Our Approach to God

Bro Kenan Williams



207 You know, let's go back to Moses. Moses... We ain't got time to dig it up, so you just take what I'm saying. Moses, when he was give a vision up on Mount Sinai...

I want you to notice that this was not a Throne of grace no more. There, the blood had been gone, and the sacrifice was back again and they had been accepted, and the blood was off the mercy seat. And it was now a judgment seat because thunders and lightning issued off of it. Is that right?

Remember, it was like Mount Sinai. When Moses went on Mount Sinai, what happened? Thunder, lightning. And even if a cow or a calf or a sheep, or anyone, even touched the mountain, it must die. The Bible said, "So great was the quake till even Moses feared it." And Mos-... He said, "Take off your shoes here, you're on Holy grounds." Joshua the great warrior, was to take the children over and divide their inheritance, could only come halfway up the mountain.

Here stood Moses up there with the colors of God's flashes and lightnings and emeralds around him, watching them commandments be written. Standing in the Presence of God, that Voice speaking back out, "Moses, where are you? Take off your shoes, you're on Holy ground."

A judgment seat, it was now, nothing could stand there but the redeemed. Sinner could not approach it at all (it's finished), the judgment seat. All right.

212 Now, Moses made things on earth, made the tabernacle, like the things that he saw in Heaven. We know that, don't we? We find Paul did the same thing. Must have... Hebrews 9:23, that Moses made things just like he did. And Paul in his vision when he went up into Heaven (when he taught that great Book of Hebrews), he must have saw in his vision the same thing that Moses saw, because he said that (he taught that wonderful Book of Hebrews), how that Christianity was the antitype of the Old Testament. He was a great teacher, Mo-... Paul was. Now, that was His Throne then. Then in the...

213 Let's just... There's no use, I can't... I was going to pass this up, but I just can't do it. Where's the blackboard? Did you take it back? Is it back, Doc? Well, maybe I can make you see it from here. I--I... Now, look, get your pencils and paper, for I want to say something here. I--I was sitting this morning as something came to me. Now I'll tell you what I did, if you notice, I got it drawed on the back of here. See? Just draw it out as the Spirit gave it to me, see, drawed out on here of what it'd be. But I--I want to say something right here.

Now, God, when He is enthroned, He is then Judge. Is that right? When does the judges judge? When he comes to his judgment seat, a throne. Now, I want you to watch how the Old Testament was made, how the courts approaching to His throne was made, and how John saw here. We won't get to it this morning, all of it. But how John saw the same courts of the approach to Him, and what the approach to His courts is. Now, oh, I love this.

215 Now, in the Old Testament, there was what was called the "congregation," where the people gathered. First thing, 'fore they come in, the congregation, to enter in there, they had to come under the shed blood, outer courts. First they come to the waters of separation, where the red heifer was killed and made a waters of separation. That's the sinner who comes and listens at the Word.

222 Now, notice these holy places. Now, when you come into the courts, the first was the courts, the outer courts. The next was the altar, where the sacrifices was offered, the brazen altar. Then outside of the brazen altar, there was a veil hung here that went into the Holy of holies; in there was the mercy seat, in there was the Cherubims. That's what I want to get to in our next lesson, those Cherubims overshadowing the mercy seat. Oh, my! I... We can just stay all month on it, see, on that Cherubim.

223 Now, now notice as they entered in. The congregation could come there; the priests could stand here; but just the high priest could go in there, once a year, taking the blood with him.

And he had to be dressed a certain way, a certain garment; had to have a bell and a pomegranate, one to one another. And when he walked, he had to walk a certain way. As he walked, he played, "Holy, holy, holy, unto the Lord. Holy, holy, holy, unto the Lord," those bells and pomegranates ringing together, "Holy, holy, holy!" Why? He was approaching God, having the blood of the covenant in his hand, going before Him, bearing the blood.

Anointed (Oh, my!) with certain perfumes. His clothes had to be made by Holy Ghost-filled hand, registered hands make his clothes. The rose of Sharon, the anointing oil, poured it on his head, it run all down his beard and then down over. He was placing the royal perfume; a pomegranate and a bell; taking the blood of an innocent lamb; and he daresn't approach that veil outside... he'd die right where he was standing. So he had to go, walking a certain way, "Holy, holy, holy, unto the Lord. Holy, holy, holy," (approaching God) "unto the Lord. Holy, holy, holy!"

