Orlando Chapter of IFMA

Board of Directors June 2013 Meeting Minutes


Date: June 12, 2013

Location of Meeting: 2315 Lynx Ave., Orlando, Florida


Orlando Chapter of IFMA’s Mission Statement

The Orlando Chapter of IFMA is an organization dedicated to developing the professional growth of our members through education, networking, certification, and promotion of the facility management Profession.

Board Members in attendance:

President: Steve Mathes / X / Grace Cubarrubia – Director, Membership Chair / X
Vice President: Darlene King / X / Lisa Cloud-Kelly- Director, Education Chair / X
Treasurer: Amie Erickson / X / Phil Keller – Director, Social Chair / X
Secretary: Ramona Livingston / X / Ramona Livingston-Director, Community Chair / X
Past President: David Dunn / Alan Fickett – Director, Sponsorship Chair / X
Gerie Vogt – Director, Program Chair / X
Renee Ponik – Director, Newsletter/Webpage Chair / X

Committee members/Others’ in attendance:

Renee Perrin - Chapter Administration / X
Ben Paredes – Membership Co-Chair / X
Fred Livingston – Education Co-Chair
Charles Davidson – CenturyLink
Mark Utz – Sun Coast Chapter
Kathy Nelson - NASA

Meeting Called to Order by Steve at 11:45 a.m.

·  Steve asked everyone to review the May Minutes.

·  Steve asked for a motion that the May Minutes be accepted as revised, Alan made a motion, Lisa seconded; Steve asked for a vote, motion was approved unanimously.

President’s Report

·  Sponsors are going to contact Steve to get approval/set up with our chapter. He will then email Renee and they can then pay through Renee Perrin.

·  Dec 2 & 3, 2013 trade show with opportunity at Hyatt Regency Grand Cypress to host a booth at no cost to the chapter. Steve will do further research before we sign up.

·  Charles Davidson raised the question as to how we can increase our pool of younger members. Brainstorming on ideas… Internships with college/high school kids, social media, talk with school counselors, career days, discounts for those who bring associates from their companies, etc. Send Steve your thoughts.

·  Interns for hire being included in our weekly email for companies that may be looking for interns in accounting, web design, etc.

·  Confirmation of chapter charter dates? Renee Perrin emailed Larry to confirm.

·  Four sponsors have paid for KSC tour. Steve is welcome to as many as would like to sponsor, the more the merrier.

Treasurer’s Report

·  Amie reported on the May Financial Reports. May ending balanced is $31,779.67. Six month reserve funds of $10,500 leaves a working capital of $20,285.87. Steve asked for a motion for the treasurer’s report to be accepted as delivered. Alan made a motion, Gerie seconded; motion was approved unanimously.

Education – Lisa

·  Held a webinar on O&M yesterday (June 11, 2013), presented by Jim Garett of Schwabb. Four people total in attendance. David has not yet been recording these.

·  Kathy Nelson will be covering the topic of Leadership on July 9th from Kennedy Space Center. Lisa will set up a practice session from KSC to test the equipment prior to the 9th.

·  Steve recommended setting up a review of materials to put together the new webinars for the new CFM exam. Lisa will set up the meeting with Steve, David, Tarzan, Geoff Allen and anyone else who would like to be involved.

·  Information on IFMA national website is changing constantly regarding the CFM exam. There are now many chapters holding webinars which are being called workshops. What previously was a 16 hour CFM review course is now a 45 hour course.

·  June 30th is the cut off date to submit applications for scholarships. The executive board will then review the applications to determine the award(s).

·  Lisa will email Steve, Renee and Ben the updated scholarship application.

·  Steve asked Renee Perrin to sort through our roster to determine how many CFMs we have in our chapter. Ben did a quick count on the roster he had and counted 33 members who have their CFMs. We have a total of 123 FMs. 27 % of our members have their CFM. 9 of the 33 CFMs are females, also 27%.

Programs – Gerie

·  Caroline McMorran of Valencia Community College presented the educational program in May. Only two responses were received to the feedback survey, one loved it, one hated it. 45 people were in attendance, 18 of whom were FMs. One of our lowest showings to date. John Schofield would like to see more on operations and maintenance. Gerie is planning to ask him to be on the programs committee.

·  No program will be held in June, it will be the KSC tour.

·  53 people are registered for the June KSC tour. Buses hold 100 total people between the two buses. Darlene made a motion, Alan seconded, motion passed unanimously to take $300 from the profit funds for Renee Ponik to purchase KSC stuff to raffle at the event. 7 sponsors currently confirmed. Sponsors will be divided between the two buses, they will have time to showcase their company and may give away additional prizes if they would like. Steve authorized Renee to open the registration to any other organizations.

·  Florida Hospital Orlando employee, Dennis L. Beatty, Colonel, committed as the speaker for the July 25th program luncheon. He will speak on being an FM in Iraq.

·  Nemours tour in August. September panel discussion on HVAC, possibly at UCF. More will be discussed with Larry. IKEA tour November 15, 2013.

Social – Phil

·  Wednesday, August 7, 2013 bowling event at Colonial Lanes. This location has been in operation from 1952, so we’re going with a 50s theme. Would like FMs to attend at no charge. Teams will be mixed as registration is received rather than pre-selected teams.

Membership – Grace

·  Several new members, one over a hospital. New member list was divided for welcome calls.

Sponsorship – Alan

·  Sponsor banner is on the truck to be delivered today. Alan will get it to the KSC event later this month.

Community Involvement – Ramona

·  None


·  Readership about 35%. Nearly all of those are FMs.

Old Business

·  Darlene has followed up with Veith Consulting regarding the questionnaire they asked us to complete. Our project has been sent to a project manager and Amie has set up the payment. No one has a copy of our contract with Cross Fire Studios, so we don’t have information on cancellation terms. Amie has stopped automatic payment to Cross Fire Studios. We are currently paid up through the end of July. Renee will contact Cross Fire Studios to get our password to make updates to the website and to have them send us invoices instead of automatic billing.

·  Renee Ponik is reviewing the balanced scorecard. We need to set up a time to meet either in person or online/phone to set up our goals to help put the scorecard together. We have two sides to this: the strategic initiatives and the balanced scorecard. Group will meet Friday, June 21st at a location TBD. Steve will look for a location in Winter Park. Alan, Grace, Renee, Kathy, Darlene and Charles are on the committee. If you have any answers to survey questions or input, please email Renee Ponik.

Steve asked for a motion to adjourn, Lisa made a motion, Alan seconded; Steve asked for a vote and the motion was approved unanimously.

Meeting adjourned at 1:26 p.m.

Respectively submitted,

Ramona Livingston, CFM, MIS
