JULY 7, 1970
Orem City Council met in regular session on Tuesday, July 7, 1970, at 7:00 P.M. Present were Mayor Winston Crawford, Chairman; and Councilmen John Jones, Robert Dove, Harley Gillman, Roscoe Carroll, and Donald Shaw; City Manager Earl Wengreen, City Attorney Frank Butterfield, City Engineer Russell Brown and Clerk Virginia Jensen.
Others in attendance were as follows:
Matthew Brown Can Liner System
George Young Can Liner System
Bob Healy General Interest
Jack Mervis Police and municipal employee
Also zoning
Boyd K. Jolley, Jr. Budget Hearing - Rezoning
Roger L. Schultz Budget and Rezoning
Odell Miner General Interest
Val McAlister Budget Hearing
Neal L. Adams Budget Hearing
Allen K. Larsen Zoning
John L. Smith Zoning
Betty Peterson Zoning
Lola Silberg Zoning
Charles B. Wilberg Zoning
Joe Cosgrove Zoning
Vivian Fox Zoning
Earl Fox Zoning
Anna T. Cosgrove Zoning
Toby Bath Budget Hearing - Rezoning
Jay Barker Budget Hearing
Merrill Finlayson Budget Hearing
Joanne Finlayson Budget Hearing
Russell W. Park Rezoning
Donna Partridge Budget Hearing
Vernon D. Partridge Budget Hearing
Cindy Schauerhamer Budget Hearing
Dean Schauerhamer Budget Hearing
Jo Zimmerman Press
J. S. Bonnett General Interest
E. R. Summers General Interest
Chester Kocherhans Budget Hearing
Bernice Cox Budget Hearing
Harvey Pace Budget Hearing
Jim Simmons Budget Hearing
Arnold Long Budget Hearing
Karen L. Chestnut General Interest
Leo J. Ford Budget
A. B. Simmons Tax Anticipation Bld.
Clyde E. Weeks Press
Meeting opened with prayer by Robert Dove.
Approval was given to pay Rollins, Brown & Gunnell for engineering services for June.
A letter was read by Mayor Crawford stating that artist Paul Salisbury has been commissioned by Berg Mortuary to paint a picture depicting life in Orem in 1870. This picture will be presented to Orem City to hang in City Hall.
A copy of a letter to the Chamber of Commerce was read. This is regarding film making in Utah - movies and T.V. A site location manual is being prepared which will aid in promoting Utah for movie making. A questionnaire was enclosed.
The 21st Annual Industrial Development Meeting will be held in August 1970.
A request for a city flag was received from William H. Cunningham. It was decided to send a copy of the city emblem to him, stating we have no official flag.
A letter from Lynn Thatcher was read regarding water samples collected. A report was made stating presence of various chemical substances. This will be put on file.
Letter from Edwin Lovelace, State Road Commission, was read as follows:
June 29, 1970
Dear Mayor Crawford:
The master State Highway plan enacted by the 1969 Legislature provided for the following changes in the road system in Orem City:
State Route 78 (Orem 8th South Street) is transferred to Orem City and placed on the Collector Road System as C.R. 134.
State Route 247 (Orem 4th North Street from S.R. 114 to U.S. 91) is transferred to Orem City and placed on the Collector Road System as C.R. 140. C.R. 140 extends easterly on 4th North to 8th East.
All route markers designating these roads as State Routes will be removed. Directional and warning signs will remain. The regulatory signs such as Speed Limit, Stop, and parking signs can remain, but the City Council should legally establish the regulations which these signs indicate; or make such changes in the regulations and signing as required.
State Road crews will not do maintenance work on these roads after June 30, 1970.
Orem Center Street from S.R. 114 easterly to State Street (U.S. 89-91) is transferred from the City to the State Road Commission and has designated S.R. 247. Signing has been installed to designate this as a State Route. State Road Crews will assume maintenance responsibility for this road on July 1, 1970.
A listing of the Collector Roads in Orem City is enclosed. There will be money available for construction and some maintenance on these roads. If there are any questions on the Collector Road Program or the transfer of these roads, will you contact the District Office of the Highway Department.