226 And he went there and offered the blood on the mercy seat, once a year. And while he was in there, he was privileged to see the Shekinah Glory; when the Pillar of Fire, the amber Light that come down, that led the children out of Israel. He even smoked up the temple so no one could see It. The Glory of the Lord fell till it was all smoked up. And He came in Hisself, went in behind the veil and settled down on the mercy seat in the Holiest of holies. "Most Holy place," it's called, Holy of holies. And he had to be dressed a certain way, walk a certain way, anointed a certain way. He was a special person to go in there. How the congregation must have envied him!

But when Jesus died, the temple veil rent. Not only a high priest, but "whosoever will" can have that same anointing of the Shekinah Glory and walk a holy life, "Holy, holy, holy, unto the Lord," and approach in the very Presence of God, through the Blood of Jesus Christ before him. Take him with: "Lord Jesus, here lays a sick man, he's my brother. He's on the deathbed right now, to die. I'm approaching You, 'Holy, holy, holy, unto the Lord.'"

"What for?"

"As a high priest."

"What for?"

"In behalf of my brother. 'Holy, holy, holy, unto the Lord.'"

228 There you are! Your daily walk, your daily talk, your daily behavior, your heart, your soul, and all, "Holy, holy, holy, unto the Lord." No roots of bitterness, no nothing else, "Holy, holy, holy, unto the Lord. Holy, holy, holy, unto the Lord," as we begin to approach in behalf of our brother. Whosoever will may come, anointed, Blood in front of him, the Blood going before him, playing "Holy, holy, holy, unto the Lord."

Now, that was the outer courts, the holy place. And the Holiest of holies, that was God's sanctuary on earth. Watch, it was typed after that one of Heaven. Now, we're going to come right back again to this same Scripture. Oh, all as we go through Revelation, we can come right straight on back to this again. See?


E-29 I'd like to speak on that some night: "The Super Sign," how that He stretched His tent down here to dwell and be a--a human being, that we might know the nature of God. When we see Jesus, we see God in Him, see what God was and God's nature. He manifested; He displayed what God was, to redeem man back to Himself again.

And how that there in the beginning, when man was lost, God never sent an Angel; He came Himself and He sought. And He sought through the gardens, and under every bush, and behind every tree, until He found His lost children. Then when He found them, His fellowship was broken. They could not worship, come out before Him, because they had made themself a covering, but it wouldn't work.

E-30 And did you notice? As soon as man fall--finds that he is fallen, and he is a sinner by nature, he tries to make himself a way to approach God; make hisself a religion. "Well, I don't do no man no harm. And I feel I'm just about as good as the other man; I keep the Golden Rule."

That wasn't God's program. In order to restore fellowship again, God made a provision right there in the garden. If there would've been any other provision better, God would've made it. But God made the only provision, and the only basis of restoration to that blessed, eternal fellowship; that was through the blood of an innocent victim. God made a way back to fellowship. That's the only basis that God ever had, or has now, or ever will have, back to a relationship and fellowship with God is through the shed blood of an innocent victim. Amen. Makes me feel religious, knowing that there is a way, that there is a God provided way.

E-31 And what made God provide this way? Because God is love, and love demands fellowship. Love demands fellowship, like the young boy when he meets the--the young lady. And oh, she's got eyes like diamonds, and she's got teeth like pearls, and a neck like the swan, and oh, she's the prettiest thing in the world.

Now, you just can't go up and say, "You're mine; here we go." There's got to be some kind of an agreement. Some kind of an agreement has to be reached, before you can enter into fellowship with this young lady. You have to come to an agreement. And that's the way when we see God and know that He is God. We look at His creation and His great Being, what He's done and how great He is. Then there has to...

We have to come upon the basis of God's agreement. And that was by the way of the Blood; that's the only way.

E-32 We'll never be able to ever educate people to Christ. Societies today (and most what we call societies) has produced more criminals than all the--the scallywags of the earth has done. The most criminal minded people comes out of what is known now as society, according to the FBI records. Now... And then educate them? They get so smart till they think they can outsmart the law; they know more than somebody else. Education is wonderful. It's the thing...

I'm not trying to support ignorance, but I'm trying to say this: That education has... It's been one of the greatest hindrance that religion of Christ has ever had. People are taking and using their schools of theology to try to educate people for well speaking, and how to present themselves, and so forth; and they go plumb away from the Spirit. God is not known by education; God is not known by denomination; God is not known by creed. God is known by faith and that alone! It's by faith are we saved. God is known by faith.

