand.” [Romans 5:1-2]
It’s not enough to KNOW what the scriptures say - we must BELIEVE what the scriptures say no matter how bad things look - no matter how bad we feel - no matter what the doctor says - and no matter how many others have failed! ~~ Only then will we fulfill OUR part of the Covenant - and only then are we able to ACCESS the benefits of Healing as promised in the Covenant.
Friends, if it wasn’t God’s will for us to BE healed then Jesus would not have taken ALL our sins and ALL our sicknesses! Nor would He have promised us to HEAL ALL our diseases!
But, let’s face it: Not everyone receives their healing - and the scriptures are very clear about WHY some get healed - and others don’t!
It’s NOT because it isn’t God’s will for them to be healed - That would make the Lord a “respecter of persons” and the Scriptures make it very clear that He is NOT a respecter of persons: He does not ‘play favorites’. [Acts 10:34]
Our Covenant of Divine Healing:
There are many scriptures that explain why SOME get healed while others don’t and that is why we have placed this new series online that uses the scriptures to teach WHY healing IS part of our Covenant - HOW to obtain the supernatural healing of God - and WHY some people fail to receive the healing that Jesus paid for.
Beloved, I have personally experienced the supernatural healing of God in my body more than once -AND I have personally witnessed the healing power of God more times than I can relate here.
Let me assure you that if you are willing to LEARN what the SCRIPTURES say - And begin to STAND IN FAITH on God’s promises of healing: YOU will also begin to experience healing in your body as promised in our Covenant of Healing.
I invite you to visit our website and download or listen online for free to this exciting FREE series titled: “Our Covenant of Divine Healing”
This Series is available on CD: Find out how to get it by visiting this link:
About the Author:In addition to his contributions to this website Pastor WC Slyde Moran also has a weekly Radio show • Online Audio Studies • And an ever-increasing outreach ministry providing free Audio teachings to over two million people worldwide contributing to the growth and maturing of the body of Christ.