Matthew Brown and George Young were present with a presentation regarding a plastic can-liner system. Mr. Brown, representing the Mobile Chemical Company, outlined a plan for plastic garbage bags to be used in disposing of garbage and waste. He proposed that the City provide plastic can-liners in a test area of the City. This test would show if the plastic bags have an advantage. Mr. Brown felt that it would save the City money on time needed for sanitation crews to gather the garbage. Also, it would eliminate odor and would make it easier for garbagemen since they would not have to life the garbage cans. People would just set the filled bags out rather than the cans.
If this test area proves that it would be advantageous, then the City could pass an ordinance to have each person use the bag system. Then the cost could be added in their utility bill.
The cost would be $1.76 for a roll of 25 bags, and $3.37 for a roll of 48 bags. The City usually makes the initial order.
Mayor Crawford thanked Mr. Brown for his presentation and said the Council will talk about it and get in touch with him when a decision is made.
Robert (Bob) Healy, Orem Parade Chairman, invited the Mayor and Councilmen to ride in the Orem Parade on July 18.
City Manager Wengreen reported that there are approximately 100 yards of carpet left from City Center. He recommended that this be purchased so that when carpet is worn or damaged matching carpet would be available to replace it. The cost per square yard is $7.95 for one type and $8.10 for the other type. Later on it may be a higher cost. Motion was made by Robert Dove and seconded by Jack Jones to purchase the carpet. Motion passed unanimously.
Attorney Butterfield has received a letter from Attorney Dean Terry regarding condemnations of property on 800 West on District M. The amounts were:
Tom Wilkinson $3,075.45
Allen Dickey 3,708.00
Rose Wilkinson 2,734.50
Motion was made by Donald Shaw to deny the claims. Motion seconded by Robert Dove and passed unanimously.
City Manager Wengreen reported that he has not contacted the property owner regarding acquiring of property for a drainage system on 1300 South. Councilman Shaw recommended that the developers be contacted and if they are willing to give the property that we accept it. If not, contact the property owner to procure whatever is necessary. Put on the agenda next week.
City Manager Wengreen discussed the sound system; whether to get additional microphones on stands or go to neck microphones. If we stay with what we have it will take three additional mikes and eight stands. These can be used in the City Court. This would be $44.00 for the eight stands. For the additional cords, etc., it would cost an additional $468.50. If we go to the neck mikes and five stands it would cost $916.00. We need to study this and decide which way to go.
Mayor Crawford said he has used neck mikes and he doesn't think it will cost that much more. We should do more study on this before we made a decision.
The public hearing on the requested zone change from R-2 to C-3 at 800 North 100 West was held. The request was made to rezone this so that a golf driving range could be constructed.
Chal Wilberg, 861 North 100 West was present to protest the zone change. His home is directly north and he is opposed because of the safety hazard of having golf balls hit over into his yard. Also, the lighting system which would shine into his windows, the high fence, all of which would devaluate his property.
Joe Cosgrove, 856 North 100 West was present to protest because he would be facing this high fence, and also the safety hazard.
John Smith, 896 North 100 West was present to protest because of the high fence, and the hazard to the neighborhood.
Mr. Wilberg said there were three other property owners who were unable to be in attendance who are opposed. They are Richard Anderson, Doug Farley and Max Adams.
Russell Park, representing those requesting the zone change, outlined their plans. The golf driving range would be all automated and he feels would be no problem. He said he had contacted some of the property owners and they were not opposed.
Mr. Wilberg read from an ordinance stating what a C-3 zone permits. After a lengthy discussion a motion was made by Donald Shaw to deny the zone change from R-2 to C-3 at 800 North 100 West. Motion was seconded by Jack Jones and passed by a majority vote. Those voting aye: Jack Jones, Donald Shaw, Robert Dove, and Roscoe Carroll. Harley Gillman abstained from voting.
