The University procedure for approving requests in principle for suspending delivery, deleting, transferring or changing the name of a programme requires Senior Leadership Team (SLT) and Academic Affairs Committee (AAC) approval. This proforma should be used to request the suspension of delivery, deletion, transfer or name change of an existing full and/or part time programme delivered on-campus or off-campus.

College Management Teams should approve the proposal in line with their strategic plans. A completed proposal is submitted to the University’s Portfolio and Partnerships Oversight Group (PPOG) (including the standing panel of AAC), after it has been endorsed and signed by the relevant Head of College and College Director of Academic Affairs.

Award(s) and Title(s) of affected programme(s):
College: / School:
Staff member responsible for the proposal:
Delivery Location/Campus:
Mode(s) of Delivery and Duration: (e.g. 3 years full-time)
The proposed request is to: please delete as appropriate
i)Suspend delivery of the programme(s)from ______to ______
ii)Delete the programme(s) from the Portfolio
iii)Transfer the programme(s) from the School of ______to the School of ______
iv)Change the name of the programme to:______
Rationale for the request: Please refer to the potential market supported by marketing information, HESA/UCAS data or employer demand(if appropriate).
How does the request fit with the University and College’s Strategic and Business Plans?
For suspension and deletion requests – Please highlight financial implications of the request.Requests for deleting programmes should be accompanied with a financial analysis setting out the financial implication.
Will this request have an impact on existing or proposed programmes? Please identify any new progression routes and/or other programmes that may be affected as a consequence of this proposal.
For name change requests – Are subsequent changes to the curriculum required?
Please contact the Office of Quality, Standards and Partnerships for advice
For transfer or name change requests - What is the proposed timescale for revalidating and marketing the proposal?
When is the request to take effect and which existing student cohorts will be affected?
Consultation with, and implications for, existing students:Where there are students who have to complete the existing award, please outline the extent of consultation with the student body and the provisions for the continuity of academic experience and maintenance and standards of the award.
For transfer and deletion requests - Has consultation taken place with academic staff affected by the request?
Does the request impact on or involve existing Partner or Professional, Statutory or Regulatory Body arrangements? If so, at what stage are the discussions?
For name change requests - Will the change in programme title affect inclusion on student sponsor lists and/or recognition of the degree by international statutory bodies?
Has a similar request previously been made? If yes, what were the outcomes of the request?


The original form with signatures will be retained by the Secretariat.

CollegeManagement Team Approval
Head of College’s signature: Date:
College Director of Academic Affairs – please sign to endorse the proposal and confirm that due process has been followed.
Signature: Date:
PPOG Recommendation
PPOG recommend approval of this proposal
PPOG do not recommend approval of this proposal
Chair of PPOG’s signature,
on behalf of SLT: Date: