3700 Casper Drive

New Berlin, WI 53151

Table of Contents

REVISED August 2011

Purpose of this handbook 3

Mission Statement 3

Policy on Admissions 3

Daily Schedule 5

Attendance 6

Absences 6

Extended Care 6

Curriculum 7

Scholarship and Grading 7

Parent-Teacher Consultation 8

Discipline 8

Suspension and Expulsion 10

Standards of Dress and Personal Appearance 11

Safety …………………………………………………………………………………..13

Accident and Dental Insurance 13

Church Attendance 14

Church Singing 14

Weekly Chapel Service 14

Textbooks & Other School Property 15

School Cleaning 15

Lunch and Milk Program 15

Health Program 16

Telephone Usage 17

Physical Education Program and Recess 17

Co-Curricular & Extra-Curricular Activities 18

School Pictures 18

School Closing 18

Home and School Association 18

Items not to Appear in School 19

Monthly Newsletters 19

Busing Boundaries 19

Family Folder ………………………………………………………………………….19

Website Restriction Form…………………………………………………………….19

Closing Statement 20

Index 20

Purpose of this handbook

The main purpose of this handbook is to provide parents with a source of information on matters pertaining to the overall program of Star of Bethlehem Lutheran School. You are urged to read the contents of this booklet and to keep it available throughout the school year. By being well informed, the home, church, and school will better provide the maximum benefits of Christian education for the Lord's most valuable resource, children.

Mission Statement

Star of Bethlehem Lutheran School is a Christian elementary school maintained and operated by Star of Bethlehem Lutheran Church. Our Mission Statement is:

To lead souls to Christ, to nurture faith, and to prepare for works of service.

This rests on the fundamental truth that we must "seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness; and all these things (academic, athletic, social, etc.) will be given to you as well", Matthew 6:33. For this reason the members of Star of Bethlehem maintain a Christian Day School in which the child is taught to behold the guiding hand of God, the Creator, Redeemer, and Sanctifier, as shown in the creation of the world, in the course of events in history, in the plan of salvation for mankind, and in the total life of every individual.

Religion, therefore, is not a separate and/or extra subject that is merely taught in addition to the secular subjects, but rather, the Word of God permeates and motivates all teaching, learning, and activities in Star of Bethlehem School.

We pray that Star of Bethlehem Lutheran School may be an effective means of outreach into the community, through which hearts may be brought to Christ.

Policy on Admissions

I. Enrollment

Star of Bethlehem would like to invite all of the children of our congregation as well as the children of our community to enroll in Star of Bethlehem Luthean School. The primary purpose of our school is to provide a Christian education for the children of Star of Bethlehem congregation members, however, Jesus said in Mark 10:14, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the Kingdom of God belongs to such as these". In keeping with our Savior's command, Star of Bethlehem school invites the community to enroll their children as well. In order to enroll a child in Star of Bethlehem School, the parents will agree to the following conditions:

1) Parents must be willing to let their child freely believe God's Word as it is taught. Should parents question any religious material being taught, it is the parents’ responsibility to discuss it with the teacher/principal BEFORE disagreeing and telling their child otherwise. Children form a strong love for both parents and teachers, and should not be put into a position to doubt either.

2) Parents must agree to make every effort to bring their child to their child's class functions including those on Sunday morning when the class sings for a worship service.

3) Seventh and eighth grade students will receive confirmation instructions as a part of their regular religion class. No student will be exempt from these instruction classes, without consent of the Board of Education.

4) At least one parent (preferably both) will be required to attend no less than 75% of the adult information classes re: Lutheran doctrine, given by the Pastor. These classes must be started by the first semester and completed within the child's first year of enrollment. Since God's Word is taught not only in "religion classes", but is pervasive throughout all subjects in school, parents should know the basic truths that their child is being taught.

5) Parents must agree to PRE-pay each month's tuition covering the cost of the education. It must be understood that this tuition is non-refundable. See Appendix A for current tuition figures.

6) Admission will be on an availability basis. We also want to make sure that all the needs of the children can be met.

7) The Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the pastor and/or principal, reserves the right to dismiss the child should either the parent(s) or child become uncooperative with any of the above policies.

II. The age requirement for entering our kindergarten is 5 years by September 1. Children transferred to us are normally placed in the grade to which they have been promoted; however, the school reserves the right to determine the grade placement of a child through special testing if this should appear necessary.

III. There is a registration fee for every child which is set by the Board of Education prior to the opening day of school. A book fee is also charged to each child. It covers the rental of all required textbooks in the secular subjects plus workbooks, tests, field trips, supplies, and current events magazines. Members of Star of Bethlehem and nonmember parents pay a tuition fee that is set in January of each year. Before school starts in fall, a Back to School Night is held. At this time new school policies are discussed, teachers meet with their student’s parents, and any forms still needed for enrollment of each child is collected. See Appendix A for current fees.

IV. Religious textbooks must be purchased for each child and become the pupil's permanent possession. These textbooks may be purchased at the Back to School Night. See Appendix B for a list of required religious textbooks.

V. Star of Bethlehem School admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national and ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, and athletic and other school administered programs.

Daily Schedule / Extended Care

School Days: Monday through Friday.

