Orlando Buick Club Board Meeting – 2/25/06
Dick Gauchat from The Mid Florida Buick Club, welcomed the Buick Club Board and guests to Orlando. Dick introduced each of the Board members.
The group gave our new Editor, Pete Phillips, a round of applause.
Paul welcomed the attendees and everyone introduced themselves in the audience.
- Approval of Rochester, MN. Minutes - Pat made a motion to approve the Driven Award purchase of awards. Dick second. All approved. This is now up to date in the Rochester Minutes. Please delete: “This also exceeds Pat’s authority.”
Modified Division awards are paid through Registration. Host Chapter would pay for these awards like they do for other awards. “And not requested from the Modified Division”. Pat moved; Bill second.
Minutes are now approved.
- Treasurer’s Report – Jerry Bodden: Accounts Receivable remains in the January financials for the Batavia trophies. Deferred revenue that funds the magazine going forward from the dues collected spread over numerous years. The number ($), has dropped 7% in the last seven months. Batavia HAS sent money as a donation, not as trophy payment. Operating Statement – Advertising is UP by $6,000. All else is tracking as normal. Chapter allotments-$6450. This was not paid out. That is the two-$3,000 payments for seed money. $450 is the actual number. John Ball moved; Barney Eaton second. Approved.
- National Office Report – Mike deferred to Terry Dunham for the BHA:
Buick Heritage Alliance – Terry Dunham – The Director’s of the BHA, of which there are five, have pledged $15,000 to get the Alliance started. A GM employee has donated literature to the group worth in excess of $16,000. Mr. Elias Nyberg has offered to donate a 48 Buick Roadmaster and some 20’s auto parts. Larry Gustin has just completed a book on David Dunbar Buick and the Alliance may publish the book. Five Directors guide the organization: Dunham; Biche; Bennett; Anderson and Brashares. At this time, the Alliance does NOT intend to operate a Museum but to partner with another group for storage. A database will be compiled to access archives and information. Literature will be scanned into a database and all will have access to this database. Is it legal for the BCA to accept donations to the BHA? Richard Sills affirmed that it is. What is the plan to transmit funds and information to the BCA? All this can be done through the National Office. The BHA is a 501C3 Corporation. The BCA is a 501C7, and it is not tax deductible. The request is to include the BHA on the renewal form of the BCA and to recognize the Alliance. Mike will propose a new form for renewal to allow for the BHA information. This will change the database and change the reporting. This would come from the National Office and then allow the information to go to the BHA. Mike shared the card and the envelope that we now use for renewals. Mike’s shared his new proposal for a mailer, similar to what he does now, for two other Clubs. The form was handed out that would be used in the future and we would get rid of the current envelope and cards. The Roster update card gets a better response than the BOD voting ballet, but not by much. The letter would INCLUDE the list of cars owned; cross out the cars they don’t have; and jot down the new cars. Mike has a Programmer. BHA has agreed to pay $600 for this new Programming. . BCA would need to add the difference for the Programming to bring this all to a conclusion. The database also has to be enlarged. The “cover” would be a simpler system for Mike, and less work now, for the National office. This cost would be a wash. The BHA Mission Statement is included on the new form with Terry Dunham’s name and number. Terry Dunham was concerned about the impact on the National Office as to any additional work or handling. Once the database is redone, it’s just a matter of one more entry. Time wise-no inconvenience according to Mike. No charges to the BHA, for the first year to see what is involved; and then look to charge after that, if necessary. The National Office would NOT be the contact office for the BHA. A number 9 envelope would go out with the new renewal form, and there would be cost savings over the current system. There are two issues here. The form and the Alliance. Nancy Eaton asked about accepting the Reatta dues. Would this be possible? Too labor intensive for the National Office to begin doing Reatta’s. Mike said he gets many calls on donations right now. This way, Mike and Nancy have place to send those folks. Mike doesn’t want to do the work for the other Divisions.
JB moved and John seconded the change to the form of the letter for the BCA. Barney concerned about the layout. Dues - $35 should be first. BHA would be at the bottom, not in the body. Move the paragraph in front of the donation. Want to make sure the pieces are separated. Keep the two entities apart. Add the word voluntary, so it not “expected”. Pat suggested a tear off for the BHA rather than go to the National office. Wants to cooperate but make the change and have it done direct. Terry would like to have a single check so that it would be easier for the membership. Could not use the credit card option in the case of a tear off form. Would we extend this to other’s that come to the group? Terry Dunham said, no. The one-year sunset provision makes it helpful to the BCA so the system can be reviewed. The BHA handles the tax-deductible letter to each and every donor. Credit card company takes 4.5%. BHA would get less in the exchange of funds from the BCA. The BCA would not take the shrink for the BHA. The BCA has to report this on the tax return as income; and then the distribution goes to the BHA. Get an opinion letter from Mr. Sills on the “Pass Through” for the audit. Two other car clubs are doing this with Mike now, and there are no IRS issues. This is a significant amount of money that could flow through the BCA to the BHA.
