July 16, 2014
Minutes from the Regular Meeting of the Board of School Trustees of the Lake Station Community Schools held at the Administration Office 2500 Pike Street, Lake Station, IN at the hour of 7:00 p.m.
Members Present: Larry Biggs, Karen Curtis, Jane Stills, Greg Tenorio & Jim Vanderlin
Members Absent: None
Others Present: Dr. Cripliver, Tom Corey, Sandy Cain & Tara Tauber
Mr. Greg Tenorio led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Public Concerns
Drake Abramson: 4276 Deer Run Court, Lake Station, IN
- Thank you for the opportunity to attend the Student Council
SLI Camp
Mr. Jim Vanderlin moved to approve the Minutes of the June 10, 2014 Meeting. Seconded by Mr. Larry Biggs and unanimously carried.
A. / PersonnelAI / 1. / Ms. Karen Curtis moved to accept the resignation of Angela Ruiz effective June 13, 2014. Seconded by Mrs. Jane Stills and unanimously carried. / RESIGNATION
AI / 2. / Mr. Jim Vanderlin moved to approve the request of Mr. Bush to hire Robin Dickerson as the high school principal’s secretary effective the 2014-2015 school year. Seconded by Mr. Larry Biggs and unanimously carried. / HIRING
AI / 3. / Mr. Jim Vanderlin moved to approve the request of Mr. Bruce Bush to hire Ermilio Lobo full time as the Spanish Teacher at Edison Jr. Sr. High School at a MS-11 Rate. Seconded by Mr. Larry Biggs and unanimously carried. / HIRING
AI / 4. / Mr. Larry Biggs moved to approve a one-time one week vacation extension for Jim Hoefflicker and Joe Owens to use one week of 2013-2014 vacation in July 2014. Seconded by Mrs. Jane Stills and unanimously carried. / VACATION EXTENSION
AI / 5. / Ms. Karen Curtis moved to approvethe request of Mr. Milner to hire Kristy Hite as Head Volleyball coach for the 2014-2015 school year. Seconded by Mr. Jim Vanderlin and unanimously carried. / HIRING
AI / 6. / Ms. Karen Curtis moved to approve the request of Mr. Milner to hire Bob Burke as the Assistant Volleyball coach for the 2014-2015 school year. Seconded by Mr. Jim Vanderlin and unanimously carried. / HIRING
AI / 7. / Ms. Karen Curtis moved to approve the request of Mr. Milner to hire Tanya Gibbs as the J.V. Volleyball coach for the 2014-2015 school year. Seconded by Mr. Jim Vanderlin and unanimously carried / HIRING
AI / 8. / Mr. Jim Vanderlin moved to approve the request of Mr. Corey to hire Sheri Luchene for the Summer Bus Maintenance position effective July 7, 2014. Seconded by Ms. Karen Curtis and unanimously carried. / HIRING
AI / 9. / Mr. Larry Biggs moved to approve the request of Kristin Mantta to attend the Literacy Retreat in Oakbrook, Illinois held on June 23-25, 2014. Reimbursement for expenses will come from the Indiana Youth Institute’s Professional Development Grant. Seconded by Mr. Jim Vanderlin and unanimously carried. / CONFERENCE
AI / 10. / Mr. Larry Biggs moved to approve necessary expenses for Karen Reynolds to attend the Excel Basics and Beyond Basics Seminar in Merrillville, IN on July 23 & 24, 2014. Seconded by Mrs. Jane Stills and unanimously carried. / NECESSARY EXPENSES
AI / 11. / Mr. Jim Vanderlin moved to approvethe following Board and Administrator conferences in accordance with state auditing regulations, Board and Administration Annual Professional Conferences and Workshops for 2014-2015. Such conferences, including overnight travel, would be authorized for the members of the Board of School Trustees, Superintendent, Assistant Superintendent, Director of Business Affairs, Administrators and School Attorney, where applicable, and would cover the activities and conferences of the professional organizations Indiana School Boards Association, Indiana Association of Public School Superintendents, Association of School Business Officials, Indiana Association of School Administrators, and National School Boards Association, Indiana Principals Associations, the Northwest Indiana Public School Study Council, Indiana Urban Schools Association, and the State Universities. The Board also directs the treasurer to pay any claims associated with these conferences as they occur and to seek approval at the next scheduled Board meeting. Seconded by Mrs. Jane Stills and unanimously carried. / ADMINISTRATOR
AI / 12. / Ms. Karen Curtis moved to approve the request of Mr. Bush to hire Christine Pepa as the Edison Jr/Sr High School Assistant Principal toa two-year contract effective August 1, 2014 at a salary of $83,000.00 per year. Seconded by Mrs. Jane Stills and unanimously carried. / HIRING
B. / New Business
AI / 1. / Mrs. Jane Stills moved to approve the correction to the Jr. Sr. High School student breakfast and lunch prices as noted:
Breakfast $1.00
Lunch $1.80
Seconded by Ms. Karen Curtis and unanimously carried. / BREAKFAST & LUNCH PRICES
AI / 2. / Mr. Jim Vanderlin moved to approvethe sale of the 2002 mini bus to the Boys & Girls Clubs of Northwest Indiana at a cost of $2,200.00. Seconded by Mrs. Jane Stills and unanimously carried. / MINI BUS SALE
AI / 3. / Mr. Jim Vanderlin moved to approve the request of Mr. Corey to expand the walking zone at Edison Jr. Sr. High School from ½ mile to ¾ of a mile. Seconded by Ms. Karen Curtis and unanimously carried. / EDISON WALKING ZONE
AI / 4. / Mr. Larry Biggs moved to accept the Indiana Department of Homeland Security School Safety Grant of $50,000. Seconded by Mrs. Jane Stills and unanimously carried. / SCHOOL SAFETY GRANT
AI / 5. / Mr. Larry Biggs moved to adopt Resolution #14/15-01 Concerning Alternative Services Agreements with the Indiana Department of Education and Private Education Agencies for special education placement when applicable. Seconded by Mr. Jim Vanderlin and unanimously carried. / RESOLUTION
C. / Financial Aspects:
AI / 1. / Mr. Larry Biggs moved to approve and sign the following claims for payment:
- June 2014 Claims: 109445-109481
- July 2014 Claims: 109482-109560
I / 2. / Financial Report for June 2014
D. / Other Business:
Next Board Meeting: August 20, 2014 @ 7:00 p.m. at the Administration Center.
There being no further business to come before the Board, Mr. Greg Tenorio adjourned the regular meeting.
President Secretary