Registration Form

Childs Name:………………………………………………………………………………

Age: ………………………………………………………………………………………..


Has your child had swim lessons before? Circle: YES NO

Circle what swimming level your child is at: non-swimmer/beginner water-confidence

stroke-development stroke-correction

Previous Teachers Name /or School & contact no: …………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………


Injury/Illness (Asthma):…………………………………………………………………….

Students own goals:…………………………………………….awards…………………...

Other reasons: healthy lifestyle fun fitness

Parents Names:………………………………………………………………………………….....

Numbers: …………………………………………………………………………………...

Number in case of Emergency:……………………………………………

Doctors No:…………………………………………………………….

Postal Address: ….…………………………………………………………………………

Email: ………………………………………………………………………………………

Where did you hear about us?: …………………………………………………………….

I, the undersigned accept all the rules stated below and do not hold responsible the teacher, or Off the Hoek Swim School from any liability resulting from any injury or loss sustained in any way.

…………………….. ……………………… …………………



  1. If I have to cancel the class for any reason it will be rescheduled/made up.

NOTE: It will not be rescheduled or reimbursed if you have to cancel the class (for whatever reason).This general rule applies to all extra mural activities, Ballet, Karate etc.

  1. Excuse your child from lessons to be missed. A quick sms will do.
  2. The monthly Swimming Feeis paid one month in advance by the last lesson of each month. Strictly no payment, no lesson.EFT: Please SMS me a proof of payment 084 910 7920. Save Paper!

Bank details:FNB S.M. Skelton Account number: 620 555 99 404 Branch code: 254 605

Reference: Your child’s name and surname

Cash:Put in an envelope with your name on, and post in the white post box near the pool side. I will Receipt you by putting the envelope back in the waiting room, near the star chart. We can use the same envelope every time.

  1. Note this contract is binding pending one month’s written notice of termination.
  2. Children perform better when their parents, friends and siblings are not in view; therefore there is a waiting room available for parents, friends and siblings, with TV, tea and coffee facilities. We invite you to the last lesson of each month, to watch your child’s progress.

Working parents are invited to pop their heads in on any day that is convenient as I know how difficult it is for you to make that time available at the end of each month.

  1. Clean up and wash up after yourselves in the waiting and changing areas.
  2. Ensure babies & toddlers wear nappies & waterproofing at all times.
  3. Park outside the gate on our verge or on the school’s verge.
  4. Please put your child’s swimming cap on their heads and blow snotty noses before classes.
  5. Please keep siblings and friends out of the pool area while lessons are in progress, it is a distraction to the kids in the water.

Parents please make sure your child has read and understood the following rules with you:

1.Arrive on time for class dressed with your swimming cap on your head; or arrive 5 minutes early to change into your swimming gear in the changing rooms.

2.Go to the toilet and blow your nose before the lesson begins.

3.Wait quietly while the class before yours finishes.

4.Never get in the water without asking your teacher.

5.No running.

6.No eating or drinking around or in the pool. Eating before a lesson is not advised. It may cause discomfort or your child to feel sick.

7.Respect teachers and fellow swimmers; chat outside with friends while a class is in progress.

8.Respect our residential privacy demarcated by privacy and no entry signs on fences.

9.Take note of caution signs for your and your child’s safety.

10.Strictly NO DOGS or any other pets allowed.

Dress Code:Costume. Cap. Goggles. Towel. For all ages.

All children are to wear a swimming costume and cap at all times.

Silicone or material caps are easier to put on. Tying girls hair up first, makes it easier to put on.

Game & Mr. Price Sport/any sport shop will sell caps and goggles. SAEKO, ZOGGS, SPEEDO are good brands – make sure the goggles are age appropriate, adult goggles do not fit children.

Please use the changing rooms to change your child back into their clothes.