The form for BCA change that Mike recommended is adopted by a unanimous vote of the BOD.
BHA – Item #21 – SOP #19 - Re-write the SOP to recognize the BHA. John Ball moved that BCA accept the proposal by the BHA to be included as per SOP #19. Barney Eaton seconded. Dick Sweeney has a problem with Item #3, the free advertising provision. This would not be an advertisement but rather articles for The Bugle. More emphasis on the historical articles in The Bugle and they would come form the BHA.
BHA at, no cost from the BCA on an available space, to be used for historical Bugle articles…Rest stays.
John, Barney and Pat agree to the modification. All in favor. JB abstained.
National Office Report – Fact finding on The Bugle. The new printer will bring a better magazine and save the Club money. New Editor has done a great job. The BCA Board, National Office and Pete Phillips have done a great job facilitating the change.
The membership total is below 9,000 for the second month in a row. Peak was 2003, with 9800 members. Losing members due to age; lack of interest, etc. Need to generate new members for the BCA. Each and every Chapter needs to address this issue. Board needs to work with the Chapter coordinator with a sense of urgency to turn this membership issue around.
Mailing difficulties have subsided. No problems in Canada and Foreign mailing. Believe the problem has been solved. Also have a proposal later on damaged Bugles.
Barney Eaton stated the National Office folks are doing a GREAT job. Office does great watchdog work for us on the BCA funds. Mike and Nancy try very hard to “manage” the day to day activities for the Club. Gain ideas from working for three Clubs. Cadillac is growing and Packard is growing…. by a small amount. Lincoln and Pontiac have fallen off a little bit. Cadillac recognizes the new cars. Allante and XLR.
John Ball commented on the look of the new Bugle. Believe this will help the membership. On Item # 5, we have not had a strong Chapter coordinator, according to John Ball.
Paul Meyer -The younger people with new cars are the area to grow; and the older cars are not experiencing Club growth. In Cadillac, the young folks like the big 60’s and 70’s cars. The old folks are buying the XLR.
Need to emphasize the cars that attract the younger members. The Pre-War cars are no longer the backbone of the Club. 80% of the cars at a National are 60’s-80’s cars. We need to cater to them if we are to grow our membership.
A lot of our members are buying new Buicks. Can we add this to the Bugle? How about a guest writer on new Buicks and Tech articles. How about someone at GM writing for the Bugle.
Barney took the 03 Roster to the 05 Roster, and looked at the cars owned by the membership. 55-56 Buick is the biggest gain. 1939 went down by 40 cars. 1964-67 down some 40 cars. 1955-56 is up over 150 cars in each year.
Ebay has lots of 55’s for sale. 56 is right behind this. In 55, Buick made more cars until you get to the 70’s.
- Bugle Report – Pete Phillips – March issue is at the Mailing House. Pete brought copies of the March issue for the BOD. Best issue yet. April issue is written and is on the 71-72 full size cars. Incredible amount of contributions. Pete is to let the readers know what is coming and what he is looking for. May 1908-1910 Brass cars. June will be on the 1956 cars. They are 50 years old. July 1929-30 Marquette. August will be the Modified issue. Thanks to Bill Darrow and Jim Jaeger for the time they spent with Pete in Minnesota. $300 was spent on the trip but it was well worth it. September 1973-75 Gran Sports. Pete also mentioned he had a wealth of material on Woodie Wagons for a future issue. 16 new pages of color. Many positive changes in the publication. Pete would like to get some new letterhead printed with his address. Mike will send him letterhead. April issue has BOD candidates. Pete is enjoying the job but it is a lot more work than originally anticipated
- Regional Chapter Coordinator – Keith Bleakney – Written report included in packet. – Rivertown; North Jersey and Philadelphia 1776 Chapters are “challenged”. Two new Chapters that Keith is working.
JB suggested that each Committee be required to have a report for the BCA BOD meetings, even if there is nothing to report. Bill agrees. Mike Book to carry out since he puts the Agenda together.
Dick would like to have the BOD members listed in The Bugle in alphabetical order.
- Internet Report – Roberta Vasilow – Reports shows many hits and RV continues to update the site. Judging Manual is on line. Can we add Modified and Reatta Judging also? Barney to provide the Reatta judging information; Keith Horstfall to get the Modified; and Mike will have RV add to the Web Site.
On the Internet Forum, it would be neat to place the future cover and the items in the next Bugle, as a teaser. Might entice those who are NOT members, to join. Pete to send RV the information to place it on the site.
