7th Grade Scrapbook Project
“525,600 Minutes: A year in the Life of a Seventh Grader”
Although seventh grade isn’t yet over, you already have many memories and experiences from this year. My final project is a scrapbook in which you will record your memories and thoughts in a creative way. Below you will find the components you will need for the scrapbook; photos are encouraged as well. You will need a scrapbook, a binder with sheet protectors or some other organized notebook form. I prefer that the scrapbook NOT be purchased from a store. The goal is to make this scrapbook a keepsake for you to treasure. Each component should be on a separate page, and each page should be decorated. How do YOU measure a year in your life?
First, brainstorm ideas for a THEME. This can be a phrase, a word, or an idea. Use it for your cover/outside page. Use your diary/journal if you have one, along with pictures or other memories. The focus will be on your life at Ridge Road, but you will probably also want to include moments from your life outside of school. As you complete each assignment, think about the LEGACY you wish to leave and the LESSONS you have learned.
Components for 7th Grade Memory Book/Scrapbook
You must complete 8 total; those with a “**” are mandatory.
You may do more, of course. Cover page, table of contents, and decoration are a must. (These do not count toward your eight pages).
- **My life in a nutshell” (or a poem, story, or paragraph using around 100 words)
- Goals and Dreams-be specific and write two paragraphs describing your dreams and how to get there.
- The most influential teacher in YOUR 7th grade experience—2 excellent paragraphs; tell why, give details
- 7th grade superlatives boy & girl )Best smile, Best All-around, Most Friendly, Most Likely to Succeed, Most Athletic)
- My first day as a 7th grader—impressions (do you remember?) 2 excellent paragraphs.
- My impressions for a rising 8th grader (what do you predict it will be like? what are your worries?) 3 paragraphs.
- Three interesting stories from 7th grade (funniest, craziest, etc).
- What I learned in 7th grade (how you are wiser? what could you tell a 6th grader?) 3 paragraphs.
- My best friends (why are they your BFF’s? Give characteristics of your friends and explain).
- A week in the life of a 7th grader, including my schedule (in and out of school)
- Trips I have taken- at least one page in length
- Your “favorites”: music, food, class, friend, song, color, etc. (at least 10 favorites) Be creative!
- Fondest memory of the year
- **Song of the Year (a song that has meaning for you) please include lyrics and tell why the song is special to you. It must be appropriate!
We will have time to work on our scrapbooks in class during the EOG retakes and the last few weeks of school, but you will most likely need to do some out of class work on this as well. I would greatly appreciate any donations of colored paper, page protectors, or other “crafty” items for these scrapbooks. Scrapbooks are due JUNE 2 with presentations to follow.
I can’t wait to see your finished product! Ms. Robbins
My Checklist:
____I have a “theme” for my cover page and title (not just “7th grade memories” –be creative!)
____I have chosen at least 8 entries to write.
____I have written the ROUGH DRAFT for each of my 8 entries.
____I have typed or NEATLY HANDWRITTEN each of my pages.
____I have a decorated cover page
____I have numbered my pages and I have included a table of contents.
____I have done all of the work myself.
____I have put forth my best effort!
7th Grade Scrapbook RubricDUE JUNE 2
RUBRIC / Points Possible / Points Awarded/CommentsProject complete with at least 8 entries / 60
Project turned in on time / 10
Project contains cover page, table of contents, decoration of some sort / 30
TOTAL / 100