Homecoming Executives

America’s Greatest Homecoming Celebration!

Homecoming 2010

Competition Packet

Greek Life



Letter of Introduction...... 3

Executives...... 4

Awards...... 5

Sweepstakes Application (August 27)...... 8

Competition Point Distribution...... 9

House Decoration

Rules...... 10

Application (April 16)...... 15

Summer Additions (August 23)...... 17

Budget (April 16)...... 18

House Dec. Highlights (October 6)...... 20

Engineering House Dec. Highlights (October 6)……………………………...21

Parade Float

Rules (April 16)...... 22

Application (April 16)...... 26

Budget (April 16)...... 28

Harvest Carnival

Rules...... 30

Application (August 27)...... 32

Football Frenzy

Rules...... 33

Rosters (September 21, final roster due October 1)...... 35


Rules...... 36

Application (August 27)...... 38

Spirit Rally

Rules...... 39



Dear Homecoming Participants:

The Homecoming Steering Committee is working hard to make Homecoming 2010 the best celebration to date! With your enthusiastic participation, it will be an exciting and enjoyable event. The 2010THEME is: will be provided in a few weeks!

and we encourage your living group to showcase OklahomaStateUniversity’s spirit and traditions. Homecoming Week is planned for October 17-23, 2010, when Oklahoma State plays Nebraska (Red and White).

The Homecoming packet has undergone many changes this year. These changes include: House Dec maximum size, House Dec Rules, Sign Rules.

In order to save you time and headaches, we advise you to read each section thoroughly and carefully for rule changes.

Please urge your Greek life participants to abide by all regulations and safety guidelines.

Thank you and best of luck in Homecoming 2010,

Homecoming Steering Committee 2010


2010 Homecoming Execs

America’s Greatest Homecoming

Celebration is …..

October 23, 2010 vs. Nebraska

Jordan Brockhaus (405) 226.6927

Executive Director

Holly Thill (918) 440.1675

Royalty, University Spirit/ Artistic Design

Robyn Matthews (405) 249.8286

Publication, Merch. Mark

Molly Johnson (918) 855.3473

House Dec., Alumni General

Aubrey Metts (417) 434.0224

Res. Life, Parade

Sarah Fry (405) 368.0916

Harvest Carnival/ Chili Cook-Off, Community Involvement

Emily Heddleston (405) 334.2355

Spirit Rally, Comm/PR

Spencer Lucas (405) 201.0313

Alumni VIP, Football Frenzy/ Trophies

Cody Cramer (405) 613.2338

Bands, Walkaround

Melisa Parkerson(405) 744.8711


Homecoming Office (405) 744.5410

Point Recognition Awards

Engineering Award

The Engineering Award is given to the living group pair who exhibits engineering excellence and technical ingenuity in their house decoration. OSU alumni and faculty involved in Engineering professions or the Collegeof Engineering will judge the Engineering Award.

The Engineering Award will be judged by 5 different judges. These judges will come from varying sources which may include, but are not restricted to: at least one professor from OSU Mechanical Engineering, Aerospace Engineering, Agricultural Engineering, Architecture, or a professor in another field who has proof of knowledge of advanced engineering concepts, at least one professional engineering judge from the Stillwater Community, at least one professional engineering judge from OSU’s Alumni Base, one OSU/Stillwater-independent professional engineering judge. These scores will be tabulated after dropping both the low and high score for each house to eliminate single judge bias.

Talking to and showing around Engineering Judges is permitted ONLY by one representative from the Fraternity/Sorority Pair. Violations of this policy will result in penalties. The Engineering Judges will begin judging at 3pm on the Friday of Walkaround. All moving parts must be completed and working at this time; however, pomping on non-moving parts and screen-hanging is still permitted during this time.

This award is usually presented during the Homecoming pre-game festivities.

There is no entry form required for this award.

**This award is a part of the House Decoration Competition and points from this judging go towards overall score for the President’s Cup.

Design, construction & engineering...... 20%

How efficient and stable is the structure?

Do all the moving parts work?

Complexity of moving parts

Will be judged by engineering judges.

Non-PointRecognition Awards

OSU Alumni Association President’s Cup

The OSU Alumni Association President’s Cup is awarded to the most outstanding house decoration in Homecoming 2010. This award will be presented by the OSU AlumniAssociation Chairman of the Board, Jerry Winchester.

Design, public appeal, ingenuity, and Homecoming spirit are criteria for this honorable prize. Hard work, a diligent effort, and creativity are your best tools for winning the OSU Alumni Association President’s Cup. This award does not necessarily go to the Sweepstakes winner.

This award is usually presented during the halftime ceremonies of the Homecoming football game.