E-33 Now, even in our denominations, as good as they are, and as well as we ought to reserve them, and--and respect them, yet no denomination can save a person; no denomination can bring you into fellowship, unless you come by the Blood. You've got to come, not by your creed, but by the Blood! And creeds, and joining churches, and denominations will never satisfy a hungry heart. There's only one thing that can quench the thirst of a thirsting heart; that's when he's cleansed by the Blood of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit comes into fellowship with him, bring him back into relationship and fellowship.

God's always had the way of the Blood to cleanse His people and to bring them into a place of fellowship with Him again. Now, in the Old Testament in Numbers 19, when they were in their journey, God called Moses and Aaron and said, "Command the children of Israel that you--they bring to you a red heifer, a red heifer without a spot or a blemish."

A beautiful type of Christ again... Red being a bad sign, a danger sign, yet it's a sign of redemption. The Blood streak has been all... It's a thread all the way through the Bible from Genesis to Revelations.

E-34 "Bring me a red heifer upon which was never a yoke." (Not yoked up with anything else.) "Bring her, and let her be brought before Eleazar, the High Priest, and the congregation, and let them kill her. And let Eleazar take the blood upon his fingers and sprinkle stripes over the door of the congregation seven times." Then said, "Let them burn her body with her hoofs, with her horns, and all that she is. And then take scarlet, and hyssop, and cedar wood, and throw it into the sacrifice, and burn this together."

And then they was to mix it with water, and put it in the--a clean place. And it was to be a waters of separation to separate the sinner (the Christian) from his sins, to bring him into fellowship again. Now, what happened? If a sojourner or a stranger or either a children of Israel had sinned and done wrong, they came to the outer courts first.

E-35 And I want you to notice the mixing of the sacrifice, beautifully. Now, the first there was put in cedar, scarlet, and hyssop. Those three elements... You notice, they's used in the Bible, many times it speaks of a covenant. Now, you take a three cornered piece of glass and shine it to a light (a sun) it'll produce seven different colors, a rainbow color. If you'll put the three and against the sun, it'll reflect the rainbow, and a rainbow stands for a covenant.

Now, I studied this some time ago, on what does scarlet mean in the Bible? Scarlet was ram's wool that had been dyed in blood, knowing that something died to color the animal a different color. The ram was a gray color, grizzle, which is a hypocrite color. But once dyed in the red... And anybody here that knows anything about science, knows that you can take anything red and look at red, and red through red looks white.

E-36 Therefore, when your sins be as red as crimson, and God looks at them through the Blood of His Son, you become white as snow. Red through red looks white; that's the approach. Red looking at red turns white. God, looking at the sinner, that's confessed he is a sinner and has accepted God's provided way of approach, God sees him white as snow. There you are. Looking red through red...

He can't look through a creed; He cannot look through a denomination; He cannot look through something else. It must be the Blood and the Blood alone. Oh, how I remember the old Salvation Army song:

Oh, precious is that flow

That makes me white as snow;

No other fount I know,

Nothing but the Blood of Jesus.

E-38 Now, then again, the ram's wool dyed in blood was the scarlet. Hyssop is just a common weed. It's found in Egypt, and it's found in Palestine; usually it grows out of the cracks of the building. It's a little bush of a thing, has a little white flower on it, just common, can be found anything. What did that speak of? Faith, hyssop, faith, just so common. You think you have to have some supernatural faith to get something from God; you do not. Just common faith like you've got; just apply the Blood.

Do you remember? At the night of the Passover, they taken the--the hyssop and sprinkled the door lintels and the post with the blood, sprinkled with the blood by the hyssop: simple, child-like faith.

E-40 And then cedar wood... Cedar is red or white. We all know that the red through red makes the white. And scarlet, hyssop, cedar wood put in with the red heifer and burnt together, mixed with water; that was water and ashes. Now, water speaks of the Spirit; ashes speaks of the Word. And when the Word and the Spirit get together, something takes place. When the true Spirit of God can come in on the Word that's being preached, "Faith cometh by hearing, hearing the Word," and the true Spirit of God gets a hold of that Word, it'll manifest every promise that God made; it'll bring it to pass and make it so. The right mental attitude towards any Divine promise of God will bring it to pass, if you could get the Spirit with the Word.