Organisations Fund 2017-2020
Frequently Asked Questions
About the Organisations Fund
•The Organisations Fund offers quadrennial funding from January 2017 to December 2020.
•The Organisations Fund contributes funding to the core operations of Queensland-based small and medium arts organisations in delivering arts and cultural activity that generates public value to Queensland.
•Closing date for Expressions of Interest (EOI) is 2pm, 11 March 2016.
Who is eligible to apply to the Organisations Fund?
The Fund is open to applications from Queensland-based not-for-profit, non-government organisations which are an incorporated association or company.
Arts Queensland will also consider, on a case by case basis, applications from arts and cultural organisations that are directly supported or owned by an academic and/or training institution. To be considered, an organisation must provide a statement from an authorising officer of the institution confirming the separation of activity from core business and demonstrate the presentation of professional and/or curated arts and cultural programs that meet the Fund objectives.
Organisations that receive funding as an Arts Queensland shareholder company, Arts Statutory Body or majors arts organisation as recognised by the State and Federal governments are not eligible to apply.
Arts Queensland funding recipients who have any outstanding commitments or overdue reports, or who have not satisfactorily acquitted prior funding from Arts Queensland, will not be eligible to apply.
What has changed from previous years for the Organisations Fund?
•A three-year funding cycle has been replaced with a longer four-year cycle (2017–2020)
•The application process involves two stages; EOI, and if successful, applicants will be invited to submit to the Full Application stage, which will include a face-to-face Pitch session.
•The application requirements are similar to the Australia Council for the Arts application for Four-Year Funding for Organisations to align and standardise funding processes.
•The minimum funding threshold has been lowered from $70,000 to $60,000 per annum.
•Incorporation of multi-year funding for visual arts, craft and/or design organisations through the Visual Arts and Craft Strategy (VACS), a partnership between the Queensland Government and the Australian Government.
Please read the Fund Guidelines for more information.
Why does the fund offer four-year funding?
Four-year funding offers greater funding certainty for organisations to realise their Strategic Plans, build resilience and provide a secure, medium-term base from which companies can grow and attract other income.
The new four-year cycle aligns with the Australia Council’s Four-Year Funding for Organisations (2017–2020) to more closely align and standardise applications and reporting processes for organisations funded by both programs.
What are the key submission and decision dates for the fund?
Organisations Fund opens – 18 January 2016
EOI closes date – 2pm, 11 March 2016
Applicants notified of EOI outcomes, Full Application process commences – mid -April 2016
Full Application closes – 2pm, 9 May 2016
Applicants notified of Full Application outcomes – July 2016
Calendar year funding commences – January 2017
Please refer to the Fund Guidelines for further information about the application process.
In support of greater alignment with the Australia Council for the Arts’ four year organisations funding announcements and to enable the earliest possible advice on the outcomes of the Organisations Fund 2017-2020, Arts Queensland will notify applicants of the outcomes of the Expressions of Interest in mid-April 2016 and has revised the closing date for Full Applications to 9 May 2016.
Is there an application form and can I apply online?
Applicants are required to complete an EOI application form and upload required information as identified within the guidelines.
EOI applicants that progress on to the Full Application stage will need to complete a further Full Application form online, together with the required supporting information as outlined within the guidelines.
Please see the Fund Guidelines for information about what needs to be included in your submission.
Is the Fund open to new applicants?
Yes. Applications are welcome from all organisations that meet the program’s eligibility criteria. Organisations will need to demonstrate a track record of program delivery, good governance and organisational integrity, as well as strong potential for growth and development.
Can for-profit organisations apply to the Fund?
The Organisations Fund is for not-for-profit organisations. For-profit organisations are ineligible to apply to the Fund.
What is meant by ‘public value’?
‘Public value’ is the measure of value of an organisation’s contribution to the Queensland community. For an artsorganisation, public value would be determined as artistic, social, cultural and/or economic returns on public investment. Organisations Fund applicants must be able to demonstrate their public value, as defined above, within the assessment criteria.
What feedback can I expect during and after the application process?
All applicants may request feedback on their application. Arts Queensland can provide advice on what an organisation should consider for the next stage of application, or why an EOI or Full Application was unsuccessful.
Who is assessing the applications and how does the assessment process work?
All EOI and Full Applications will be assessed by the Organisations Fund Assessment Panel.
Information about the membership of the panel will be kept confidential during the assessment process to avoid conflicts of interest for panel members. Panel membershipwill be released at the end of the assessment process to promote transparency in government processes.
There are four key steps to the funding assessment process:
- Arts Queensland undertakes eligibility checks.
- The Organisations Fund Assessment Panel meet at the EOI and Full Application stage of assessment to rank applications.
- A moderation process occurs where the ranked list of applications are considered against Queensland Government priorities, art forms and geographic locations to finalise the funding recommendations.
- The Organisations Fund Assessment Panel make final recommendations to the Premier as Minister for the Arts.
For more information about the assessment process please refer to the Fund Guidelines.
Are both the EOI and Full Application stages competitive processes?
Yes, both the EOI and the Full Application stages are competitive. The Organisations Fund Assessment Panel will assess each stage, determine who progresses through the process and recommend funding outcomes.
How much can an organisation apply for?
The amount of funding requested by an applicant should be commensurate with the size of the organisation, its level of activity and its stage of life cycle.
For previously funded organisations, a request for any increase on the 2014–2016 funding will need a strong justification in the application.
