Student Name: Period:

Published Laboratory Report Grading Rubric:

Design your own Reaction Rate Lab

Section of Laboratory Report / Comments /
Pts. subtracted / Points Possible
Title page: includes the name of the lab, names of each group member, dates of the lab, date of report / 2
Abstract: a brief (1 paragraph) summary of the purpose, general method and steps followed in doing your experiment and a summaryof the overall results in general terms. / 6
Research Question: How does the independent variable affect the dependent variable? State what you are trying to determine in question form. / 2
Independent Variable (IDV): What are you changing? List all 5 levels of IDV (or how you changed the IDV 5 ways)
Dependent Variable (DV): What raw data did you take and what was inferred or calculated using it?
Controlled Variables should be listed in a Controlled Variable Table. See below. / 5
Hypothesis: an educated “guess” or prediction about what your results will be like. As the IDV increases or decreases (pick one) then the DV will increase or decrease (pick one). / 2
Theory: discuss the theory of the experiment (i.e. background information that someone would need to understand what you did and why you did it, and to understand your results.); list any applicable equations; cite information source(s) and give references to literature when appropriate. / 4
Setup, Materials, & Method: ( 1)An alphabetized list of equipment used and a digital diagram (photograph, Paint picture, scanned drawing, etc.) of the equipment set up. (2) A listing (with numbered steps) of the detailed procedures you followed during your experiment. / 8
Results/Data: table(s) that are clearly labeled and include all units. Show raw data and calculated rates. Include a description of your visual observations.
Sample Calculation:For your calculated rates, be sure to include a sample calculation. Format that this section so that headings and answers stand out. Equation Editor works best for this; if you don’t use this application you still must type your calculations. / 6
Graph: Using Excel or another computerized graphing program, create a Scatter Plot to display your data. Include a trendline and include an R2 value. Remember, IDV is on the x-axis & DV is on the y-axis. / 9
1)Restate purpose of this lab
2)Restate results
3)Explain at least three sources of error in this experiment and describe how each source of error could have affected your data
4)State how you could improve these procedures to yield better results if given the change to repeat this lab. / 8
Presentation: Professional presentation, no major typos or grammatical errors, turned in to on time. / 3
Total: / ______ / 55