The Origin Of Biocracy1
The Origin Of Biocracy1
The Biocratic Manifesto anticipates an impending social disaster of immense proportions and proposes a potential solution. Human history is a history of war, conflict and grief. Little more than a hundred of the last 12,000 years are suspected to be free of war. Hostility is the norm and peace is the oddity. Today's ominous scenario indicates either our self-extermination, or our thorough bondage to tyranny.
Before pursuing a solution, investigation of behavioural principles should effect comprehension of our tendentious hostility, and narrow alternative choices. History evinces precise behavioural patterns derived from biological, genetic, and physical principles. The foundation of science (to know) is fundamental principles—the basis of all movement and interactions, and the agency of order. Fundamental principles enable pure sciences, and their ubiquitous effect enables scientific understanding of all things.
Principles are like a tree with abundant arboroid laws stemming from an ultimate principle. That ultimate principle, to which nothing is immune, is the principle of power. Every particle of matter and every quantum of energy pursues absolute power, or omnipotence. There is no other objective. Matter and energy, the antithesis of each other, pursue omnipotence in opposing ways, producing the first dichotomy of the ultimate principle. Energy vies for power by destructive expansion, and matter vies for power by creative contraction.
Destructive expansion is dissipation by the force of radiation and is the only property of energy, and the principle of everything it does. Energy attempts omnidirectional expansion to nothingness, and to destroy matter in the process by converting it to energy. Furthermore, every quantum of energy seeks to be the center of this universal expansion, which would give it the exclusive power of omnipotence as it destroys (by dissipation) every other quantum.
Creative contraction is synthesis by the force of gravity and is the only property of matter, and the principle of everything it does. Matter attempts a plenum with the materialization of energy. Furthermore, every particle of matter seeks to be the center of this universal contraction, and to conglobulate the universe around it to attain omnipotence.
Competition and interplay between matter and energy is an apocalyptic battle for omnipotence, a concept supported by abundant evidence. The expanding universe is evinced by the Doppler effect, and so on; indicating energy from the Big Bang is currently overpowering matter towards its dissolution. The conversion of matter to energy is demonstrated by velocities approaching light speed (E=MC2), and various nuclear reactions. Particle and antiparticle collisions (e.g. electrons and positrons) produce annihilation radiation (photonic energy). Photons and electrons are interchangeable.
Matter is contracting in ever increasing clumps from molecules to stars, to galaxies, to galactic cluster, and so on; towards universal conglobulation and materialization of energy. The transition is evident as stars collapse into neutron stars (nuclear clumps) and black holes (absolute plenums). The gravitational force of a black hole is powerful enough to capture energy (photons) and materialize it.
If matter prevails, the universe will become an enormous black hole. The black hole is a door to nothingness into which all matter and energy will fall in an instant. The result will be a ubiquitous state of pure nothingness, the probable fate of the universe. If energy prevails, nothingness will result from destructive expansion through an enormous white hole.
Pure nothingness is more like a plenum than a void. It is really the "everythingness" or singular totality from which matter and energy (and time and space) emerge. Nothingness has a definite consistency, but its only property is extreme volatility. It has no duration factor. This might explain the Big Bang and postulate a cyclical universe concept. Whether the universe ends by a white or black hole, it re-emerges instantly in a Big Bang over and over again.
The radiant power of energy and the gravitational power of matter is derived from the volatility of nothingness.
The three states of matter: solids, liquids and gases, verify the great battle. Solids can contain energy to thwart its expansion and demonstrate dominance. Gases are dissipated by energy, their contraction thwarted, revealing impotence. Solids are winning. Gases are loosing. Liquids are a stalemate. But solids can become gaseous and gases can solidify.
Omnipotence pursuit is the fundamental behaviour of all matter and energy at all levels, including stars and people. Every person on earth pursues omnipotence instinctively as primary human behaviour (human nature), to which all behaviour is subordinate and pertinent. Humans as clumps of matter act fundamentally by gravitational contraction. All physical movement occurs by the contraction of muscles. If gravity alone is insufficient to move material to the clump, the clump will move itself to the material.
Gravity is the force of matter's demand to attract everything to itself. In human nature, it is perceived as greed and selfishness. Human greed (gravity) attempts universal contraction by accumulation of personal possessions such as territory, livestock, products, money, and so on. Possessions are power. In competition for possessions, all humans instinctively seek to destroy all other humans.
Our history of war, conflict and grief provides unlimited evidence of these basic principles. The principles provide comprehension of our tendentious hostility.
