Immanuel Christian Reformed Church

July 21, 2013


We’re glad that you joined us today, and we pray that you will experience a meaningful time of worship with us.

Guest mailboxes are located in the south entrance after the alphabetical list of members. Please pick up this information if you would like details on Immanuel’s ministries.

This morning Pastor Bob will begin a new series of messages from James 1, “Rebuilding Your Broken World”. We welcome Faithful Journey as our music ministry.

Offerings: General Fund & Faith Promise Missionary Support

This evening Pastor Bob will lead us from Lord’s Day 36, The Third Commandment.

Offering: World Renew – Tornado Relief



10:00AM (Infant) Michelle Hamberg, Carly Geers

(Toddler) Shelli Bosma, Jan Sal, Tommy Huisman,

Jacquelin Veldink, Chase Heemstra

5:30PM Lori Wierenga, Erica Dykstra

Next Sunday:

10:00AM (Infant) Jessica Smith, Rachael Hoekwater

(Toddler) Ellen Vander Ploeg, Nancy Tamminga,

Joshua Veldink, Luke Dykstra,

Elle Plaisier

5:30PM Denise Hoekwater, Sara Geers



Lee & Carolyn Baas:

De Kleine, De Weerd families

Rev Cal & Jamie Hofland:

De Young families


8:05PM Men’s softball vs Fellowship Covenant

Hughes Park, Field 5


10:00AM: Guest Pastor John Wiegers

Matthew 4:23-5:12 From the Basement to the High Rise

Offerings: General Fund & Benevolent Fund

5:30PM: Guest Pastor Josh Wall

Philippians 4:4-9 Subversive Joy

Offering: Appalachia Reachout


Elder Lester Knot

Heyboer, Hoekwater, Holmes families


All are invited today to a Birthday Celebration Open House for Mel Brink who will turn 90 years old on July 24! The open house will be in Immanuel’s FLC from 2:30-4:30PM. Everyone is invited – no gifts please!


Sherwin Overway was scheduled for surgery this past Thursday for a fractured leg. Pray for a complete healing.

Bertha Verkaik was admitted to Spectrum Butterworth this past week due to a fall. Pray for a complete recovery.

Del De Kleine – health difficulties

Ron Laninga – hospice care

Joe Lems – severe back pain

Sharon Ondersma – M.S.

Pete Van Rijs – durable cancer remission

Riley Westerhuis (Rozema’s great-niece) – cancer treatment

Brian Wigger – medication to shrink a tumor

Captain Ron Thenn – Army

Nick Van Dyken – Campus Crusade - San Diego, CA

Jim & Maribeth Stech are working in Pittsburgh this week as part of Youth Unlimited’s Live It serve project. Pray for safety for all those involved and that Christ’s love would be shared.


Meals Ministry

A few more people are needed to help coordinate the Meals Ministry. Also, there are many days open for bringing meals to those in our congregation. If you are able to help out with this much needed ministry, please call Sheri (662-0290).

Immanuel Members

We will be posting our member directory on our website this summer and it will be secured by a password that only our members will have access to. The first phase is to have the directory on there as soon as possible for address/phone look up and the second phase is to put updated family pictures on it, as well.

From now until the beginning of September, please send a high quality updated family photo to Brittnee Blom. You can leave one in her mailbox at church or you can email it to (please put "Member Directory" in the subject line.) Thank you! We hope this makes connecting with one another more convenient!


Corners Offering

July Love INC Back to School Ministry

July 14, 2013

General Fund $7,923

Level 3 Tuition Assistance 1,061

Immanuel Knitting Ministry 145

General Fund Year-to-Date

Received $14,839

Budget goal 23,186

Over (Under) (8,347)

Budget received – 64%

Fiscal year – July 1, 2013 – June 30, 2014

To fulfill our General Fund budget,

an average weekly offering of $11,593 is necessary.

Please tithe in faith and as your response to God’s blessings.


July 21, 2013


Remember in prayer and with a card this week our shut-ins:

Corky Van Leeuwen, Herm & Lucy Mennega


Pray for God’s strength to be with the many persecuted Christians in Uzbekistan.


Pray for God’s blessing and protection this week on our Business Manager, Judy Schmitt.


Pray for Rev Joel & Marilyn Van Dyke as they work with World Missions in Guatemala.


Pray for these young adults and remember them with a note or card:

Lette Huisman, Jordan Kuiper, Tyler Lutke


Pray for God’s blessing & safety for our young people during the summer months.


Ask God to bless the civil and church leaders of our city and the residents of your street.

Denominational Prayer Line: 1-888-CRC-PRAY


On Saturday, August 3, 2013, Unity Christian will host the Third Annual UC Rally & Classic Car/Truck Show at our 48th Avenue Campus to raise funds for a new bus. This will be a fun event for family members of all ages!