To build financial resilience, it is expected that organisations leverage any increase in Arts Queensland funding with other sources of income.
Applicants can review the funding recipients list under the previous Organisations Fund (2014–2016) here for an indication of the range of funding provided to successful applicants.
The minimum amount that can be applied for through the Organisations Fund is $60,000. Organisations seeking less than this amount should consider applying to the Queensland Arts Showcase Program for project funding.
Applicants are advised that the Organisations Fund will not fund 100% of an organisation’s operations and on average will provide no more than 35% of an organisation’s annual income.
VACS funding is capped at a maximum of $55,000 per annum.
Will applicants be offered less than they have requested?
Yes this could happen. The Organisations Fund Assessment Panel may decide to recommend that an applicant receives less funding than the amount they have requested in their application.
Will government rental subsidies be taken into account when determining funding amounts?
Yes, if an organisation receives a government rental subsidy this will be considered when funding levels are recommended by the Panel.
What period of time should an organisation’s Strategic Plan cover?
If an applicant’s EOI submission is successful, the organisation will be required to submit a Strategic Plan in the second stage Full Application.
At a minimum, an organisation’s Strategic Plan will need to cover the four-year funding period (2017–2020). Strategic Plans prepared by organisations for an application to the Australia Council’s Four Year Funding will be accepted by Arts Queensland.
What does the ‘Pitch’ in the second stage of application involve?
The Pitch provides an opportunity for applicants to highlight the value of their organisation and programs and answer questions that Organisations Fund Assessment Panel members might have about aspects of their application.
The Pitch session involves a maximum of two people from each applicant organisation presenting to the Panel in person. It will include a 10 minute presentation and a further 10 minute question and answer session with the Panel.
Arts Queensland will fund the travel costs an applicant incurs to attend the pitch session.
How will Arts Queensland ensure applications to the Organisations Fund will be equitably distributed across the sector?
Panel recommendations will be moderated within the available budget to ensure balance across areas such as geographic regions, art forms and target audiences.
Arts Queensland is committed to realising the ambitions of the Queensland Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Economic Participation Framework, the Queensland Cultural Diversity Policy, the Queensland Youth Strategy and the National Arts and Disability Strategy.
Applications which include the following target groups as creators, participants or audiences will strengthen the implementation of Queensland Government’s commitments:
•older people (over 55 years old)
•Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders
•people from a culturally and linguistically diverse background, including Australian South Sea Islanders
•young people (0 – 21 years old)
•people with a disability*.
*Note that funding recipients are expected to meet legal obligations in relation to accessibility including access to web content.
Applicants are encouraged to explore how they might direct their activities to these specific target groups as well as to regional Queenslanders where appropriate.
Can successful applicants to the Organisations Fund apply to other Arts Queensland Funds?
Yes. Successful recipients of the Organisations Fund 2017–2020 are eligible to apply to the Queensland Arts Showcase Program, the Playing Queensland Fund and the Arts Business Innovation Fund.
What happens if funding is approved?
Successful organisations will be required to enter into a funding agreement which will include key performance outcomes based on the information in the application and the objectives of the Fund.
The information provided in the application will also be used as the basis for funds granted, however alternative funding uses and/or funding amounts may be stipulated by Arts Queensland. Any amendments must be agreed by all parties.
What support will be available to assist organisations with applications to the Organisations Fund?
Arts Queensland’s Arts Acumen program offers a range of tips and tools to assist you with your application at both the EOI and the Full Application stage. These include:
•Fact Sheet: Preparing your Organisation’s Fund EOI Application
•online Question and Answer session on 2 February 2016 (join AQ’s Facebook community)
•Organisations Fund toolkit for making a Full Application
•workshop to assist with pitching skills.
We recommend you follow our Arts Queensland Facebook page and our website ( to make sure you receive timely updates and tools to support your Organisations Fund application.
Who can an organisation contact to assist with queries about the Organisations Fund?
You can contact Arts Queensland by phoning (07) 3034 4016 or toll free 1800 175 531 or by emailing .
Will the members of the Organisations Fund Assessment Panel be made public?
To ensure equality and minimise potential conflicts of interest, the membership of the Organisations Fund Assessment Panel will be published at the completion of the assessment process.
Why has Arts Queensland engaged a Probity Advisor and what is their role?
Arts Queensland is committed to ensuring the integrity of the Organisations Fund 2017-2020 assessment process and in instilling confidence that all applicants are given fair and equitable consideration.
A Probity Advisor has been appointed to support the Fund application and assessment process.
Probity is important to the assessment process to ensure that government and the public can have the utmost confidence that the Fund is managed in a manner that makes efficient, effective and ethical use of public money and resources.
The role of the Probity Advisor involves the provision of advice and assistance before and during the course of the assessment process to ensure the process of good governance and decision making.
The Probity Advisor is O’Connor Marsden & Associates. Contact: Iain McIndoe on 1300 882 633 or
How do I apply for VACS funding?
The Organisations Fund will incorporate the application and assessment process for visual arts, crafts and/or design organisations seeking multi-year funding through the Visual Arts and Crafts Strategy (VACS).
VACS funding will only be awarded to those applicants successful in securing Organisations Funding.
VACS funding is for project or program support only. Eligible organisations can apply for up to $55,000 per annum in addition to Organisations Funding.
Applicants seeking VACS funding within the EOI application, will need to provide a separate statement demonstrating the applicant’s ability to deliver on the VACS objectives and outline and indicative funding request per annum.