Orientation Key Topics and Outcomes
- Advising and Registration
Register for at least 15 degree applicable credit hours
Demonstrate an understanding of where to find information on degree requirements
Articulate individual responsibility to progress timely towards degree
- Academic Expectations
Explain what it means to be a student at a high caliber, flagship institution
- core curriculum, specific discipline, beyond the classroom opportunities (at a broad level), possess excitement about academic quality; FYRE
Gain an appreciation of college rigor and ways to be successful
- different than high school, take advantage of resources
Demonstrate an understanding of major options and develop an academic plan
- Financial Aid/Bursar
Know how to pay bill on a timely basis
Be aware of how and when aid will be applied and how to seek aid if they have not done so already
- Evening Activities
Make connections with peers
Connect with those of similar interests
- Housing
Demonstrate an understanding of move-in week process
Demonstrate an understanding of what it means to live on campus (general expectations, general opportunities)
Know how to navigate roommate relationships before moving to campus and in first few weeks
- Dining Services
Demonstrate an understanding of where to find information about the options, cost and how to elect options
- Books
Know where to find information about the process for reserving books and the various options available
- Carolina Card
Recognize the card as the official University ID with various functions (access, dining, athletic tickets, etc)
Have card by the end of Orientation
- Student Success
Demonstrate an awareness of Student Success Center, where it is, its general purpose and how they might benefit
Feel they can be successful and articulate personal responsibility for success.
- Career Exploration and Planning
Know where Career Center is located
Expect to participate in an internship, job shadowing, or other career-related learning experience while at USC
Recognize major choice is linked to career plans
- Technology
Know where to locate computer and software recommendations
Demonstrate an understanding of where to find information about on-campus computing support available (iCare, Helpdesk, Move-In)
- Parking & Transportation
Be aware of where to find information about the options, cost and how to access them
Demonstrate an understanding of transportation around campus
- Safety
Demonstrate an understanding of initiatives and services that promote a safe campus
Articulate their responsibility in campus safety
- Behavioral Expectations
Believe we will hold them accountable
Expect to be a meaningful contributor to the Carolina community in positive ways
Describe the Carolinian Creed and why we have it
- History/Traditions
Develop a common understanding of university traditions
Describe what makes USC special and distinct
- Wellness
Know where to find information about student health services available and what is covered as part of student health fee
Be aware there is a tobacco free campus policy
Know how to register with student disability services if services could possibly be needed
- Engagement/Involvement (USCConnect, study abroad, undergrad research, etc)
Identify a few initial ways to connect
Demonstrate an understanding of some of the benefits of engagement
Describe our leadership focus
- Athletics
Demonstrate an understanding of football ticket process
Establish an awareness of the variety of sports we offer
- Greek Life
Know what it is and how to engage in the process, if interested