Lessons by Module
Sub Strands / Content Descriptions / Mod. 1 / Mod. 2 / Mod. 3 / Mod. 4 / Mod. 5 / Mod. 6 / Mod. 7 / Mod. 8 / Mod. 9 / Mod. 10 / Mod. 11 / Mod. 12
NUMBER AND ALGEBRA / Number and Place Value / Investigate and use the / 11, 12
properties of even
and odd numbers
Recognise, represent / 1,2,3,4,
andordernumberstoat leasttensofthousands (ACMNA072) / 5, 6, 7,
8, 9
Apply place value to / 1,2,3,4,
9, 12 / 1,2,3,4,
5, 6, 7,
8, 9 / 1, 2, 3, / 1, 2, 3,
partition, rearrange and
regroup numbers to at / 4, 5 / 4, 5
least tens of thousands
to assist calculations and
solve problems
Investigate number / 5 / 7
sequences involving
multiples of 3, 4, 6, 7, 8
and 9 (ACMNA074)
Recall multiplication / 10, 11, / 12 / 1,2,3,4, / 12 / 1, 2, 3 / 6, 7, 8, / 1,2,3,4, / 12 / 1, 2, 4, 6 / 1, 2, 12 / 12
facts up to 10 × 10 and
related division facts / 12 / 5, 6, 7, 8 / 12 / 5, 12
Developefficientmental / 3, 5, 6, / 3,4,5,6,
and written strategies,
and use appropriate / 7, 8 / 7, 8
digital technologies, for
multiplication and for
division where there is
no remainder
Fractions and Decimals / Investigate equivalent / 4, 5, 6, 7 / 1
fractions used in
contexts (ACMNA077)
Make connections / 2,3,4,5,
between fractions
and decimal notation / 6, 7, 8



Lessons by Module
Sub Strands / Content Descriptions / Mod. 1 / Mod. 2 / Mod. 3 / Mod. 4 / Mod. 5 / Mod. 6 / Mod. 7 / Mod. 8 / Mod. 9 / Mod. 10 / Mod. 11 / Mod. 12
NUMBER AND ALGEBRA / Money and Financial / Solve problems involving / 4,5,6,12
Matters / purchases and the
calculation of change to
the nearest five cents,
of digital technologies
Patterns and Algebra / Explore and describe / 9, 10
number patterns
resulting from
performing multiplication
Solve word problems by / 6, 7, 8 / 2, 3
using number sentences
involving multiplication
or division where
there is no remainder
Use equivalent number / 9 / 1, 2, 3
sentences involving
addition and subtraction
to find unknown
quantities (ACMNA083)
MEASUREMENT AND GEOMETRY / Using Units of Measure / Use scaled instruments / 10,11,12 / 8, 9, 10, / 9, 10, 11,
to measure and / 11, 12 / 12
compare lengths,
masses, capacities
and temperatures
Compare objects using / 6, 7, 8
familiar metric units
of area and volume
Convert between units / 10, 11
of time (ACMMG085)
Useamandpmnotation / 10, 11, 12 / 9
and solve simple time
problems (ACMMG086)
Lessons by Module
Sub Strands / Content Descriptions / Mod. 1 / Mod. 2 / Mod. 3 / Mod. 4 / Mod. 5 / Mod. 6 / Mod. 7 / Mod. 8 / Mod. 9 / Mod. 10 / Mod. 11 / Mod. 12
MEASUREMENT AND GEOMETRY / Shape / Compare the areas of / 9
regular and irregular
shapes by informal
means (ACMMG087)
Compare and describe / 9, 10
two-dimensional shapes
that result from com-
bining and splitting
common shapes, with
and without the use
of digital technologies
Location and / Use simple scales, / 7, 8, 9
Transformation / legends and directions
to interpret information
Create symmetrical / 11, 12
patterns, pictures and
the use of digital tech-
nologies (ACMMG091)
Geometric Reasoning / Compare angles and / 6, 7, 8
classify them as equal
to, greater than or less
STATISTICS AND PROBABILITY / Chance / Describe possible / 10, 11
everyday events and
order their chances of
occurring (ACMSP092)
Identifyeverydayevents / 12
where one occurring
er happens (ACMSP093)
Identify events where / 12
ring will not be affected
other (ACMSP094)
Lessons by Module
Sub Strands / Content Descriptions / Mod. 1 / Mod. 2 / Mod. 3 / Mod. 4 / Mod. 5 / Mod. 6 / Mod. 7 / Mod. 8 / Mod. 9 / Mod. 10 / Mod. 11 / Mod. 12
STATISTICS AND PROBABILITY / Data Representation and / Selectandtrialmethods / 9, 12
Interpretation / for data collection,
including survey
questions and recording
sheets (ACMSP095)
Construct suitable / 10,11,12 / 10,11,12
data displays, with and
technologies, from given
tables, column graphs
and picture graphs
where one picture can
represent many data
values (ACMSP096)
Evaluate the / 11, 12
effectiveness of different
displays in illustrating
data features, including
variability (ACMSP097)