Oshawa Valley Botanical Garden

Task Force Meeting

Oshawa Valley Botanical Garden

Task Force Meeting

Civic Auditorium

99 Thornton Rd., S.

Start: 4:45 p.m. Wednesday, May 13, 2009 Meeting Room 1

Attendees: Winifred Chapman, Chair George McCormack. Vice-Chair, Garden Club Rep

Brian Malcolm, Parkwood Estate Rose Mary Mason, Parks Community Program

Joe Kolodzie, Community Member Brad Rosnak, Parks Operations Technician

Julia Atkins, OVBG Program Coordinator

Mike Molinari, Director, Parks and Environmental Services

Regrets: Bill Grainger, Community Member, David Mills, Rotary Club, Natalie Adams Community Member



Mike Molinari was welcomed as a member of the OVBG Committee.

09.05.01 /

Minute Approval

Joe motioned to accept minutes of February 21, 2009 as circulated. George seconded the motion. Passed / Motion
09.05.02 / Reports2.1  Correspondence
o  Letter May 4, 2009 from City of Oshawa regarding 2009 Partnership Grant Recognition and request to post certificate in an appropriate high-traffic location.
o  Invoice from City of Oshawa regarding payment for Leisure Guide ad was received and paid.
2.2  Financial Statement
OVBG bank balance as of May 13th, 2009 was $12,942.82. Julia reported that Bev Coe made a donation to the Memory Garden in the amount of $500 that was deposited in the bank. Julia forward to Brad a cheque in the amount of $500 to the City of Oshawa.
2.3  Grant Local Arts and Heritage Festival
Brian reported that our grant application of $12,000 was approved. A separate account will be opened and signing authority will be given to George, Brian and Linda Paulocik. Brian to look into whether peony festival expenses already incurred will be paid back to the OVBG account.
2.4  Peony Festival
George has been meeting with Linda Paulocik at Parkwood to discuss the Peony Festival Program. At their next meeting they will be discussing the set up and access to the garden.
09.05.03 / Program - Tabled
09.05.04 /

Planting Projects

Brad reported that the Phase 1 Memory Lane Project has been started. Contractors are on schedule. Twenty London Plane trees will be replacing the Yellowwoods. On the south side eight “Red Obelish Beech” trees will be planted. Ruth Lafarga may have one possibly two donors for trees. Tax receipt system has been set up. Brad and Mike will be meeting to coordinate the Rotary Club transaction of $15,000 for the Memory Lane.
Memory Lane planting day will be held on May 30th and the rain date is June 6th. Rotary Club and other volunteers will be planting beds and trees. Councillors will be invited to participate in the planting. June 6th will be the rain date. The Memory Lane should be ready by May 25th if contractors stay on schedule.
George motioned that a lunch be provided for fifty volunteers at $6.00 a person. This includes sandwiches, salad, drinks and delivery cost. Motion seconded by Joe. All approved. PASSED.
George motioned that a 2’ x 3’ graphic panel at the cost up to $500 be purchased to acknowledge the Rotary Club Phase 1 contribution. Motion seconded by Joe. All approved. PASSED / Motion
09.05.05 /

Fundraising Position

Winifred reported that Michel Dimoglou has accepted another position. Winifred informed the members that the University has a fundraising and marketing program. The University has certain criteria for their students and one of them being an office for their use.
Brad distributed the Fundraising brochures and encouraged members to seek out donors for the Memory Lane Phase 1, 2 and 3.
09.05.06 /


6.1  Julia requested that Mike look into office space for the OVBG in order to use the office for meetings and access to files and supplies. As the present office is shared it is necessary to make an appointment to use the office. Rose Mary confirmed that the shared office has been assigned to her summer student so OVBG access will be even more limited. Setting up a strictly OVBG office will give needed office access to Committee members and will ensure a meeting place for OVBG staff and potential donors.
An important reason for OVBG office to have their own office is that the University requires we have an office that the intern can work in.
6.2  Brad distributed to member the Peony Festival bookmarks. Brian also has distributed the Peony Cards to City staff.
6.3  Joe motioned to pay the invoice for the exercise in the park ad placed in the Leisure Guide. Seconded by George. All in favour. Passed.
6.4  George to meet with Sandra Ferrara to discuss updating the OVBG web site. George to report at next meeting the cost involved and to review mock-ups.
6.5  Planter Challenge to be held at Lakeview Park on Thursday, May 21st at noon.
6.6  It was noted that Festival & Events did not have our event listed. / Motion
09.05.07 /


Meeting adjourn at 5:45 p.m.
09.05.08 / Next Meeting: Wednesday, June 10, 2009 at 4:30 p.m., Civic Auditorium, Board Room 1.

Recorded By: Julia Atkins