OSHE/EOF Supplemental FY 2017 Article IV Application
On October 14, 2016, the EOF Board of Directors authorized the EOF Executive Director the ability to make adjustments to FY 2017 EOF Article IV allocations should additional FY 2017 Article IV resources become available during the 2016-2017 academic year. The purpose of this application is to provide academic year EOF campus programs the opportunity to submit a one time only request for additional Article IV funding for the Spring semester -FY 2017. All requests must fall within one of two categories:
1)Academic Year Support (Institutional Dollar-for-Dollar Match Required)
Programs that submit a request for additional Article IV funds to supplement their existing Academic Year Support budget mustprovide a narrative description and justification of how the funds will be used. This will include a revised B3 budget demonstrating where the additional funds will be applied.Institutions must ensure that there is a dollar-for-dollar institutional match if the Article IV allocation is increased.
2) Special Projects (No Institutional Match Required)
Article IV funds provided for Special Projectswill not be counted as part of a program’s current academic year Article IV allocation. This is a separate allocation to help create, enhance, and/or promote student leadership and academic support. The intent of Special Project funding is to offer a new and unique approach in programming for students (and potentially staff) that programs are unable to currently offer because of budget limitations. Preference will be given to projects that address areas where students are underperforming. An example of this may include providing supplemental enrichment to key courses that students traditionally struggle to perform well in. Another example could include offering student leadership activities that engage multiple EOF campus programs. Programs that submit requests for Special Project funds must provide a narrative description and justification to back up the request,explain the type of assessment that will occur, and the intended impact of the activity. Additionally, a line item budget must accompany the request that provides both the cost and description of the budget line items related to the costs of the project. You must use EOF Contract Attachment B4, FY 17 Special Projects to complete your line item budget request. Although there is no dollar-for-dollar match required from the institution for this category, all regulations pertaining to the restrictions of the usage of Article IV funds will continue to apply.
The deadline to submit a request for Supplemental Article IV consideration is January 30, 2017. All proposals must include the attached coversheet and should be emailed to Dr. Hasani Carter, EOF Statewide Director at .
The EOF Central Office will review proposals and inform those programs selected for additional funding by February 10, 2017. Programs that are selected for additional support must ensure that all funds requested will be expended by June 30, 2017.
OSHE/EOF Supplemental FY 2017 Article IV Application
Cover Sheet
Date of Application:Name of Institution/Program:
Mailing Address:
Telephone Number:
EOF Director (First and Last Name):
Email Address:
Indicate which category you are submitting a request for OSHE/EOF Supplemental FY17 Art. IV for: (Check one) / Academic Year Support: ______Special Projects: ______
Total Amount Requested:
Project/Proposal Name (if applicable):
Is the requested solely intended for the benefit of EOF students? / Yes ______No ______
If the answer to the above question is “No”, please explain:
Are you requesting funds to help supplement an ongoing activity? / Yes ______No ______
If selected, it is understood that funding will only be provided for FY2017. / Yes ______No ______
Signature (EOF Program Director):
Narrative Description of Project (No more than 3 pages)
Please describe the proposed special project that you are planning. Include the following information in your description:
- target audience
- project goal and objectives
- assessment measurements
- intended impact of your proposal.