Continuation of the Budget Hearing was held. City Manager Wengreen reported that there had not been time to get the totals what with a holiday since the executive session. He had the salary schedule breakdown, but there had not been time to project the costs into the departments.
There are several items for official decision:
Add: $6,000 to W & S for contracts. $4,600 for engineering for storm drainage. Park $2,500 to be carried over from this year for finishing rest rooms on high school field. $12,775 from park land acquisition to be carried over. $15,000 which was put in before. $2,400 for cost of insurance.
Delete: $2,000 from Library Book Budget. $2,000 for part time person, Treasurer's Office. Recorder $500 on wages. Street $400 for a post hole digger. $1,000 for inspection already programmed in Inspection. $5,000 for codifying City Ordinances. $29,000 for a sanitation truck.
Mayor Crawford said there may be funds from State Highway Department, for Center Street. Russ Brown reported he didn't think it would be wise to do Center Street as two projects. We should work with the County and this is programmed to begin on July 1, 1971. The Topics Program would reduce the City's share. Funds have been programmed for study on Topics Program.
The Mayor reminded that $1,000 was added the UVIDA Program.
The City Manager reported that the report prepared by the City Recorder reflects the thinking of the Council to give the employees a 5% increment plus a $20.00 across the board cost of living raise to all employees. The total cost of this would be $36,830. Will have to wait for total figures so can make a decision.
Councilman Gillman said he felt the Council acted in haste. He feels that since we are borrowing tax anticipation we should not eliminate necessary things such as garbage trucks to give pay increases. If this trend continues in the future years our only recourse would be to continue the franchise tax and to increase taxes. In next week if Council would take a look at this they will see that this is too much on the economy of the City right now.
Mayor Crawford said that at the executive session, the Council agreed to formalize these changes so new figures could be compiled. Don Shaw said he hoped to have estimation on the proposal so we could discuss it.
Harley Gillman proposed that there be a $30.00 across the board to all employees except the Police Department who would receive $50.00.
Councilman Jones said we must keep up with the cost of living rate. He does not think we can expect to keep them below that. Councilman Gillman said we are competitive with wages for Utah County and Utah State.
Fire Chief Long said we are not comparable with others in state and he gave figures to substantiate.
A question was asked if the step increases are not based on merit. Councilman Shaw said two years ago we analyzed each employee. This year we have not done this. We have a recommendation for merit increases in the future.
After discussing this, a motion was made by Don Shaw that based on the figures given by the City Manager, the City Recorder go ahead and prepare the Budget on both plans presented per employee by department and total Budget, including the total cost of fringe benefits. Also, the figure it with $20.00 across the board. Motion was seconded by John Jones and passed unanimously.
Mayor Crawford continued hearing until next Tuesday night. Also, that the regular increment plus $20.00 be prepared rather than $30.00.
City Manager Wengreen presented the contract for the Topics Program. Motion was made by John Jones to approve the agreement and authorize the Mayor to sign. Motion was seconded by Harley Gillman and passed unanimously.
The terms of two Library Board members expired on June 30. They have both served two consecutive terms and cannot be reappointed at this time. The members are Della Clark and Boyd Davis.
There were three names recommended: Dean Farnsworth, Mrs. Leonard Toft and Tom Matson.
Motion was made by Harley Gillman to consider appointments of Library Board members for one week and have Don Shaw bring recommendation to Council Meeting. Motion was seconded by Don Shaw and passed unanimously.
Motion was made by Don Shaw to send a letter of appreciation to Della Clark and Boyd Davis for services rendered. Motion was seconded by John Jones and passed unanimously.
Bids on tax anticipation money were opened as follows:
First Security Bank 5 7/8%
Walker Bank & Trust 6.00%
Mr. Simmons of Walker Bank and Trust announced plans to build a new branch office at the bottom of the diagonal on University Avenue. He said the state law will not permit them to build in Orem at this time. However, they feel the new branch will be conveniently located for Orem residents.
Motion was made by John Jones to accept the low bid of 5 7/8% from First Security Bank. Motion was seconded by Harley Gillman and passed unanimously.