St Michael’s Federation
KS1 Curriculum Summary – Autumn Term 2017
Our theme this term is ‘Amazing Africa!’English
/ This term we are following a new planning format from the Centre for Literacy in Primary Schools. Using this format, we will focus on three books per key stage; the KS1 children will begin with ‘Zeraffa Giraffa’ which is a story about a giraffe’s journey from Egypt to France in the 1800’s. Whilst the KS1 children are doing this, the reception children will focus on ‘Augustus and his Smile’ about a tiger who has lost his smile and his quest to find it. Following this, the KS1 children will focus on ‘Anna Hibiscus’ and the EYFS children will focus on ‘Anna Hibiscus’ Song’ which is about a young girl who lives in Africa and her large family. Our final texts of the term will be ‘One Day, On Our Blue Planet… In The Savannah’ for the older children and ‘Handa’s Surprise’ for the younger children. Each of these texts will be taught in a manner so as to inspire and create a love of reading and books.
/ Maths will be taught in a skills based, contextual manner. To begin with, we will all focus on number and developing our number knowledge. Then the older children will focus on time and positional and directional language which will link to our text ‘Zeraffa Giraffa’. Then all of the children will focus on addition and subtraction and begin to use their increasing number sense to solve problems. Then the KS1 children will focus on shape which will tie in with ‘Anna Hibiscus’. We will then all look at measuring in a variety of capacities. After this, the older children will focus on multiplication and sharing/grouping while the younger children will focus on shape. We will then end the term with an additional focus on number and number sense.
/ Our topic for this term will be ‘Animals, including Humans’. Over the term, the children will learn to name a variety of different animals, identify animals from their surroundings, compare the structure of different animals and learn more about the human body. We will also think about the needs of different animals, including what humans need to survive.
/ Computing will primarily be taught in conjunction with geography this term. We will use the iPads and laptops to look up facts about the Savannah and Africaand we will learn to use basic programs such as Microsoft Word and PowerPoint. The EYFS children also have technological toys in their environment.
Geography and History
/ This term will focus primarily on geography as we will focus on Africa. Over the term, the children will use the stories from English as a medium to learn more about the continent. Whilst we study ‘Zeraffa Giraffa’, we will look at the contrasting continents of Africa and Europe and compare the savannah to France. When we look at ‘Anna Hibiscus’, we will research Africa and Canada and compare the two varying places. Finally, when we learn about ‘One Day, On Our Blue Planet… In The Savannah’, we will research the physical features of a Savannah.
Design and technology
/ Design and technology will be taught this term through the stories in English. The children will begin by making a transportation device for Zeraffa to help with the journey from Egypt to France. The children will then look at different patterns and fabrics whilst learning about ‘Anna Hibiscus’.
Art and Design
/ Art and design will also be taught through the stories. At the end of the term, we will learn about ‘One Day, On Our Blue Planet… In The Savannah’ and the children will practice their painting skills by painting scenes from the story.
/ Throughout this term, the children will learn different stories of the Christian and Muslim faiths. We will study their importance in terms of learning about religions and the way of the world. We will study the stories through a range of mediums, including appropriate bible stories for children, videos and telling the stories to each other.
Personal Social Health Education (PSHE)
/ Throughout this term, we will teach PSHE in taught sessions and in circle time. We will think about how we can be a true friend and what a friend is. We will also aim to understand different types of families and also how to look after animals that we may find in our locality. This will all be cross curricular with our English books and our science topics.
/ We will have Sports Jam sessions with Callum each Thursday afternoon throughout the term. Please ensure that your child has shorts as well as trousers as the weather gets colder. Where possible, we will continue to have Sports Jam sessions outside. Please leave PE kits in all week so that we can do extra PE sessions if possible.
Woodland Wanderers
/ We will continue to have Forest School sessions on Monday afternoons in the Walcott Arboretum. On Mondays, you are welcome to send the children in in their own clothes but please ensure that they wear long sleeves and trousers to avoid scratches and stings. Please make sure they have waterproof trousers as we tend to sit on the ground and a warm waterproof coat. As the weather gets colder, you are welcome to send in gloves, hats and scarfs to keep them warm.
Collections for our workshop
/ As always, we welcome any donations of things to use in our workshop. The children particularly like to use cardboard boxes, egg boxes, plastic bits and cylinders when they are making a junk model.
A very big welcome back and thank you for all of your support.
Miss Lewis