Thank you for participating in this survey. Please take the time to fill it out thoughtfully and accurately. The data collected through this survey will be used to help shape a clear vision of Frenchboro’s future. It is important to have as accurate information as possible and receive a wide range of input. We sincerely appreciate your input about our community’s future.

______This completed survey represents the views of one person.

______This completed survey represents the views of ___ # of adults in a household.


1.  What is the nature of your residency?

a.  _____ Primary residence

a1. _____ Rent property and reside for more than 6 months per year

a2. _____ Own property and reside for more than 6 months per year

b.  _____ Seasonal residence

b3. _____ Rent property and reside for fewer than 6 months per year

b4. _____ Own property and reside for fewer than 6 months per year

2.  How long have you lived in or visited Frenchboro?

a._____ less than one year d._____ 10-20 years

b._____ 1-5 years e._____ 20+ years

c._____ 6-10 years

3.  Your age is?

a._____ under 18 d._____ 46-55

b._____ 18-25 e._____ 56-65

c._____ 26-35 d._____ over 65

d._____ 36-45

Primary Residents Only:
4. Are you currently employed?
a.  _____ yes, full time b. _____ yes, part time c. _____ no
5. Are you looking for a job?
a. _____ yes b. _____ no
6. Are you self-employed?
a. _____ yes b. _____ no
7. Where are you employed?
a. _____ on Island b. _____ off island
8. What industry are you employed in? (check all that apply)
a. _____ fishing
b. _____ education
c. _____ carpentry/caretaking
d. _____ boat industry (maintenance, storage, building)
e. _____ landscaping/lawn care
f. _____ municipal work
g. _____ housekeeping
h. _____ other: ______
9. In the next 10 years, the amount of time you spend in Frenchboro will likely
a. _____ increase b. ______decrease c. ______stay the same
10. Do you rent your house when you are not using it?
a. _____ yes b. _____ no
Seasonal Residents Only:
4. How many days per year do you live in Frenchboro?
a.  _____30 days or less b. _____30-90 days c. _____ 90 days or more
5. Do you rent your house when you are not using it?
a. _____ yes b. _____ no
6. Is your house winterized?
a. _____ yes b. _____ no
7. In the next 10 years, the amount of time you spend in Frenchboro will likely
a. _____ increase b. ______decrease c. ______stay the same
8. Do you plan to make Frenchboro your primary residence?
a. _____ yes b. _____ no
If yes, within:
a1.___ 5 years a2.___ 10 years a3.___ 15 years a4.___ other


Please rate the importance these aspects of life on Frenchboro to you and please use the comment section to expand on how you feel about their current condition or in what ways you would like to see improvement. Please use back of sheet if additional space is needed.

Extremely Somewhat Not Very Not at all Needs Adequate No

Important Important Important Important Improvement Opinion

1. Natural beauty of the island ______

2. Safe environment ______

3. Good place for children ______

4. Good school /quality of education ______

5. Freedom from mainland pressures ______

6. Minimal regulation ______

7. Minimal traffic ______

8. Good place to retire ______

9. Family is here ______

10. Marine recreation ______

11. Marine resource utilization ______

12. Minimal commercial development ______

13. Sense of community ______

14. Ability to work on island ______

15. Ability to work from my home ______

16. Trail systems ______

17. other______

18. Comments: ______



Please provide your opinion of the following by checking the appropriate box. Feel free to add written comments on any of the subjects below the chart.

Satisfactory (ü) / Not satisfied
But does not need immediate attention / Not satisfied
Needs Immediate Attention / No Opinion
Fire protection
Emergency medical response
Road maintenance
Snow plowing/sand/salting
Police protection
Public schools
Code enforcement
(plumbing, housing)
Public access to the shore
Town docking facilities
Parking at the town wharf
Solid waste disposal
Ferry schedule
Town office services
Power delivery
United States Postal Service
Non USPS Mail
(UPS, Fed Ex)
Other (specify):

Please explain any areas you identified above as needing improvement or suggestions you have to improve their services: ______

D. Economy

How do you feel about the following employment issues?

Adequate Needs No Opinion


1. Job opportunities for adults ______

2. Jobs for young people ______

3. Jobs providing security such as ______

benefits, opportunities for advancement,

a living wage

4. Year round jobs ______

5. Opportunities for home businesses ______

Comments: ______



6. Do you feel that more should be done locally to protect fishing related jobs?

a._____Yes b._____No c. ______Undecided

If yes, what? ______



7. Do you feel that too much business is being lost to off island service providers? (Examples: groceries, carpenters, plumbers, painters, etc.)

a._____Yes b._____No c. ______Undecided

What do you feel would help? ______




E. Environment: Should the Town of Frenchboro?

Yes No No Opinion

1. Increase recycling ______

2. Explore alternative energy development ______

(wind, solar, etc.)

Create more opportunities for removal of

3. Old Cars ______

4. Appliances ______

5. Hazardous waste collection ______

6. Construction Debris ______

Comments: ______




1. Do you feel that any of the following is a problem?

No (ü) / Yes
But does not need immediate attention / Yes
Needs Immediate Attention
Drinking water
High-speed Internet access
Number of motor vehicles
Parking on mainland
Harbor management
Affordable housing
Other (specify):

Comments: ______



G. Additional Input

1. What do you like most about living in Frenchboro?

2. What do you like least about living in Frenchboro?

3. Please indicate any issues you feel should be included in the Comprehensive Plan but were not mentioned in this survey. Feel free to make any additional comments here. (Use additional pages or back if needed.):

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

This survey is anonymous, but if you are willing to be available for any follow-up discussions with the committee, feel free to add your contact information. (This is optional)

Name ______

Address ______Tel:


Thank you. Please return the survey by December 1, 2010 to:

Frenchboro Comprehensive Planning Committee

1 Executive Drive, Frenchboro, Maine 04635

OR Drop off a copy at the box provided in the community building

OR turn in a copy to Jessica Bellah at the Town Office:

Office Hours:

Tuesday 9:00 am – 11:00 am

Friday 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm

And most days during post office hours