Autumn 2003
Mondays, 7:15 – 9:45 p.m.
AderholdLearningCenter, Room 325
INSTRUCTOR:Dr. Deborah Gibbons
OFFICE:1008 CBABuilding (35 Broad Street)
PHONE:Office: (404) 651-2923
OFFICE HOURS:By appointment Monday through Thursday
TEXT:Essentials of Organizational Behavior (Seventh Edition), Stephen P. Robbins, Prentice Hall Publishers, 2003.
Additional readings will be distributed in class.
OBJECTIVES:This course introduces psychological and behavioral principles that can be applied in organizations. From a management perspective, we will identify ways to improve an organization's productivity. From the perspective of other organization members, we will discuss how to work more effectively with individuals and groups.
Students who successfully complete this course will be able to:
(1)design motivational programs for themselves and coworkers.
(2)identify leadership behaviors and determine when they are most appropriate.
(3)understand the role of personality in shaping attitudes and behavior
(4)coordinate team decision making and problem solving
(5)bargain collaboratively with individuals and across groups
(6)map social and power structures
(7)assess, compare, and contrast organizational cultures
(8)analyze organizational problems and opportunities, apply relevant theory to the situation, and propose appropriate interventions
(9)clearly and concisely present a case analysis
AcademicAcademic honesty is expected. Academic dishonesty, defined as
HONESTY:providing or accepting assistance during a test or on a graded assignment designated to be individual work, will result in automatic failure of this course regardless of previous performance.
Tests75% (3 at 25% each) of course grade
Group case analysis15% of course grade
Class participation10% of course grade
Tests will combine multiple choice and short answer questions. They will be distributed at the beginning of class, and they must be completed within 45 minutes. Each test will emphasize key concepts from the course and may include readings assigned for the day of the test.
You will be asked to write and present to the class a case analysis during the semester. For this assignment, you and your team will research and analyze an organizational problem or opportunity, apply appropriate theories, propose a plan of action, and project the likely effects of your plan. You may analyze a situation that one of your team members faces at work, or you may use newspapers, magazines, interviews, and other information sources to research an organization or set of organizations. Whichever approach you take, you will be expected to present a detailed analysis of the issues, proposed solutions, and projected outcomes. The accompanying written report should require between five and ten typed, double spaced pages.
Participation grades will reflect attendance, contributions to class discussions, organizational culture research, completion of personal journals, and teamwork (measured through peer review).
Final grades will be assigned as follows: 90-100% is an A; 80-89.5% is a B; 70-79.5% is a C.
Please arrive on time for all class meetings. Good attendance will enhance your learning, your performance, and your participation grade. If you miss class meetings, you are accountable for all content and administrative information discussed.
It is the student's responsibility to document emergencies that necessitate an absence on a test day. No makeup exam will be given without such documentation.
DATE / TOPIC AND ACTIVITIES / REQUIRED READINGMonday8/25 / Introduction Interpersonal communication
Foundations of Individual Behavior
Personality tests
Monday 9/1 / No classMonday9/8 / Culture in Organizations
Southwest Airlines
Commitment surveyForm culture project groups / Chapter 16
Monday9/15 /
Organizational Culture Research
Monday9/22 / Personality and EmotionsCulture presentations and feedback
Personality resultsForm case analysis groups / Chapter 3
Monday9/29 / Motivation, part 1
Self assessments
/ Chapter 4Monday10/6 / Motivation, part 2
Mr. Holland’s Opus
/ Chapter 5Monday 10/13 / Decision Making
Perception and decision questions
Case presentation / Chapter 6
Monday 10/20 / Groups and Group Decision Making
Case presentation / Chapter 7Monday10/27 / Team Development and Leadership
Apollo 13 /
Chapter 8
Monday11/3 / Communication and Social StructureXerox Black Caucus
Five person chain exercise / Chapter 9
Monday11/10 / Leadership and Trust
Norma Rae
Case presentation
TEST #2 / Chapter 10
Monday 11/17 / Power and Politics
Voice Mail Jail, Current events
Case presentation / Chapter 11Monday 11/24 / Conflict and Negotiation, part 1
Ugli Oranges
Case presentation / Chapter 12Monday 12/1 / Conflict and Negotiation, part 2
Case presentation
Monday 12/8 / TEST #3
Case presentations