Central Deanery Council of Catholic Women
Orlando Diocesan Council of Catholic Women
June 25, 2016
Sts. Peter and Paul Catholic Church Classroom
Call to Order
CDCCW President Mary Anne O’Shea convened the meeting at 10:03 am
Opening Prayer
Spirituality Commission Chair, Debbie Miller, lead an inspirational prayer about transitions and new beginnings.
Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America
NA no flag available
Mary Anne O’Shea welcomed all and introduced the officers seated at the head table. She graciously thanked all who have served; thanked all who’ve agreed to serve; and encouraged us to embrace the upcoming and existing challenges, with the certainty that a God-centered approach will bring us to it and through it.
Introduction of Officers
Donna Tillman incoming Corresponding Secretary; Annette Tolle outgoing
Nanette Parratto-Wagner incoming Recording Secretary; Nadine Hardin outgoing
Marie Fiske incoming Treasurer; Judy Connor outgoing
Rose DiSalvo Vice-President; Kathy Godard outgoing
Fr. Tim Labo Spiritual Advisor
Mary Anne O’Shea incoming President; Ginny Hagan outgoing
Introductions of Appointed Positions
Parliamentarian Gwen Allen
Auditor Kathy Leigh
Newsletter and website Peg Middleton
Introduction of Commission Chairs
Spirituality - Debbie Miller Chair; Sally Jo Patton Co-Chair
Legislative - Kathy Leigh Chair
Service – Denise Campbell Chair; Jenny Iacovazzi Co-Chair
Leadership - Kim Taylor Chair; Marty Schwallie Co-Chair
Million Works of Mercy
Discussion ensued regarding how to promote this NCCW project within the affiliations; how to encourage collection of the numbers of corporal and spiritual works of mercy; and to send in the numbers of works of mercy monthly to NCCW using the form on the NCCW website. Discussion continued regarding the possibility of collating the data from individuals and affiliations at the Deanery and Diocesan levels. It was suggested that this initiative be explained and promoted at Lake Yale Leadership Symposium.
Praying for Persecuted Christians
Deaneries were encouraged to incorporate ODCCW initiatives into initiatives for the Deanery and Affiliates. Praying for persecuted Christians worldwide is one of these initiatives. Suggestions to accomplish this initiative included: setting a daily timer on a cell phone to remind individuals to pray specifically for this intention; dissemination of the Prayer for Persecuted Christians from NCCW via email; encourage specific Rosaries before Masses; praying The Angelus daily; use the CDCCW website to disseminate a weekly Novena.
Human Trafficking
Educating members about this issue is an initiative of NCCW. It was suggested to promote this initiative at the Deanery level. Discussion ensued to review the existence of resources on the NCCW website. There are flyers for public spaces with tear-off tabs to give victims contact information for agencies to help victims. It was suggested to create a standard template for presentation to the Deanery and Affiliations to connect this issue with abortion. Discussion ensued regarding coordinating with Susie Lefils Harting and the Diocesan Office regarding human trafficking and to invite a speaker to the first CDCCW General Meeting to help promote this issue and educate our affiliation Presidents and Deanery Representatives. The objective is to encourage the affiliates to educate and empower their members.
Fundraiser ideas for CDCCW
Rose DiSalvo solicited input for ideas from Board members and will solicit ideas from affiliation Presidents. Suggestions included Catholic Hold’em, Bunco, Casino Night. Discussion ensued regarding following Diocesan guidelines regarding gambling; regarding planning sooner than the first Board Meeting, including informing members in the promotion of fundraisers as to what the proceeds are used for. Fr. Labo had suggested asking each affiliation to donate 10% of their largest annual fundraiser to CDCCW. Discussion ensued regarding how to solicit an equitable share from each affiliation. The goal is to have feedback by the Fall CDCCW Board Meeting and have the decision made at that meeting. Solicitation of ideas will happen prior to that meeting and will include specifics for implementation. 500 Club and 50:50 will continue as previously operated. Additional suggestions included: a business expo as a fundraiser; a health expo luncheon fundraiser with top name speakers, charge $30 per ticket, affiliations would be asked to help to find speakers and vendors to sponsor such an event. Such events might attract a younger demographic to Council. Early and complete planning was emphasized.