School Hours: / Kindergarten
Two sessions / 7:50 AM to 11:00
11:00 – 2:20 PM
Grades 1 - 8 / 7:50 AM to 2:20 PM

School doors will open at 7:30 AM. Students who arrive earlier will be sent to our Extended Care Center. The Extended Care Center charges $4.00 per hour for each child served.



Buses leave our school at 2:25 p.m.


Parents may pick up their children between 2:25 and 2:45. Students who are not picked up by 2:45 p.m. will be sent to the Extended Care Center. A $4.00 per hour charge will be made for that supervision.

Extended Care Center:

To register for the Extended Care Center, please call the school office 262-786-2901. Registration is $30.00. The registration fee covers snacks and supplies for the year. The Center opens at 6:30 a.m. and runs through 5:30 p.m. The cost is $4.00 per hour.

Mrs. Michelle Yass is the Extended Care Director.


All children are expected to attend daily unless there is a legitimate reason for absence. Children arriving after school's opening time will be marked tardy unless they are riding on a school bus which arrives late.


A written excuse for any classroom absence is required by Wisconsin State Law and Star of Bethlehem School. The excuse should include the date(s) of absence and the reason for the absence, and should be signed by a parent. The excuse should be given to the child's teacher on the next day of attendance. Parents should also call the school office prior to the start of school, if their child will be absent that day. If a child is not present in school, and no phone call has been received, the school will contact the parents to determine the reason for absence. In this way, the safety of each child is insured, eliminating any confusion as to the child's whereabouts.

Family vacations during the school year are discouraged. Missing a number of school days in a row can cause a significant delay in the education of your child. Please make every attempt to plan vacations around the school’s yearly schedule.

A written excuse is also required for any medical appointments. Parents are urged to plan these appointments outside of the school day, if at all possible.


The courses of study of the State of Wisconsin, the New Berlin School District, and the Wisconsin Ev. Lutheran Synod serve as guidelines for determining the general aims, purposes, goals and performance objectives in both content of study and method of instruction. God's Word permeates all branches of learning. The Curriculum is under constant evaluation by the faculty so that the best education may be given the students. All subjects are taught by dedicated teachers who have your children at heart as Children of God.

Religious activity in our school is not only essential to the philosophy and the mission of our school, but permeates the very fabric of the school curriculum. Therefore any requirement that infringes on that principle or compromises that position would be unacceptable. Furthermore any parent who chooses to enroll a student at Star of Bethlehem enrolls the student in the total program including all religious activities.

Regular student testing is undertaken to check the individual student's classroom competency and mastery of material. Standardized tests are administered regularly to determine the students' scholastic achievement in comparison to his class, and also in comparison to the nation. IQ tests are given at regular intervals to determine the students' level of mental ability.

Scholarship and Grading

The teachers of Star of Bethlehem Lutheran School expect each child to work to the best of his/her ability. Records shall be kept to chart the child's academic, physical, emotional and social growth for understanding his/her problems and improving the instruction. Report cards to post parents on the child's progress in scholarship and Christian attitudes will be issued four times per year. On a report card we are not grading a child's faith but simply his work achieved. All papers are graded according to the percentage of correct answers. For report card purposes, the percentage is transferred to a letter grade. Parents should evaluate and discuss the report cards with their children. The report card envelope should be signed by the parents and returned to the child's teacher. The report card itself may be kept at home.

Papers will be graded according to this grading scale:

A 97 - 100% C 80 - 82%

A - 94 - 96% C - 78 - 79%

B + 91 - 93% D + 75 - 77%

B 88 - 90% D 72 - 74%

B - 86 - 87% D - 70 - 71%

C+ 83 - 85%

Students of Grades 5 -8 participate in a departmentalized schedule. Our teachers can then specialize in writing, literature, science, history, and music. We offer advanced classes in math, literature, and writing.

Parent-Teacher Consultation

After the first reporting period, formal parent-teacher consultations will be scheduled to discuss the child's academic, emotional, and physical progress at school. In addition, parents and/or teachers may request consultations at any other time during the year. It is important to maintain open lines of communication between the home and the school.

Unresolved Issues / Concerns

All pupils are bound to be obedient to all faculty and staff at all times and places. (Staff includes: secretaries, Childcare workers, cooks, volunteers, and custodians.) Please make every effort to address concerns in a God-pleasing manner. Matthew 18 asks that we first talk with our brother. The following procedure should be used when addressing a concern:

1. If pupils feel that they have been treated unfairly, they are encouraged to discuss the matter with their teacher in private. Parents who feel that there has been a misunderstanding are requested to talk to the teacher first, after school hours.

2. If no satisfactory agreement can be reached, then the matter should be taken to the Principal.

3. If no satisfactory agreement can be reached, then the matter should be taken to the pastor or school board member.


Jesus, our Lord and Savior, says, “If you love me, keep My commandments.” This means that, in a Christian school, we will work together with you, the parents, to teach children to follow the rules of the school out of love for the Savior. Teachers will also make every effort to treat all children fairly in respect to God's Word. Students are expected to show this respect to their classroom teacher, to the rest of the faculty as well as to the teachers' aides. Students are taught and are expected to conduct themselves in an appropriate Christian manner whether at school, on the bus, or at any school activity.