There is no entry form required for this award.

Sweepstakes Award

This award is given to the living group pairs, which displays the most overall participation and promotion of OSU Homecoming. It is determined by a number of factors. The combined total points of contest entries, places in competition, and participation are the determinants. 2nd runner up, 1st Runner-Up and Champion awards will be given out.

This award is usually presented during the halftime ceremonies of the Homecoming football game.

*There is an entry form required for this award

Grand Marshal’s Trophy

The Grand Marshal’s Trophy is presented to the first place paradeentry in any category by the Grand Marshal. This means that a Community entry, a Student Organization entry, a Residential Life entry, or a Greek Life entry may be chosen. This award is judged by the OSU alumni Homecoming judges.

Public appeal, ingenuity, and Homecoming spirit are all guidelines for this distinguished honor. Creativity and uniqueness of design are your best means to obtain the OSU Parade Marshal’s Trophy.

This award is usually presented during the halftime ceremonies of the Homecoming football game.

There is no entry form required for this award.

**This award does not contribute toward any points for the Sweepstakes Award

Safety Award

The safety award goes to the living group pair who has displayed superior effort to comply with the set safety codes and guidelines. The OSU Department of Environmental Health Services is the judge for this award.

This award is usually presented during the Homecoming pre-game festivities.

There is no entry form required for this award.

**This award does not contribute toward any points for the Sweepstakes Award.

The Jerry Gill Spirit Award

The spirit award will be awarded to the pair that exhibits the most school spirit throughout the Homecoming Festivities. This includes participation in team support at football frenzy, Hester Street Painting, Spirit Rally, and pair organized homecoming functions to promote overall homecoming participations from living group members that could include but not limited to themed pomp night parties and pairing t-shirt days. This award will replace the spirit award given at the spirit rally, but it will include spirit rally participation as a component for selection. The selection of the award will be at the discretion of the Homecoming Executive Team

Harvest Carnival People’s Choice Award

The People’s Choice Award goes to the most popular Harvest Carnival booth. It is determined by those attending Harvest Carnival who purchase tickets and vote for their favorite booth.

Groups cannot offer the public something in return for people’s choice votes (i.e. pictures, freebies, etc).

This award is usually presented during the Pep Rally festivities.

There is no entry form required for this award.

**This award does not contribute toward any points for the Sweepstakes Award.


Sweepstakes Award Entry Form

Sweepstakes Deadline: Friday,August 27, 2010 by 4:30 p.m. No applications will

be accepted after 4:30pm at the ConocoPhillipsOSU Alumni Association Building.

The Sweepstakes Award will be presented to the living group pair that displays the most overall participation and promotion of OSU Homecoming. A Living Group is defined as: The members of the OSU Greek community are members of the organizations who are members of the Interfraternity Council, Panhellenic Council, National Pan-Hellenic Council and Multicultural Greek Council of Oklahoma State University. A pairis typically defined as one male group and one female group that each have a total membership over 45. If living groups have 45 or less in total membership, they have the option of combining with a same gender living group that also falls under 45 in total membership. This group may pair with an opposite gender group over 45 or two opposite gender groups that each have under 45 in total membership. The winner will be determined by total points accrued through contest entries, places in competition, and participation points. Also, a main factor in the judging will be sportsmanlike conduct and the general attitude of the competition groups. Violations of any Homecoming regulations will be taken into consideration. The OSU President and CEO will present the Sweepstakes trophy. The Sweepstakes award will be announced during the Homecoming football game.

In order to be competitive, Sweepstakes entrants must participate in the House Decoration or Competitive Float competition, Football Frenzy, Harvest Carnival, Signs, Philanthropy and Spirit Rally.

Please list living group(s):

Sorority: ______

Homecoming Chair: ______

Local Phone Number: ______

Permanent (Home) Phone Number: ______

Email Address: ______

Fraternity: ______

Homecoming Chair: ______

Local Phone Number: ______

Permanent (Home) Phone Number: ______

Email Address: ______

Point Distributions

This is a percentage based point system which focuses more on rewarding effort and overall achievement than placing. All activities will add up to 100%, and much like a test, different sections will be weighted differently according to the time, expense, and effort expended in each activity.

Primary Point Activities – Worth 45% of total

Living groups must choose to construct either a House Decoration or Parade Float for consideration to the Sweepstakes Award.

House DecorationWorth all 45% of total possible points, placing possible

Parade FloatWill be eligible for 75% of the possible 45% points available, placing possible

Secondary Point Activities – Worth 55% of total

Living groups must compete in all competitions to be eligible for the 2010Sweepstakes Award.

