American Baptist Churches of

Vermont New Hampshire

May 18-19, 2012

Grand Summit Hotel Conference Center

Mt. Snow Resort, West Dover, VT




It has been my honor to serve ABCVNH as the Placement Team representative for the state of Vermont. I would like to thank Dr. Lou George for his invaluable help in the church placement process. It is difficult to measure the amount of effort Dr. George has given to this Region over the years. His help with Search Committees has made this process easier and smoother for all of our churches.

The status of pastoral searches is as follows: New Pastors:

First Baptist Bellows Falls - Rev. Manasseh Bewry. Jamaica Community Church - Rev. Norma Drosky

Interim Pastors:

Manchester Center First Baptist - Rev. Dr. Steven Jewett

Middlebury Memorial Baptist - Pastor Greg Vigne

Fairfax United Church- Rev. Walter Mahany

Seeking Interim Pastors:

East Poultney United Baptist

It is extremely difficult to find interim pastors in Vermont. I am hoping to make a list of those interested in interim ministry.

I look forward to working with our new Executive Minister, Rev. Dale Edwards. Yours in Christ,

Rev. Bruce Bishop

Placement Team ABCVNH


My joy has been to encourage, support, and participate in the ministry of many faithful, compassionate, inspiring shepherds who serve with devotion and sacrificial commitment. We are blessed by their leadership and sincere faith! As our Region Minister Rev. Dale Edwards has stated "The Gospel must remain central to all we decide, say, and do. There is no substitute for seeking God's face."

We are facing challenging times which have become greatly apparent as churches struggle with finances, high medical insurance costs and, for many, decreasing income. While we tend to accept this as the result of a poor economy, we need also to ask the question: "Do our congregations understand and participate in faithful, consistent, 'fair portion' giving?!" Presently there is a sadness in watching churches who have had full-time pastors now coming to a place where they can only afford part-time pastoral leadership without all the benefits once provided. It appears that bi-vocational shepherding of our churches may become the 'norm'. Also, because the cost and time necessary for full theological training is so demanding, there is serious consideration being given to alternatives for those desiring to become pastors. It is time for us to really be on our knees in prayer and supplication for a great revival led by the Holy Spirit to energize, inspire and reverse this downward spiral. Importantly, there are churches who are not only 'surviving' but ‘thriving!’ "Nothing, absolutely nothing is impossible for our God!" Now is the time for Christian hope - confident expectation - that our Lord can and will do far more than we can ever think or imagine!

Joyfully, I celebrated at the installation of The Rev. Dr. Maggie Lewis as pastor of the Nashua First Baptist Church; and of The Rev. Isabel Rivera as full-time pastor of the Nashua First Spanish American Baptist Church. Pastor Joel Eaton was installed as the part-time pastor of the Acworth United Church and is taking courses at Yale Divinity. New London, with the leadership of The Rev. Dr. Lou George, called The Rev. Charles Glidwell as full time pastor. Mr. Mark Sudimak has been called to serve the Danbury United Church part-time. Derry has issued a call to Pastor Malcolm Widness. Concord has called The Rev. Robert Fisher as their interim. The Rev. Dr. Lori Wiley continues at Penacook as Transitional Interim. The Cornish United Church celebrated The Rev. Dale Louise Nicholas' 25th year of ministry with them- it was very wonderful! The Rev. Renaud Dumont has celebrated a series of revival events and the church is full of Christ's Spirit! One pastor called to serve a dually-aligned congregation this past year has had to resign for lack of resources. There are several churches I represent who are seeking pastors but they can only offer a minimal salary with little or no benefits.

I attend many of the clergy breakfasts of the Associations I serve and am truly blessed as our pastors share their ministries, joys and challenges. The Southern Association clergy are increasing in numbers and Central has changed their time to a luncheon meeting hoping for greater participation. The Monadnock

Association continues to be strong, supporting ministry of the The Amazing Grace Farm and now celebrating the beginning of a 'new church outreach' in East Westmoreland! I also serve six churches in the Green & White Association.

Rev. Dr. Lou George has been a wonderful support and guide. His insight, wise spirit and faithful commitment have been a great inspiration! We are truly blessed as we continue under the gracious, gifted and exuberant leadership of The Rev. Dale Edwards. He is committed to strengthening relationships with our VT/NH churches and pastors; a commitment that The Rev. Bruce Bishop, The Rev. James Smith, and I share as well. We are a team, devoted to being God's servants and ambassadors wherever needful! Thank you for the privilege of serving our VT/NH churches!

Faithfully Yours, The Rev. Linda B. Bolton, Placement Service Personnel

Placement Resource Personnel Report

Rev. James F. Smith

It is my pleasure to serve our Region as one of three Placement Resource Personnel who work with churches and pastors during times of transition in ministry. I have enjoyed working in this capacity under the leadership of our Interim Executive Minister, Rev. Dr. Lou George, and now our new Region Minister, Rev. Dale

Edwards. It has also been a pleasure to work alongside of Rev. Bruce Bishop and Rev. Linda Bolton, the other two members of the team.

My area of responsibility includes the Southeast and Lakes Association, and a few of the churches of the Green White Association. During the past year my area of ministry has taken in six churches. The Wolfeboro Falls Baptist Church has called Dr. Robert Keay to become their pastor, effective September 1st. Two churches are currently being served by Interim Pastors: Rev. Gary Andy at the Franklin Baptist Church and Rev. Tom Hiltsley at the First Baptist Church of Plaistow. The Campton Baptist Church and the Loudon

Center Baptist Church are being served through weekly pulpit supply, following the resignation and retirement of their respective pastors. I wish to thank the Rev. Linda Overall who has been working with a transition team in Campton. When she finishes her work, the church will then form a search committee and begin the process of seeking a settled pastor. The sixth church is the Warner United Church, which is a federated church with

the UCC. I have maintained contact with Rev. Richard Slater, Associate Conference Minister of the New Hampshire Conference of the United Church of Christ, who is the one working directly with their search committee.

