1. New OASIS C2 questions and answers are available in the new 16.3 OASIS C2 ICD10 assessment templates.
  2. We will not be adding OASIS C2 questions to assessment templates prior to 16.3
  3. 16.1 OASIS C1 ICD10 assessment templates are compatible in 16.3
  4. 16.1 assessment templates are compatible with 16.3
  5. Assessment customizations from previous assessment versions will not be carried forward to OASIS C2 assessments.
  6. Where do I get OASIS C2 assessment templates- When you upgrade to 16.3 the OASIS C2 templates are in the assessment template folder labeled OASIS_ICD10.
  7. Please do not delete OASIS C1 assessments from your system until your agency no longer needs them. OASIS C1 assessment templates are no longer being provided in the 16.3 Upgrade assessment folder.
  8. Non-OASIS assessments are being re- versioned to 16.3 – all assessment customizations for these assessments will be carried forward to 16.3 versions. This include Hospice templates.
  9. Dash (-) responses- Dash responses are available in M1028 and M1066
  10. M1028- export responses
  11. 1=1
  12. 2=1
  13. 3=0,0
  14. 4=(-) (-)

M1021 and M1023 Prefill M1028 in the following scenarios:

If the patient has an active diagnosis code in M1021 and M1023 that matches the list it will populate automatically the #1 or #2 option.

The user must select option 3 or 4- those will never populate automatically.

We will not be using codes from the M1025 or the assessment list of active diagnosis if they are available but cannot fit into M1021-

Here is why- to qualify for a “yes value in M1028 the agency must be actively treating the patient for that condition as part of the admission. There is a chance the patient may have an active diagnosis (might be 10th on the list) but it is not a reason the agency is seeing the patient and would not be monitored. This is a clinical call and not something we would want to auto- populate. Obviously if the diagnosis is in M1021 or M1023 it is affecting billing and we will auto populate that answer. If no auto- selection was made- Users will have to review all of the patient diagnosis and select yes, no or unable to assess. We are also not populating the active diagnosis from M1025 for the same reason.

  1. CMS is now allowing a dash(-) response meaning “ If no information is available or assessment is not possible for reason other than above, enter a dash (“–“). This value can be exported to CMS. However- CMS did not incorporate this answer in the OASIS C2 form they published. CMS also states this should be used in very rare instances. To accommodate this we would need to add additional answers and selections for users to accommodate this export value. This could encourage poor behavior and affect quality outcome scores. It was determined that clinically users should be able to answer these questions in the time frame given to complete an OASIS Assessment.

We have not accommodated the CMS export value of a (-) for the following questions:

GG0170C, M2001, M1313, M2003, M2005