LPAC Procedures for EOY LPAC
Refer to LPAC Decision Making Guide
The campus LPAC Coordinator will schedule and coordinate all end-of-year LPAC Activities. AllELLs, parent denials, and special Ed/ELLshould have an LPAC in May (5th, 8th grades) and June (all others) after all assessment results have been received.
- Data you willneed for EOY LPACS
- TAKS/STAAR Results
- Woodcock-Muñoz Test and results for exiting students
- TELPAS Results
- TPRI/Tejas Lee (optional)
- DRA/EDL (optional)
- Subjective teacher evaluation for exit consideration
- Paper work to fill out BEFORE LPACs (Fill out the data but not the LPAC recommendations/decisions.)
- Woodcock-Muñoz – Begin testing any students who will exit in early May. If you’re going to include DRA/EDL complete that testing also. English OLPT (W-M) subtests 1-4 is required for exit.
- Complete the LPAC Summary.
- Circle “EOY”
- Maintain a copy in your campus LPAC binder.
- Use the codes F and S for First and Second year monitors, to match the way they are entered into PEIMS.
- Remember to include grade level for current AND next year. It’s important to know if astudent has been retained.
- Don’t forget to include STAAR/TAKS and TELPAS results.
- Complete an Annual EOY Review Form for everyELL student including parent denials and special ed. students.
- Complete a Permission to Exit Form for students who will be exitingELL status this year, make a copy, and file in student folders. When the parents sign and return the originals, replace the copies with the signed originals.
- Schedule LPAC and Invite parents of students being considered for Exit.
- Complete a Parental Report on Student Progress for all ELL students, parent denials, and special ed/ELL. After completing these reports, make a copy and file in student red folder. When the parents sign and return the originals, replace the copies with the signed originals.
- During LPACs
- Document the LPAC Recommendation/Decision for next year on the End of Year Review Forms and on the LPAC Summary.
- If a student has not passed the first STAAR administrations, he is probably not ready to exit (may consider DRA, TPRI, Common Assessment performance, if 2nd admin of STAAR is Met).
- Document on the comments section of Annual EOY Form anything that might be out of the ordinary.
- After the LPACs
- Send Permission to Exit Forms to any parents not in attendance for EOY LPAC.
- Document the date of Parent Permission to Exit on the LPAC summary as they are received.
- Place the following documents in student folders
- Annual EOY Review Form
- Parental Report on Student Progress
- Parent Permission to Exit Program
- Woodcock-Muñoz test and results
- TELPAS report and writing samples
- Updated Student History Worksheet
- All documents should be filed and all folders cleaned before sending 5th grade folders to Middle School and 8th grade folders to High School. Only 2 years of TELPAS writing need to move with a student, and previous years may be shredded.
- Save a copy of LPAC Summary in your binder for collection from the Bilingual/ESL Coordinator.
- Send a copy of the LPAC Summary which includes 5th grade students to Middle School. There should be NO Bilingual recommendations on EOY – this is not offered in 6th – 12th grade.
- Send a copy of the LPAC Summary which includes 8th grade students to High School. Highlight any students who are newcomers (3yrs or less in US schools) so they can be considered for ESOL.
*LPAC/ARD – If anELL student receiving special education services qualifies to be exited using criteria permitted under TAC 89.1225(k), which give special consideration to anELL student for whom assessments and/or standards under TAC 89.1225(h) are not appropriate because of the nature of a student’s particular disabling condition, please refer to the section titled “LPAC/ARD Procedures” in this manual for detailed guidance.
LPAC/ARDs are held separately and individually from regular LPACs. If there was no LPAC/ARD held before the TAKS/STAAR assessment window to determine if the student no longer needs language acquisition support and to set the exit criteriathe student may not exit ELL status.
EOY LEP Folder Clean Up (after all LPACs have been completed)
Staple all of current year’s documents together. These documents will not be edited again. They should never beamended or information added to them and will be for review only.
Students exiting monitor status
- Remove gray folders and leave all LPAC documents in cumulative folder.
Students going from ELL to First Year Monitor
- Replace red folder with gray folder
Review ELL Folder Audit Checklist to ensure you’ll begin the fall LPAC season with required documentation already in place