The reason we are able to compete (for universal centrality), and the reason we seek to destroy everyone else, is because we are biologically endowed with a self-recognition factor. Every cell in the body of an individual human is coated with a protein configuration unique to that body. This biological distinction engenders the Me principle. Everything else (not me) is instinctively considered an enemy and will automatically be rejected or destroyed. The Me principle is responsible for organ transplant rejections, Xenophobia, territorial imperatives, and a host of social phenomena. It allows the immune system to protect the body, and it gives a community of 100 trillion cells (each a separate living organism) the conscious phenomenon of a singular entity.
The strong will destroy the weak, and those of near equal strength will plot strategic manoeuvres to destroy one another. The weak fear the strong and the strong hate the weak. To cope with this, we produce adrenalin (the fight/fright/flight factor) for short bursts of abnormal power.
The Me principle engenders an Extended Me principle to include resemblances. People may tolerate others similar to themselves, but remain instinctively hostile to everyone else. Society emphasizes congruity for cohesion. Any incongruous act or appearance is intolerable.
Everyone seeks universal centrality (to conglobulate the universe around themselves) through social centrality (to control everyone else). The most envied possessions are other people because of their exploitable dynamism. Once social centrality is attained to any degree, competition is proportionately eliminated. This advent of government may be defined as a variously organised attempt to control people.
In early society, the physically strongest could usually intimidate others with threats of violence, and coerce them to comply with the whims of his omnipotence pursuit. He was intolerant of competition and insistent on cooperation. But competition persisted and social centrality (government) was fruitless and fragmentary until about 200,000 years ago. A quantum leap in the ultimate principle commenced with the rational blossoming of the Neanderthal cerebrum. Four great events ensued (although of fortuitous origin) that changed history forever and entrenched a system of enslavement to authoritarianism. The efflorescence of rationality allowed the few who developed it to nearly exterminate all competition and ensure their enduring and persistent power. They developed systems to perpetuate weakness. Only the weak can be controlled. Two of these events weakened the physiology of the body, allowing a vulnerable mind. The other two weakened the mind to preclude any further rational efflorescence.
The advent of cooking food initiated disease (previously unknown) and ensured a diseased society from then on. No other species of life cooks its food, and no wild (free) animal in its natural habitat ever succumbs to disease, except by human interference.
The advent of clothing initiated the deterioration of the body's ability to endure cold (Early Neanderthals lived during an ice age without garments.). Then, clothing harbours an overabundance of microorganisms ready to attack the body after being weakened by cooked food and temperature destabilization. Prior to clothing; flowers, stones and bones were worn for adornment. But clothing began as a status symbol and remains so today. Animal skins (the first clothing) were attained from bears, sabre-toothed tigers, and so on; giving status to the "great hunter". Clothes became a blatant symbol of power to unconsciously thwart competitive threats, and ease coercion. Leadership that previously required continual reminding was now readily and constantly recognizable. Clothing became uniforms to permanently distinguish the strong from the weak. Since strength no longer relies on muscles, a naked person is an enigma. Strangers cannot readily determine strength or weakness. In large urban areas, where most people are strangers, clothing affects stratification. In most societies public nudity is actually illegal. This divide-and-rule principle also segregated the sexes. Certain parts of the body were deemed obscene, to thwart sexual contact except when sanctioned (controlled) by those in power. Sex exists primarily for pleasure (and secondarily for procreation) and for a mutual conquering of one another which, at a rational level, affords the synergy of symbiosis. Those in power insist on controlling sex because they seek to control and decide what is pleasurable for people. When people decide for themselves what is pleasurable, it can diminish the power of those in control. They oppose synergistic symbiosis for the same reason.
The advent of the nuclear family (monogamy, family unit system) launched a prolific system of mass enslavement and inaugurated the practice of exclusive personal possession. Marriage arose within a situation where members of large groups or tribes were dissatisfied with their pervasive weakness to social leaders, and envious of their power.
Humans are biologically promiscuous. The only natural bonding is between mother and child. The bond breaks when the child can fend for itself. A weak child would be killed or left to die. But now, weakness was sanctioned. The weakest male sought to extend maternal bonding (feeding, grooming, caring, comfort) forever, so when cleft from his mother, he sought bonding with another adult female (primarily to find a new mother). The only female unable to resist him was one weaker than himself. She now became his exclusive personal possession, and suddenly, he had power. He then claimed exclusive possession of their children and realized more power. He gained a mini-territorial dominance to appease his ego.
Preceding the nuclear family, offspring were primarily descendent of the strong, but monogamy initiated proliferation of the weak (by the weak). This impaired the gene pool, resulting in substandard humans, ever more susceptible to disease and control.
