ORTA Executive Committee Meeting

ORTA Executive Committee Meeting

ORTA Executive Committee Meeting


June 6, 2017

Attendees: Randy Overbeck, Bee Lehner, Gale Adkins, Carol Remington, (Staff) Pat Bateman, Evelyn Massey, and Mia McLean

Procedural Business: At 10:15 a.m. President, Randy Overbeckcalled the meeting to order. All members of the Executive Committee had read the minutes from the April 2017 meeting. The only correction was the Fall Board Meeting date should read October 10, 2017 and not October 11, 2017. Carol Remington moved and Gale Adkins seconded the motion to accept the minutes as corrected. Motion carried.

Evelyn reviewed Expense Reports for April and May 2017. The Columbus Zoo was paid $8000 for the May Spring Board Meeting. Evelyn reported that mileage payments were low for the month of May and office supplies were purchased which were badly needed. During the report, Evelyn mentioned that the contract for the Pitney Bowes machine isup on June 18. She has researched the prices of Pitney Bowes vs Stamp.com. The executive committee agreed to go with Pitney Bowes with a 4-year contract. Carol suggested asking for a 2-year contract because of our educational affiliation. Evelyn said they would not honor that request. A motion to accept the April Expense Report was made by Gale Adkins and seconded by Randy Overbeck. Motion carried. A motion to accept the May Expense Report was made by Carol Remington and seconded by Gale Adkins. Motion carried. Evelyn announced that she has been itemizing all expenses since John left and will continue to do so.

Since funds are running low at this time, it was decided to take the $27,000 which UBS says may be used as cash or reinvested, and put this money into our checking account to help pay some of the outstanding bills which will be coming to pay the attorney. The motion was made by Gale Adkins and seconded by Carol Remington to take the $27,000 as cash. Motion carried. Randy would like a total report from UBS by August.

Inspire Group and AMBA were contacted by Evelyn to find software which would help with membership and the website. Eileen McNally wishes to retire and will help AMBA take this project over. AMBA is willing to help but they want to be sure the website it open to everyone. Randy asked who controls what goes on the website. Pat will look into this.

There is a feeling that we’re not getting our money’s worth from Inspire. At the Spring Board Meeting there were no nametags, Katie was late, and the folders weren’t ready before the meeting began. There was a $1000 charge for their part in that day. We have an open agreement with Inspire. There is no penalty for dropping them. There is a need drop Inspire and find someone else to take charge of the newsletter and website. Evelyn needs approval to get Microsoft Software Templates. Pat will take care of this.

Mia McLean gave her Membership Report. For May there was $720 taken in and 18 AMBA members.

In addressing John Cavanaugh’s legal case, the bill from our attorney, Lindsay Sestile, is $12,773. This will be divided up into three payments of $3591 per month for the next three months.

Randy suggested that Mia send a thank you note to the Columbus Police Dept. thanking the officers who came to assist us on May 1, when were released John from his job at ORTA.

Old Business: Strategic Planning Committee-Bee reviewed the discussion from the Spring Board Meeting. Randy asked us to be thinking about what we are going to do about the people who are going off the board. He suggested the SPC have a meeting in early August and follow up with another meeting in early September. Randy asked Pat to do some research on “name change” of the organization. He also recommended that we make the changes to the structure in “stair steps” rather than all at once.

President Randy asked for a formal approval of three resignations; Ron Bond-Eastern VP, Don Uhlman-Finance Chair, Eileen McNally-Finance Committee, and Don Baker-Finance Committee. A motion to approve these resignations was made by Carol Remington and seconded by Gale Adkins. Motion carried. The following items were discussed at this time:

Randy will ask Dave Gynn to finish out Ron Bond’s term.

John never called a legislative meeting during his employment.

Community Service never met so they will have a teleconference soon.

The president determines who will be on state committees.

It’s a good idea to hand out a questionnaire at the Fall Board Meeting to find out who wants on certain committees.

Randy asked Gale to “host” and chair a finance meeting sometime in August.