PhilanthropyWorth 10% of total possible points

Harvest CarnivalWorth 15% of total possible points, placing possible

Signs ContestWorth 15% of total possible points, placing possible

*Required to move sign to a specific location that will be set prior to walkarounds

Football FrenzyWorth 10% of total possible points, placing possible

Spirit RallyWorth 5% of total possible points, all or nothing on participation,

placing will be possible although points will be awarded all or nothing on participation.


House Decoration Rules

  1. Entry Deadline Friday, April 16, 2010 at 4:30 pm in the Alumni Association
  • Construction will begin only after approval by the Homecoming Executive Committee.
  • Construction will begin only after a building permit is obtained from the Physical Plant office of Environmental Safety in the Fall Semester.
  • Any decoration, however large or small, that is placed in-ground must obtain an Okie Check at least 72 hours prior to digging. Okie Checks can be obtained through the OSU Physical Plant Action Desk, through Jeff Sweeden, 744-7291.
  • House Decoration highlights as well as Engineering highlights will be turned in on the proper form and will be used by the Homecoming Judges to facilitate their judging process
  • Only assembly of materials is permitted before the Executive committee has approved construction and Okie checks have been obtained. Assembly of materials includes racking pipe, organizing pomps, and putting up pomp stands. (no hanging of taped chicken wire is permitted)
  • Poles must be set at least 10 days prior to hanging screens.
  • Any issues that may arise will be dealt with by the Homecoming Executive team and Safety.
  1. All construction must be conducted on site!
  • A 30% deduction will occur if a living group assembles any part of the house decoration away from the living group property!
  • Only House Decoration design is allowed to take place off of the living group property. Absolutely no welding, construction, pomping, or assembly of ANY NATUREis allowed to take place off of the living group premises.
  1. All movements and effects of House Decorations must be mechanically operated with no human interaction. No live models in any form will be used. Due to safety concerns and pedestrian congestion, walk-through house decorations will not be allowed. (Walk-through consists of house decorations, which encourage spectators to go through an entry and exit to view interior construction.)
  1. The decorations will be judged on the following criteria:

a.Adherence to theme ...... 20%

How well does the Decoration incorporate and reflect the University Homecoming Theme?

Does your Decoration provide a clever interpretation of the theme?

b.Appeal ...... 20%

Does the Decoration appeal to alumni?

Does the Decoration appeal to families?

What was your overall impression with the Decoration?

Does it represent or reflect the history, traditions, and spirit of the university?

c.Originality and creativity ...... 20%

How intriguing is the pomping color scheme?

Is the Decoration unique?

Is the Decoration represent a fresh/new idea?

d.Design, construction & engineering...... 20%

How efficient and stable is the structure?

Complexity of moving parts

Do all the moving parts work?

Will be judged by engineering judges.

e. Pomping ……………………………………20%

Does the pomping appear to be completed?

Does the pomping represent intricate & detailed efforts?

Were blending, shading, & shadowing effectively utilized?

  1. You may set poles on September 8, 2010.
  1. All mechanical and physical construction must be completed by 2:00 p.m., Friday, October 22, 2010. Safety inspections will then be conducted. Only pomping will be allowed from 2:00-5:00 p.m. on October 22. Beginning at 3:00 p.m., engineering judges will be viewing mechanical parts, including motors. Living groups need to be prepared to show judges mechanical construction and design.
  1. All NANO pomping is prohibited. A 10% deduction will occur.
  2. Engineering judges will be rotating to see all house decorations. To provide less stress to pairs, one of the homecoming chairs(previously arranged) will be contacted when engineering judges are at the house prior to theirs , in the rotation. Talking to and showing around the Engineering Judges is permitted ONLY by one representative of the Fraternity/Sorority pair. A rotation schedule will be provided during the week of homecoming to homecoming chairs.
  1. After a “grace” inspection, penalty points will be assessed for any violations of OSU safety regulations. Safety point decisions will be made by OSU Fire Protection and Safety students, who will be accompanied by members of the Homecoming Steering House Decoration Committee and the City Fire Marshal. Deductions for safety violations will be subtracted from the judges’ scores. A list of exact point deductions and safety rules are in the Physical Plant Safety Packet and can be obtained from the physical plant website. The link to the packet is:
  1. Judging will begin at 5:00 p.m., October 22, 2010. Points will be deducted if your group is still working when the judges arrive.
  1. A monetary limit of $5,500 per living group has been established for house decorations. This monetary limit includes money spent on new materials as well as donations of new materials. Also, reused materials are at 10% of current day cost. Living groups must turn in a “before-Homecoming” budget estimate of what they think they will spend on

steel, pomps, chicken wire, glue, motors, lifts, and generators. This budget form can be found on pages 18 and 19 of this packet. This budget form shall be due at the Second Greek Life Meeting alongwith the House Decoration Application on Sunday, April 19, 2010. Please remember that this budget is an ESTIMATE of what you will spend.