·  “Ride with a Mission” bicycle group will be hosting a bike ride during this event. There’s a $25 entry fee and each rider raises pledges in support of the event and every $50 raised gets both the rider and those who pledge a chance to win a new bike.

Check-in for the Rally begins at 8AM, and riders will depart at 9AM. and ride until noon. (Rally participants’ entry fees include ONE meal ticket, as well as cover the costs for the commemorative T-shirts.)

If you are interested in riding or sponsoring a rider please contact Jack Lutke 662-4011 or Robert Nesky 269-348-5000 for information. Please make donations to: Unity Christian RWAM Bike Rally 3487 Oak St., Hudsonville, MI 49426. Details and forms can be found at under Development.

·  The Classic Car & Truck Show will begin at 11:30AM, with check in beginning at 11AM. The entry fee is $10. Activities include a raffle and “Chinese Auction” for a variety of great packages and prizes. Fees may be paid with pre-registration, or at check-in. Forms are also available to print out at Rally 2013.

·  And for more family fun we’ll have The Critter Barn and Macieks Magic Show (featuring Unity parent Matt Biezunski)!! Come and enjoy the free ice cream and popcorn. And don’t miss our delicious pig roast, from noon to 2:00 p.m., with the purchase of a $5 meal ticket (children under age 10 eat free.)

Tonight, Worship On the Waterfront 2013 welcomes Ark Harbor Buoys to the Grand Haven Waterfront Stadium from 7:30–8:45PM. This week worship will be led by veteran folk guitarists/singers with a unique blend of soft rock, blues, folk, and hauntingly beautiful ballads that will touch your heart. There is no cost nor any tickets needed to attend W.O.W. Check out our web site at Any questions? Call: (616) 842-6600.

The Christian Reformed Conference Grounds This Saturday, July 27, the Singing Crusaders will be in concert! The doors will open at 6PM; the concert will begin at 7PM. No tickets are needed but a free-will offering will be taken to help defray the costs. Come early and enjoy a Baked Cod dinner; served in the Sunshine Room from 5-6:30PM.

Do you have a passion for listening? Do you have an experience of grief in your life? Is Christ calling you to reach out to families who have lost a loved one by sharing the hope found only in HIM? Are you a responsible teen with the same passions ages 16-18 that would like to be a mentor in one of our children's groups? Starlight Ministries is hosting a facilitator training August 9-10, 2013. Please email or call 662-1999 today!

Love INC Opportunities

·  Do you manage your family’s finances? Do you have a desire to serve out your faith by helping others who are struggling to make ends meet? The LOVING HELP Program is continually in need of Budget Mentors and Work Book Leaders. The time commitment is 1 hour per week on Thursday evenings or Wednesday mornings (free childcare available). Training, materials, and consistent guidance are provided. For more information or to sign-up, please contact Diane De Boer, Budget Mentor Advisor, at Love In The Name of Christ; or 662-3300x102.

·  Are you looking for a place to volunteer this summer? Love INC needs volunteers in both resale shops – Love’s Treasures and the Outback. There are many different tasks to fulfill in each area and both morning and afternoon shifts are available. Training is always provided. Please contact Tonia (662-3300 ext 122) or .

·  School Supplies - The planning committee for the Community Games event would like to give away bags of new school supplies to each child that comes to the event. Items that are needed are new: pencils, glue sticks, erasers, 24 count crayons and ink pens. Please bring your items to Love INC, 3300 Van Buren, Hudsonville and label them “Community Games” by Monday, July 8.

·  Back-to-School Adopters Needed – We are looking for individuals and churches who are willing to “adopt” a child for back-to-school. Along with school supplies, many children are in need of new clothing items such as pants, t-shirts, socks, underwear and a sweatshirt. If you are interested in helping supply these items to children, please contact Karla at 662-3300 ext 130 for specific sizes needed and specific school supplies needed.

·  Yarn and fabric are always needed to supply the many Love INC ministries that Love INC coordinates. Please drop items off at Love INC, 3300 Van Buren, Hudsonville.

Can You Help? More volunteers are needed at the Bibles for Mission store in Jenison. Proceeds are used to send Bibles to the country of Ecuador. Pick your hours. Come and volunteer at the store located behind Meijer and Culvers.

Humanity for Prisoners will host its 3rd annual Pickin' and Grinnin' fundraising concert on Monday, July 29 from 6-8PM at Covenant Life Church on the corner of 1st and Columbus in downtown Grand Haven. Local musicians John Mulder, Doug Tjapkes, Lee Ingersoll, Cal Olson and David Mulder will perform gospel favorites, played and sung in a refreshing, toe-tapping style! There is no charge to attend the event, though tax-deductible contributions to Humanity for Prisoners is requested.