Randy asked Carol to call Don Uhlman about a lady that he would suggest for finance committee.

Bruce wants to continue membership chair and has some ideas. He wants to develop a membership handbook.

Randy asked about the number of members we’ve brought in through social media in 2017. Evelyn wasn’t sure, so Randy asked her to find the total for the first 5-6 months before the August Executive Board Meeting.

Pat wants to send out another call for chapter president reports.

New Business: Randy explained that our Interim Executive Director, Pat Bateman, is hired as an Independent Contract Worker. She has no employment status. She has agreed to work from 5 days down to 3 days per week.

Since John Cavanaugh’s termination, he has been denied unemployment twice. Randy asked what we should share or not share with the board members. Carol suggested we only share what we’ve shared so far. When Randy hears anything about the case, he will let us know.

Dawson is posting for a part-time executive director. Randy has asked that they emphasize that we’re looking for someone with administrative and leadership skills, as well as being a communicator and proactive. We envision this as a 3-day a week job, but they must be flexible. It would be at least 156 days on the job. They would need to attend these critical meetings; HRA, ORSC AND STRS. Carol wants to make sure ORTA members are aware of the position. We also need a technology person. It was suggested that we go through Dawson to secure this person. They would also be part-time and do all of our social media and newsletter.

Pat reported that membership cards are being sent to chapter treasurers. She has formed a letter to help treasurers who don’t want cards sent to them. Bee suggested sending a list of paid chapter members to each chapter. Then membership cards may be sent to treasurers upon request. When ORTA receives individual memberships, a card can be sent.

70th Anniversary-The Day at the Zoo was poorly attended. Board member attendance was good. There were 12 visitors, 18 board members and 3 employees. There are two areas of Ohio who will hold an ORTA Day for members to celebrate the anniversary; Dayton Dragons in the Southwest corner and Roscoe Village in the Eastern side. Randy asked that we plan for the end of July for these celebrations so he can make the focus of the July Newsletter about the 70th Anniversary. Pat will look for the ORTA Banner so it can be displayed at these events. Pat will contact District Directors to find other chapters who will host the Northeast and Northwest areas. Bee will invite Jim Arganbright to the ORTA Day in Roscoe Village.

Other Business:

Executive Director’s Report-The following is what Pat is working on:

Officer’s reports that aren’t in the system.

Emergency memo to go out when things are happening.

Officer contact information from each chapter.

Making sure chapters know that January 15, 2018-Forms are DUE!

Updating history book when 50th and 70th Anniversaries are celebrated.

Recommendation for 2018-going back to holidays which were observed in 2016. (Pat shared a copy of the holiday schedule.) A motion was made by Gale Adkins and seconded by Carol Remington to accept this schedule. Motion carried.

Have certificates ready to take to chapters who are celebrating special anniversaries.

July newsletter should make a request for names of members who are celebrating birthdays of 100 or more.

Someone called and asked if ORTA has a constitution. Pat search everywhere and finally found it in the first “minutes” book!

Pat reviewed the executive board members who were attending different chapter meetings this summer.

Gale reported his visits to several chapters and a local career center. He recommended asking career centers for technical advice.

Reviewing Spring Board Meeting-Inspire didn’t promote the Zoo event. By current bylaws, next year we’re to have 4 regional meetings. We feel we have failed our members. Invitations were sent out through Eventbrite. We need to find out why people didn’t come. We should think of a list of what should and should not be done for next year’s meeting.

There was discussion about the ORTA website-pros and cons. Randy suggested a notice in November about reports but add a link that will take the president right to the document that needs to be fill out.

The next board meeting was scheduled for August 13, but it has now been changed to August 3. The meeting will take place in the morning and the interviews for the Executive Director will take place in the afternoon.

Randy thanked Pat for taking this position. She is doing a tremendous job!

Meeting was adjourned by Randy Overbeck at 3:04 p.m.

The next Executive Committee meeting will be held Thursday, August 3, 2017 at 9 a.m. at the ORTA office.

Respectfully submitted by Bee Lehner, Secretary/President Elect