It was soon realized that this unnatural mating system afforded undreamed of power. The biologically weak male, as absolute ruler of a patriarchal totalitarian microstate could seize power from a single strong leader (because of the exploitable dynamism of his family). Eventually, family men extended themselves (and their power) to clans, tribes and nations; and gained continuity through time. A man could live forever through his exclusive progenies.
The nuclear family replaced the sharing of possessions with the system of exclusive personal possessions beginning with livestock. Women were the first chattels (the term "husband" is defined as management of livestock.), followed by horses, camels, cows, goats, dogs, and so on. All children were chattels, but boys were exemptible upon physical maturity, This system has remained virtually unchanged today, inferring an incredible waste of human potential, since males and females are biologically and intellectually equal in every way, Chattels led to private possession of assets and properties which initiated envy, jealously, grief, crime, and wars. At least 907o of all crime today is attributable to the exclusive possession system inaugurated by marriage! The family unit concept established a self-perpetuating system to accept a stratified androcentric master-slave society. The totalitarian dictatorship of marriage paved the way to dictatorial governments. Family men were slaves to a dictator, but dictator to their families.
The standard concept of love (and altruism) is an impossibility. Because of the self-recognition factor, and the fact that no human can instinctively accept power competition; one can only love oneself. Interpersonal relations are mutually possessive. A person can love a possession but only inasmuch as it constitutes a true exclusive asset and inasmuch as he can completely control it. If a particle of matter becomes a clump through gravitational attraction, the clump is an extension of the original particle and consequently, far more powerful (increased gravity). A man sees a woman (or anyone else, or visa versa) as a literal extension of himself (an extra body) to command like his own arms and legs. If successful, the woman is destroyed as an individual (his expectation) and he can love her only as part of his own extended body. Otherwise, she is proportionately hated. The grief of a "lost love" is the same as an amputation,
The advent of religion was, by far, the most significant of the four great Neanderthal events. The rational efflorescence enabled a death awareness, and ceremonial burials began. Religion arose from a number of facets, but primarily from dreams. Through dreams, an alter ego was perceived to engage in spectacular or wish-fulfilling ventures while the body simulated death in sleep. Dreamers could also communicate with someone known to have died. The survival of this alter ego after death was readily imaginable, and launched the concept of spirits (life after death).
Departed "spirits" were invoked for favours (good hunting, protection, etc.), especially if the departed were a revered or feared tribal leader, and mourned to some degree. This led to hope of assumed continued guidance and fear of imagined reprimands rendering him a demi-god. Nightmares would easily induce the fear factor. Some dreamer would quickly establish himself as a medium for the assumed deified entity, and in the process, apotheosize himself as well.
A god was something proclaimed omnipotent—everyone's instinctive goal (albeit of infinitesimal duration). The go-between (dreamer) became the priest and later, the god-king. His claim to be "chosen" by an omnipotent god insinuated he had access to unlimited power. By now, cooked food, clothing, and the nuclear family had virtually precluded any rational challenge to his claim. This was the greatest power play in history since someone weaker than a husband could seize power from a strong leader or a nuclear family. This was the first true social dictatorship.
The priesthood invented a methodology to preclude any future rational development or intelligence (including their own)—the "faith system". The priest inaugurated all the laws (to suit himself), and his first law insisted everyone unquestionably accept his every word as absolute truth (gospel). His demands (whims) were decrees (canons) backed by threats of alleged omnipotent reprisals. The faith system required relinquishment of individuality (free thinking) to become automatous extensions of the priest. Fuelled by superstition and ignorance, religion became the most powerful controlling force on earth.
All governments adopted the faith system which pervaded every facet of society from then on (most obvious in the tactics of cults). All early governments were theocratic states and every government since is, at least, a theocratic coalition. Governments today control by proportional destruction of freedom and individuality. The ideology is the will (demands) of the founder of a particular form of government. These policies (usually fraught with political machinations) subjugate by police and military intimidation. Most people today are, to varying degrees, literal extensions of some political founder (depending on the extent of their patriotism or partisanship).
None of this (governing principle) is unnatural. Such behaviour is biological and genetic in origin (as is all behaviour) and ultimately is directed by the DNA molecule. The human body is a perfect example of multitudinous cells completely controlled to execute specific functions that constitute a living being.
About 3.5 billion years ago, the most incredible event in earth's history occurred amongst molecular competition for omnipotence. An inadvertent (but inevitable) arrangement of hydrogen, oxygen, carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorous resulted in the ultimate molecule, a molecule with the omnipotent potential to destroy the universe, the creator of all life— deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)!