Spirit Newsletter
Bios and photos of new officers need to be submitted for publication in the June edition. Affiliation plans and events should be submitted from Presidents. Discussion ensued about effective communications options. It was suggested to poll members to find out who wants to receive newsletters as printed media, by U.S. Mail, or electronic media. A “buddy system’ was suggested, wherein affiliations would pair tech savvy members with print media members. Caution with use of social media outlets was strongly advised and any use of social media will follow Diocesan communications guidelines. A Facebook closed group page titled “CCW” exists for prayer requests, to post affiliation events and news, etc. The Webmaster and Newsletter editor asked for proofreaders to review the website and newsletter info and links for accuracy and ease of use.
Save the following dates:
Lake Yale Leadership Symposium July 30 – 31, 2016
Affiliation Presidents have been asked to bring something to the Symposium. Replies have been sparse. All were reminded to register prior to the late fee deadline. Kathy Bonner is seeking hostesses to welcome new registrants to Lake Yale. 7 volunteers will be coordinated by Denise. A sign-up sheet was passed around during the meeting.
Central Deanery Board and General Meetings
Dates will be forthcoming. Discussion ensued about rotating responsibilities between affiliations for hosting the meetings as has been done previously. CDCCW will be the central clearing house for payment for meals. Holy Redeemer will coordinate the caterer. Collection of payment and distribution of payment were agreed to unanimously by acclimation. Host affiliations will bring décor and disposable plates, napkins, etc.
NCCW Convention Sept 7 – 10, Indianapolis, IN
Early bird registration ends June 30th. Several members from CDCCW will be attending. Affiliation Presidents contact information should be updated with NCCW by the Immediate Past-Presidents.
FCCW Conference October 27 – 30, Crowne Plaza Hotel, Jacksonville FL
ODCCW fundraiser gift basket of coffee and chocolate in a Vera Bradley bag is being coordinated by CDCCW.
HUGS for the Homeless – Dec 2016 to Feb 2017
FOCUS 11 – Feb 2017
CDAC April 4 – 5, 2017
ODCCW Convention April 22 – 24, 2017, Plaza Resort & Spa, Daytona Beach
500 Club Drawing for June, July, and August
Winners are TBD. Kathy Godard will draw the winners for June, then Rose DiSalvo will take over. New ticket sales will start in Sep 2016. Discussion ensued regarding sales of 500 Club tickets being difficult due to price per ticket being at too high a break point. There were 34 unsold tickets for this cycle. Mary Anne will follow up with Kathy to solicit sales as previously requested. Mary Anne will communicate with the Affiliation Presidents to clearly delineate the expectations of membership in CDCCW. The Presidents and Deanery Reps will be advised to share with their affiliations how CDCCW spends income; how the Deanery serves the Lord via donations; and how to read and disseminate the information in the Treasurer’s report. Affiliation Presidents and Deanery Representatives need to understand that CDCCW conducts fundraisers to generate income for operations of CDCCW, but primarily to donate the proceeds to qualified charitable organizations.
Additional discussion ensued regarding improving communications from CDCCW to the affiliations. It was suggested to include Deanery Representatives on emails sent to Presidents. Mary Anne will collate and send updates weekly, with explicit instructions to share weekly updates with all members. Mary Anne will send time sensitive emails in timely fashion with instructions to share the emails in a timely fashion, because it is unacceptable to not keep affiliation members informed. Mary Anne reviewed the pros and cons of using email properly. The use of conference call or online video media to conduct business was encouraged. The difficulties with use of electronic media were discussed and will remain part of an ongoing discussion.
Breakout Sessions
11:25 am to noon for outgoing and incoming officers and appointees to network and share resources and information.
Closing Prayer
A prayer for wisdom in our new beginnings was lead by Spirituality Commission Chair, Debbie Miller.
Adjournment at 12:09 pm
CDCCW President Mary Anne O’Shea adjourned the meeting at 12:09 pm
Contact Information: Mary Anne O’Shea, President, ODCCW Central Deanery, 1550 Yardley Court, Kissimmee, FL 34744, Home Phone: 407-870-5604, Cell Phone: 407-492-1592
Respectfully submitted July 2, 2016, Nanette Parratto-Wagner, CDCCW Recording Secretary Page 1 of 3