I am thankful for the opportunity I have to extend my support and encouragement to churches and pastors in times of transition.

In His Service,

Rev. James F. Smith,

ABCVNH Placement Resource Personnel


It is exciting to see God's hand in so much of what is happening as a result of the volunteers of ABMen -- whether spreading a message of hope (in the wake of the tornado that hit Monson, Brimfield and Wilbraham, Massachusetts, on June 1, 2011) or working with American Baptist Home Mission Societies or getting a group involved volunteering in mission work at the Hopi project.

Clive Roberts has said the ABMen do more than cut trees and clear properties in a disaster. It's about helping people feel better as neighbors helping neighbors with physical labor but also helping them spiritually. The ABMen traveled to Brimfield, Massachusetts, cutting and cleaning up 300 trees there and clearing another 80 trees at the Village Green Campground where they stayed. This volunteer group then moved to Monson, Massachusetts where they cleared 15 trees for a man who had been told it would cost him $6,000 to have his property cleaned up by a private company. ABMen helped 41 families clear their properties in Monson and another 11 in Brimfield. The men, many of whom are retirees, wielded chainsaws and used heavy equipment just as professionals would.

In the past Clive Roberts has taken the ABMen to Louisiana in the aftermath of Hurricane Gustav and to Galveston, Texas, after Hurricane Ike.

The ABMen's ministry is a relevant, active ministry to men all across the United States. Remember that their mission is "to bring young men into a saving relationship with our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ".

ABMen needs your prayers and your spiritual and physical support. What a great way to begin your personal involvement in this great ministry.

May God Richly Bless You,

Daniel V. McFaul


American Baptist Women Ministries, Vermont/New Hampshire

Praise the Lord! American Baptist Women are alive and well again this year. The Lord has been with us through this year and our theme of "In the Potter's Hands: Sculptured Vessels" from Jeremiah 18:1-8 and Romans 9: 17b-21 has encouraged us each day. The Lord, our Potter, is always sculpturing us, and that theme has been dominant throughout our gatherings. When Christian women gather in Jesus' name, it is a joy and encouragement.

One wonderful mission of the ABCVNH churches is the Scholarship Fund, managed by ABW Ministries,

which aids ABC students, college bound, as well as those already in college. Students in college need all the Christian support possible, so the added program of "Adopt-a-Student" is in place, where individuals, churches and ladies groups "adopt" a student, i.e. keep in contact with a scholarship recipient throughout the academic year. The importance of staying in contact with missionaries locally, in the USA and abroad is ever present.

For "hands on work" our ladies and some gentlemen continue to diligently work on White Cross, which benefits those at Home and Abroad for Church World Service, supplies for Neighborhood Ministries in many USA cities, plus monetary help abroad in many 3rd world countries. Our Break the Chains: Stop the Pain campaign, extending through 2014, helps to rescue young women out of prostitution in under-developed countries. Love Gift helps all American Baptist needs. Vital Partners helps our National Office with their needs, while the Girls' and Women's Fund helps in the area of developing Baptist women's leadership.

The theme for the Annual Conference of "Making a Difference: Being a Blessing" was such a rewarding time with Rev. Dale Louise Nicholas leading Bible Study followed by small group discussions. Inspiration plus!! Also, VT legislature representative, Carolyn Partridge, talked on Human Trafficking in our State of Vermont, which was an "eye-opener" for us all. ladies for Fall Rally gathered at Hanover FBC to learn of missions in South Africa presented by laura Austen, president of Connecticut ABW, and her daughter, Ally Austin, a college student, together participated in the South African Mission Tour.

The Mid-winter Gathering at the Lebanon FBC featured Rev. Beth Richardson, the chaplain at the New Hampshire Women's Prison, sharing the stories of needs and successes of those incarcerated. At the Association meetings this Spring, we had a shared experience from the South Providence Neighborhood Ministries (SPNM), a White Cross recipient. Amy Thomas, Ass't. Director, with her teenage daughter and friend, plus Nancy Bancroft, ABW Pres. Rl, shared the ministries of food pantry and after school and summer all day program. 500-600 families are served through the food pantry and 80 students from ages 4 to 18 with at least 40 volunteers helping are involved in the programs. There is such a need for structured environment and SPNM is fulfilling that need in the South Providence area. Even people of grandparent age are volunteering to fulfill that need for "the best kids on the planet" (Amy Thomas' words). Amy's daughter, 16 years old, with 3 others from SPNM founded a new movement call the "Rethink it" movement, which they shared with us at the meetings. They are teenagers working with teenagers to combat bullying, such a gigantic problem in our society now. They use drama, role playing, and one on one with groups and with the bullied and bully. Their program is growing and can be found on the internet. This is an example of your White Cross at work.

The internet is an excellent place to peruse AB Women and any of us would love to share info, as well… ABW Ministries has a new Mission Statement, which was voted on at the Annual Nat'l Conference in

Green Lake. The Statement is: American Baptist Women's Ministries is Christ centered, committed to encourage and empower women and girls to serve God. We AB Women work at that and encourage any to join in the quarterly gatherings. Invitations are always open to join in the Christian fellowship. Each of us is in the Potter's Hands: Sculptured Vessels, ready to be used.