12.Living groupsmust also keep a COMPUTER ledger (THAT WILL BE PROVIDED) of their financial records including donated (10% of cost) and reused materials (10% of cost). Any violation of spending limits will be reviewed and acted upon by the Homecoming Executive Committee. Overspending the budget ceilings will result in a 5% loss of points towards overall house dec for the entry. The Homecoming Steering Committee does not wish to take away from any house decoration; the Committee only hopes to promote the overall Homecoming Spirit by insuring that all participants follow established guidelines for fairness. Ledgers, receipts, and all other financial records will be requested at any time and should be constantly updated. A print out of the computerized ledger will be picked up once per week starting a month before Homecoming and will be checked every night the week of Homecoming. A final printed ledger and copies of receipts will be picked up on all-night-pomp, Thursday, October 22, 2010 so Homecoming Executives can evaluate ledgers, receipts, and comparisons to budgets before placing are announced at the Football Game. The computer ledger should include all expenses incurred during the living group’s Homecoming preparation. Each chair will be responsible for bringing an updated ledger and a copy of all receipts to each of the living group meetings to turn in to the Homecoming Executive Team, failure to do so will result in a one (1) point sweepstakes

deduction from total score per occurrence.

  1. Have at least one Homecoming chair readily available during the time specified at a future date. Failure to produce the ledger within 3 minutes of arrival will result in a 1 point deduction of points towards Sweepstakes.
  1. The House Decoration shall not exceed a volume total of 29,000 cubic feet. However, no part shall exceed 20 feet in height. This means that groups are allowed to design a unique decoration to the yard it is built in. Geometric figures can be designed and will be considered as long as it fits inside of the measured volume i.e. spheres triangles, squares. The decoration must also be continuous, in that, a portion of the decoration cannot be on one side of the lawn and the other portion on the other half. The Decoration will be measured periodically throughout the building process and must stay with the cubic feet requirements of 29,000 cubic feet.
    **** A House Decoration shall not exceed 20 feet in height at any point of the house decoration, no matter how the landscape of the yard lays. If any Decoration exceeds 20 feet at any part, pairs will have to resize decoration to stay within guidelines!
  1. The House Decoration should not exceed 8 moving parts. If a pairing should do so it will result in a 10% deduction on House Decoration.
  1. All final Homecoming entries must be approved by the Homecoming Executive Steering Committee.
  1. We play Nebraska Cornhuskers. Their colors are red and white.
  1. There will be a drawing for the order of submission of ideas for House Decorations at the 2ndliving group meeting on March 23 , 2010. This drawing will be also used as a schedule for the safety meeting in the fall. All entry forms for House Dec. must be turned in at the Alumni Center by 4:30 on April 16, 2010, with the detailed sketches required on the House Dec. Entry sheet and the House Dec. Budget Form.
  2. A representative must attend a mandatory safety and general information meeting which will be announced at a later date. Absence could result in disqualification of the house decoration entry and forfeiture of Sweepstakes fee at the discretion of the Homecoming Executive Committee.
  1. No alcohol is allowed on campus or chapter property! Any violation of the alcohol rule during house decoration construction or the Walkaround may result in disqualification of the entry at the discretion of the Office of Fraternity & Sorority Affairs/or referral to
    the University Conduct Office. Alcohol use on Chapter property during Homecoming is also a safety violation.
  1. Only active OSU students that are active members in the chapter of this university will be allowed to work on the house decoration. The first violation will result in the loss of one point, second is two points, and third is five points, after this with each violation the penalty will increase by five points each time.
  1. OSU Physical Plant and the OSU Alumni Association will provide large dumpsters located around the house decorations. Any and all house decoration materials allowed by the city dump will be put in the dumpsters. When a dumpster is completely full, call 744-5410, and the trash receptacle will be emptied, but do not over fill.
  1. Pairings will be allowed one week, until 5:00 the following Friday, for cleanup of all scrap including: chicken wire, pomp screens, metal piping, etc. If not all trash is clean off yard by one week after Homecoming Houses could be subject to warnings or monetary fines by the City of Stillwater. Also please have all metal that the House intends to keep taken to storage within one week. It is not the intention of the Homecoming Executive Team to create needless stress for the Homecoming Pairings; therefore, these guidelines must be followed to avoid fines.

21. All campus buildings, campus water features, university logos, and mascots can be used in all house decorations. The items listed above cannot be added at a later date if the change conflicts with another living group’s sketch. Keep in mind that other houses may also use these features in their house decs.