Lumen Gentium(Light of the Nations)
Dogmatic Constitution on the Church
This decree is perhaps the central document of Vatican 2. Every document of the council relates in some way to the Church, but Lumen Gentium, andthe Church in the Modern World (Gaudium et Spes) together form an essential foundation.
The Pilgrim People of God
Rather than starting with a description of the hierarchical structures of the Church, LG opens with a consideration of the Mystery of the Church. The Church is a sacrament which makes Christ present in the World. Biblical images are recovered to describe the Church in many different ways including Sheepfold, Building and Body of Christ. Above all it is the image of the People of God – a people on a pilgrim journey which runs through the documents and the whole council.
This people of God does not simply equate to the visible Catholic Church. The “Church of Christ subsists in the Catholic church” (LG para 8)–.“Subsists in” was explicitly chosen in preference to a simple “is the Catholic Church” and suggests that Christ’s Church is fully but not exclusively present in the Catholic Church.Indeed “many elements of sanctification and of truth are found outside of its visible structure.” We are connected to other Christians in a partial but real communion and impelled towards greater unity.
The Universal Call to Holiness
Everyone in the Church is called to holiness and discipleship. All the people of God share in the one priesthood of Christ, not just those who are ordained. The Laity are the “Faithful of Christ” – and each one is calledto be a witness to the resurrection. Pastors are to listen to, and give responsibility to, the laity, who are “permitted and sometimes even obliged to express their opinion on those things which concern the good of the Church.”Bishops are leaders of local churches (i.e. dioceses), and as such are vicars of Christ, not vicars of the Pope. With the Pope they form one “Apostolic College” which exercises supreme power over the whole church in an ecumenical council.
Love of God and love of neighbor characterize the true disciple of Christ.
Mary and the Church
The Council’s teaching on the Virgin was also placed in the document on the Church. Whilst explicitly stressing the unique mediation of Christ and the “subordinate” role of Mary this positioning also highlightsher as both a member of the Church and as a model not only for the individual Christian but for the journeying Church itself.
Questions for Discussion
•How does the “People of God” which is “called to holiness” relate to experience of the Church today, locally or globally?
•Where is the “Church of Christ” alive in your community? - Lay or ordained? Catholic or other Christians? Try to name specific local examples.
•What signs are there that the Church is a pilgrim church which is still on a journey? Are there particular areas where you think the Church needs to develop and change?