Osmosis/Diffusion Study Tool:

Practice scenarios:

Raisins becoming plump after being soaked in a cup of water overnight. / Raisins become plump after soaking in a cup of water overnight because ______
Kool aid spreading out in a pitcher of water / Koolaid spreads out in a pitcher of water because ______
Smelling axe in the classroom after someone has sprayed it in the hallway. / ______
A watery syrup forms on strawberries after you put sugar on them. / ______

Important vocabulary:

Semi-permeable / lets some things pass through but not others.
Osmosis / movement of water across a semi-permeable membrane from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration
Diffusion / movement of molecules across a semi-permeable membrane from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration
Equilibrium / when the concentrations are the same.

Practice Diagrams

Look at the pictures below…Draw arrows to show any movement of molecules that would occur. On the line write the name of the process that this picture is showing (diffusion, osmosis, or equilibrium).

Osmosis/Diffusion Quiz Study Tool Key:

Practice scenarios:

Raisins becoming plump after being soaked in a cup of water overnight. / Raisins become plump after soaking in a cup of water overnight because _water_____ moves from high concentration in the cup to low concentration in the raisin during the process of osmosis.
Kool aid spreading out in a pitcher of water / Kool aid spreads out in a pitcher of water because the kool aid moves from high concentration in the clump to low concentration in the pitcher of water during the process of diffusion.
Smelling axe in the classroom after someone has sprayed it in the hallway. / You can smell axe in the classroom after someone sprays it in the hallway because the scent moves from high concentration in the hallway to low concentration in the classroom. This is an example of diffusion.
A watery syrup forms on strawberries after you put sugar on them. / A watery syrup forms on strawberries after you put sugar on them because water moves from high concentration in the strawberry to low concentration in the sugar.This is an example of osmosis.

Important vocabulary:

Semi-permeable / lets some things pass through but not others.
Osmosis / movement of water across a semi-permeable membrane from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration
Diffusion / movement of molecules across a semi-permeable membrane from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration
Equilibrium / when the concentrations are the same.

Practice Diagrams

Look at the pictures below…Draw arrows to show any movement of molecules that would occur. Note: Salt is too large to pass through the bag. On the line write the name of the process that this picture is showing (diffusion, osmosis, or equilibrium).