OT Timeline Notes

Figurative stories:

Creation poem; creation narrative; the fall and being expelled from the Garden of Eden; the story of Noah and the flood; Tower of Babel.

Dates according to the Bible until the establishment of the Kingdom of Israel.

1) The Matriarchs/Patriarchs: Beginning around 2000 BCE

This is from the time Abram and Sarai were called out to leave their people and make a home in Canaan – this is the time that a new people were called into covenant with God.

·  Abraham, Sarah, Ishmael

·  Isaac, Rebekah

·  Esau, Jacob/Israel

·  Rachel, Leah (Zilpah, Bilhah)

·  12 sons of Jacob: Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Dan… Joseph, Benjamin (the Tribes of Israel)

This time ends with the Hebrew people going to Egypt because of famine. Joseph saves his family after they mistreated him.

2) The time in Egypt: 1550-1280 BCE

The Hebrews become slaves under the later emperors (Sethos I and Ramses II). Moses eventually leads the people out of Egypt.

3) The time of Exodus: beginning in 1280 BCE

The Exodus out of Egypt leads the people to renew their covenant with God at Mount Sinai, but they wander in the wilderness for 40 years. Only after Moses has died does Joshua lead the people into conquest in Canaan, conquering Jericho and settling at Shiloh.

·  Moses, Aaron, Miriam

·  Joshua

4) The time of the Judges: 1200-1020 BCE

The Philistines destroy Shiloh. The Arc of the Covenant is lost to the Philistines.

·  Deborah, Gideon, Barak, Samuel

5) The time of the Great Kings: 1020-922 BCE

Israel begs for Kings like their neighbours have.

Saul (1020-1000)

David (1000-961)

Solomon (961-922): builds the Temple from 958-952

6) The divided Kingdom: 922-597 BCE

The Kingdom of Israel splits in two, and thus the decline of independent Israel begins.

Israel, to the North, is made up of 10 tribes of Israel. Jeroboam is the first king after Solomon. The Assyrians conquer Samaria, the capital city, in 721. Thousands of Israelites are taken to Persia. In 621, Nineveh (the Assyrian capital) falls to the Babylonians.

·  Prophets: Elijah, Elisha, Amos, Hosea

Judah, in the South, kept its capital in Jerusalem. Rehoboam, Solomon’s son, was the King of Judah.

·  Prophets: Isaiah, Micah

7) The Babylonian Exile: 597-539 BCE

Judah was conquered by the Babylonians in 597. They destroyed the Temple in Jerusalem and sent a large number of the people into exile in Babylon. It was especially leaders, the wealthy and the educated, that were sent into exile.

·  Prophets; Ezekiel, 2nd Isaiah