- Tech Advisor Report – Barney Eaton – One new 1961 Advisor with no e-mail address. Many holes so we need additional advisors. Tech sessions at National Meets. Very important to add these sessions at a National. There will be a Tech Session at Rochester. Scheduling is also a problem but we need to establish priorities. That is a National Meet decision. Time is tight. Need to schedule it and invite folks in to do it. Other Meets have them after dinner when folks aren’t as yet, ready to go to bed. The draw is sessions that address the “common” items across all Buick’s, like re-packing the wheel bearings.
- Attracting Younger Members – Jerry Bodden – Batavia had a great Judging session for children. 8 attendees. BCA gave tee shirts and pins. Flyer already drafted for Rochester. Working on a Buick Youth Column. Pete has an article written and shared it with the BOD. Contest to name the column. Younger member dues. Send them a Bugle. Charge them $10 a year. John Ball brought this up. Take the Youth column; make it a mailer addressed directly to the Youth. Jointly address The Bugle to Mom/Dad and Junior member. What about a Senior discount if we discount the children. John will write up a proposal for the next meeting on Youth dues to focus the BOD.
- Judging and Judges Training – Rick and Mac – Report sent out to the group. Rick has an article in April on Judging and the different car judging categories. Rick wants the Judging form approved for Archival cars. Bill Darrow moved; JB second. All in favor. Medallions are all in the National Office now for all categories. .
- National Software Coordinator Report – Roy Faries – No report. What is his Roy’s e-mail address?
- Newsletter Award Committee Report – John Ball – Keith Bleakney is no longer on the Publication Committee. The Newsletter contest, however, is still going forward. Terry Dunham and John Ball are the Committee. Newsletters are getting much better.
Old Business -
- National Meet – 2005 Batavia Money – Received as a donation not as payment for the trophies.
- 2006 National Meet Report - Jim Jaeger – Receiving interesting calls about the Meet.
Kahlor Grande is full. Some rooms left at the Raddison, Hilton and Marriott. 1700 room nights booked so far. JB thanked Jim for sharing the updated schedule. Bill Darrow brought the awards plaque. The new medallions for First, Second and Third, are smaller than the originals. Will swap out with the old ones and can be used at a later time. Rieser Trophy in Columbus is making the plaques for the National Office. Name Badges will have the schedule of events so attendees will have them at all times.
- 2007 National Meet – Report was mailed by Mike. Everything is fine and issues have been addressed for the BOD.
- 2008 National Meet – Roberta Vasilow wanted to be here for this presentation. Buicktown Chapter is going to make a Bid for the 2008 Meet. Non- Judged Flint Meet in downtown. Music, swap meet, food. Fun with Buick. In 05 it was in Buffalo; in 06 in Rochester; 07 in Seattle. Paul would like to see it in the South. Paul asked Bruce if they would do another meet in Atlanta. No interest right now for a future meet for Marietta. Aging Chapter. Bruce will mention it to the other folks in the Chapter. Dick would like to see Ohio. (So would JB!)
- Future BOD Meetings – Paul – We have no proposals. John has suggested a CC meeting for the Fall. Standing invitation for Columbus. Paul asked about Nashville for the Fall of 2006; and Charlotte in February 2007. Music City is not interested in hosting but they would attend. The active participants are about a dozen in the Music City Chapter. It takes some convincing to get them to host the Regional. Bruce Kile is willing to help them if we want to go to Nashville. Paul wants to see the meetings moved around. Bill would like to see this after October 15, which is the BDE tour date. 3-4 folks in this Chapter, do 99% of the work. Mike suggested that the office select a site, in an area where there are Chapters and Mike and Nancy would be responsible for arranging this event. Mike talked about Nashville and the cost. Bruce and Mike to work on Nashville for the Fall. Jerry Bodden said Charlotte would host if asked. April is the Auto Fair and they could do it during that event. There is a Buick show on Sunday. Hotels are pretty booked up. Jerry to work on Charlotte and advise.
- 2006 BOD Candidate Status – Pete has three resumes for the three incumbents and have two promised. Deadline is March 10. Will make the April issue late. Feb. 20 used to be the cutoff. Paul received a call from a person in St. Louis who was just a new member and wanted to be on the BOD. Paul asked that he get some experience before he ran for the BOD. In the requirements, we should ask folks what experience they have had in their local Chapter. Much business is done on e-mail so we need to make sure they are capable of communicating with the rest of the BOD. Also need to be informed about what is going on in the Buick Club. Much has been done since Rochester. All the Bugle work has been done this way, via e-mail. If a candidate does not have or do e-mail, they would not be able to run and hold office.
- E Mail Motions – Pat moved and JB second that:
- Driven Award rule change re: transporting to meet
- BCA Judging Manual to be put on the Web Site
- Editor’s Travel to Orlando, Fla. BOD meeting be paid by the BCA
- Bugle Cost Comparisons between Baker and Modern Litho and the move to Modern Litho
- Bugle Editor travel to Minnesota-BCA reimbursement
Be formally approved by the BCA Board. Unanimous.