OregonStateUniversity Retirement Association
Board Meeting Minutes – Friday, February 16, 2007
Members present: Bill Brennan, Kathy Heath, Ken Krane, Shelly Houghtaling, Glenn Klein, Bobbye Koeper, Kathy Meddaugh, Mike Rainbolt and Barb Stuber. Prospective Board Members Present: Curt McCann and Bill Smart.
Members absent: David Eiseman, Nancy Evans and Erin Haynes.
President Ken Krane called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m.
Minutes of Meeting of January 19. The corrected copy of the minutes was approved as distributed.
Treasurer’s Report. OSURA Account balance is $ 5,419.19
OSURA Foundation Account balance is $10,961.85
Committee Reports
Scholarship Committee – Bill Brennan reported that there have been inquiries about the scholarship. The application was distributed widely and is on the web site. The applications are due by mail to Ron Lovell, Chair of the Committee by March 30. Ken Krane agreed to find a room or location for student interviews. A discussion about publicity was held. It was suggested that an ad in the Barometer be considered and that an article be submitted to the Gazette Times. Mike Rainbolt has experience with an electronic submission with a web site application for a scholarship. He suggested that this be considered for next year.
Member Services Committee- Bill Wilkins, Chair of the Committee will attend at 11:00 for a report.
Nominating Committee – David Eiseman, Chair submitted a written report. Barb Stuber is filling Gerry DeMoss’s term. Curt McCann, Bill Smart and Jo Anne Trow will be candidates for the three positions on the Board at the May meeting. The position of president-elect is open. Bill Smart indicated that he will consider the invitation to assume the president-elect position and Jo Anne Trow may consider this position the year after next.
Golf Committee – Bill Brennan and Glenn Klein reported. The conflict with September 5 and the OSU football game led to a proposed change in dates. September 12 and 13 were considered, however these dates conflicted with Rosh Hashanah. The committee will try to schedule the event for September 5. The committee members are Glenn Klein, Donna Gregerson, Gary Meddaugh, Tony Van Vliet, Bob Wess and Sean Arey, ex officio. Barb Stuber volunteered to be the representative of the Board on the Committee.
Old Business:
OSURA Talent Show – Kathy Meddaugh reported that after a meeting with Gale Hazel and Gary Tiedeman, a decision was made to have this event next year as there was not enough time to complete arrangements. The Majestic Theatre let us cancel and there is a possibility of getting the deposit refunded. More committee members are needed; Bobbye Koeper volunteered. Ken Krane mentioned that we might consider bringing in a group for a fund-raising activity. He is on the board for Jackson Street Youth Shelter and they are having a performance of Do Jump at CorvallisHigh School and with a sell-out, they will make $5,000. Concern was expressed about the number of fund-raising activities there are in the community, however, the talent show as a unique event should be attractive to the public.
New Business:
Program Planning – The basketball game event on February 3 was a success with 60 attendees. OSURA subsidized the cost of this activity for $423. Another activity is planned with attendance at a gymnastics meet where the full cost will be paid by the participants. Currently it is scheduled for March 16, but may be moved to March 23.
Ken Krane scheduled a tour of the OSURadiationCenteron March 12 from 10 am to noon and then a walk to West Dining Hall for lunch. Attendance is limited to a maximum of 20 people and walking and stair climbing are required. Parking should be available in the free lot, however if not, it may be possible to park at the OSU Foundation and to car pool.
Ken Krane also scheduled a tour of the Digital Music Lab at OSU led by Professor Michael Coolen of the Department of Music. Two groups of 10 each are available, one at noon and one at 12:45.
“Privacy and Security in the Internet Age” will be held in the First Interstate Room at LaSellsStewartCenter on March 14 beginning at 9:30 am. This program was canceled due to the snow storm in January.
The Healthy Aging Program is scheduled for April 25 at Good Samaritan Hospital. The group will be limited to 40 people. Susan Poole is taking the lead on this activity.
Budget Reduction – A discussion was held about the proposed budget reductions that were included in the memo from Luanne Lawrence, Vice President for University Advancement. OSURA was asked to look at budgets with 80% of current budget, 90% of current budget, current and flat funding, increase of 10%, and increase of an additional 10%. The current budget was reviewed and possible reductions discussed. Reductions in the number of newsletters might be possible as three were listed in the budget and two could be developed. Posting the newsletter on the web site was discussed. Mike Rainbolt has experience in this and has found it to be very functional for his organization. It was agreed by all that the University account is very important as it heavily used for printing,copying, postage and mailing. Ken Krane will develop a response to this memo and send it to Luanne Lawrence.
Honoraria for Speakers and Committee Budgets – Bill Wilkins, Chair of the Member Services Committee appeared before the Board to make the case for offering an honorarium for a speaker and having a budget for the committee to use. This newly- created committee has the following members: Al Mukatis, Gary Tiedeman, Maggie Niess, Peter Bloome, Sandra Helmick, and Steve Davis. The basic charge of the committee is to provide an intellectual series to members. The first program, “Privacy and Security in the Computer Age”, was iced out and has been rescheduled on March 14 from 9:30 -11:30 in the First Interstate Room at LaSellsStewartCenter. The Committee saw the need for a budget as they planned to make coffee and tea available. Sandra Helmick requested that there be a $150 honorarium to the non-profit agency helping with the program. The committee discussed a policy for awarding an honorarium. It would neverinclude a state employee or someone whose profession might be advanced. The fall meeting on estate planning would not include an honorarium nor would the PERS program scheduled for April during late afternoon in Withycombe Auditorium. Bill Wilkins proposed that with four programs a budget of $750 - $1000 would be more than adequate. The OSURA treasurer could decide what account would be used.The committee budget will be considered in developing the OSURA budget next year.
A discussion was held on the proposal of giving an honorarium. Mike Rainbolt expressed the concern that this might set a precedent. Kathy Meddaugh stated that Human Resources employees representing the University do not receive funding, however if they are outside their duties, an honorarium is all right.Bill Brennan moved that a $150 honorarium be approved for this speaker. Barb Stuber seconded. Motion approved with 6 yes, 1 no and no abstentions. Motion carried.
Annual Meeting. The annual meeting will be held on May 9 from 3:00 pm.-5:00 pm.at theValleyFootballCenter. Parking was discussed as this could be a problem. It was agreed that “Outspoken” be contacted for entertainment. Shelly Houghtaling will follow up with this. Ken Krane will schedule President Ed Ray and Vice President Luanne Lawrence. He also will ask Marilyn Sarff to help with the arrangements. It was suggested that more fruit and less brownies be on the menu.
Meeting adjourned at 11:42.
The next meeting will be Friday, March 16 at 10:00 a.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Kathy Heath
Interim Secretary