ORSP Training Workshops

ORSP Training ORSP gives one-hour training presentations on topics ranging from budget preparation to searching for funding opportunities to general grant writing tips. Most presentations are offered 2-4 times throughout the year, but can also be given “on-demand” at the request of a department. UM faculty and staff can view the schedule and sign up for workshops at http://www.research.olemiss.edu/upcoming-presentations, and view past workshop presentations http://www.research.olemiss.edu/presentations.

Is there something you need to know as an investigator, but you don’t see a training workshop about it on the schedule or in the catalog? E-mail to request training or information resources.

Existing Workshops Catalog

"Congratulations on your award! --What's next?"--Basic Award Management An overview of basic UM processes and UM and federal rules related to managing an award. Recommended for all Principal Investigators and their support staff.

Cataloging Resources for UM Flagship Constellations with R2D1 Attendees will learn to use the UM Research Resource Directory (R2D1) to list research and scholarship resources and expertise, and associate them with UM Flagship Constellations.

Financial Conflicts of Interest Learn how to identify and manage actual or perceived conflicts of interest on sponsored programs.

Undergraduate Research at UM Attendees will learn about the resources available at UM and beyond to enable faculty-mentored undergraduate research experiences.

How to Find External Funding Opportunities Hands on workshop on using PIVOT and other resources to search for funding opportunities. Attendees will set up their PIVOT profiles to receive weekly, personalized alerts and announcements.

Finding Collaborators with PIVOT In this hands-on workshop we will look at finding collaborators for interdisciplinary research using the PIVOT database. Participants will also see how to access and edit their own scholar profiles in the PIVOT database.

Getting Started with Grants.gov Workspace Beginning Jan. 1, 2018, Grants.gov will require use of the Workspace mechanism for submission of proposals. This workshop will give an overview of how Workspace operates, review the standard forms, and discuss ORSP procedures for ensuring smooth proposal development and submission using this important tool.

IRB and Human Subjects Research Ethics Learn: responsibilities of researchers when working with human subjects, why the informed consent form is the least important part of the consent process, how to facilitate a rapid IRB review, and ways to avoid getting into trouble.

Locating and Listing UM Research Resources with R2D1 Attendees will learn to use the UM Research Resource Directory (R2D1) to locate and list resources for research and scholarship at UM. Hands-on.

National Institutes of Health--Overview of the Agency and Development of Grant Proposals This workshop will cover the structure, mission and goals of the National Institutes of Health, and a basic overview of proposal development for NIH researchers.

National Science Foundation--Overview of the Agency and Development of Grant Proposals This workshop will cover the structure, mission and goals of the National Science Foundation, and a basic overview of proposal development for NSF researchers

NIH Peer Review Overview of the NIH Peer Review Process. Covers: NIH Organization; Center for Review & Study Sections; Proposal Development; Review Process; Critiques and Funding Decisions; Tips and Insights; New Developments; and Resources

NSF & NIH Proposal Compliance Issues Review of major funding proposal requirements from NSF and NIH. Helpful hints to make sure your proposal receives full consideration from these major sponsors

ORSP Information Session: NSF CAREER Overview of NSF Early Career Investigator program, with tips from UM faculty who have received CAREER awards, and opportunities for proposal mentoring.

ORSP Information Session: NSF EPSCoR Fellows Program Learn how to compete for NSF EPSCoR Fellowships. EPSCoR Fellows spend up to 6 months at another research university developing collaborations or skills.

ORSP Information Session: NSF EPSCoR Track-2 Program Learn how to compete for NSF EPSCoR grants to partner with researchers in other EPSCoR states to build research infrastructure around a scientific them or societal challenge.

ORSP Pre-Award Services Overview This is an overview of new and existing ORSP services, programs, and resources available to support research, scholarship, and creativity at UM.

Overview of Budgeting for Grant Proposals This workshop will provide basic information on budget preparation and the components of budgeting.

Publish, Patent, and Prosper: Unlocking the Secrets of Obtaining a U.S. Patent This workshop is designed to demystify the patent process from the beginning when you have an exciting idea, to the end, years later, when you receive a copy of a patent with your name as an inventor.
Research Development Fellows Program Meet the ORSP Research Development Fellows; learn how they can help you improve your collaborative or individual grant proposals; learn how to apply to become a fellow

Responsible Conduct of Research All Principal Investigators and key personnel (including students) participating in sponsored projects must complete this online training at http://www.research.olemiss.edu/rcr/faq before award commencement.

UM Proposal/Award Life Cycle This workshop will present an overview of the life cycle of proposals and awards within UM, and discuss the roles of the Departments and Schools, ORSP, Accounting, Procurement, HR, and other involved offices of the University.

Overview of SBIR/STTR Programs--Working with Small Businesses on External Funding
Learn about federal small-business research funding opportunities, and how University researchers can collaborate in these funding opportunities.

www.olemiss.edu/research 662-915-7583